2. The Charm++ Parallel Programming System

2.1. Basic Concepts

Charm++ is a C++-based parallel programming system, founded on the migratable-objects programming model, and supported by a novel and powerful adaptive runtime system. It supports both irregular as well as regular applications, and can be used to specify task-parallelism as well as data parallelism in a single application. It automates dynamic load balancing for task-parallel as well as data-parallel applications, via separate suites of load-balancing strategies. Via its message-driven execution model, it supports automatic latency tolerance, modularity and parallel composition. Charm++ also supports automatic checkpoint/restart, as well as fault tolerance based on distributed checkpoints.

Charm++ is a production-quality parallel programming system used by multiple applications in science and engineering on supercomputers as well as smaller clusters around the world. Currently the parallel platforms supported by Charm++ are OpenPOWER systems, Cray XE, XK, and XC systems, Omni-Path and Infiniband clusters, single workstations and networks of workstations (including x86 (running Linux, Windows, MacOS)), etc. The communication protocols and infrastructures supported by Charm++ are UDP, MPI, OFI, UCX, Infiniband, uGNI, and PAMI. Charm++ programs can run without changing the source on all these platforms. Charm++ programs can also interoperate with MPI programs (Section 2.3.15). Please see the Installation and Usage section for details about installing, compiling and running Charm++ programs (Section 2.6.1).

2.1.1. Programming Model

The key feature of the migratable-objects programming model is over-decomposition: The programmer decomposes the program into a large number of work units and data units, and specifies the computation in terms of creation of and interactions between these units, without any direct reference to the processor on which any unit resides. This empowers the runtime system to assign units to processors, and to change the assignment at runtime as necessary. Charm++ is the main (and early) exemplar of this programming model. AMPI is another example within the Charm++ family of the same model.

2.1.2. Execution Model

A basic unit of parallel computation in Charm++ programs is a chare. A chare is similar to a process, an actor, an ADA task, etc. At its most basic level, it is just a C++ object. A Charm++ computation consists of a large number of chares distributed on available processors of the system, and interacting with each other via asynchronous method invocations. Asynchronously invoking a method on a remote object can also be thought of as sending a “message” to it. So, these method invocations are sometimes referred to as messages. (besides, in the implementation, the method invocations are packaged as messages anyway). Chares can be created dynamically.

Conceptually, the system maintains a “work-pool” consisting of seeds for new chares, and messages for existing chares. The Charm++ runtime system ( Charm RTS) may pick multiple items, non-deterministically, from this pool and execute them, with the proviso that two different methods cannot be simultaneously executing on the same chare object (say, on different processors). Although one can define a reasonable theoretical operational semantics of Charm++ in this fashion, a more practical description of execution is useful to understand Charm++. A Charm++ application’s execution is distributed among Processing Elements (PEs), which are OS threads or processes depending on the selected Charm++ build options. (See section 2.1.4 for a precise description.) On each PE, there is a scheduler operating with its own private pool of messages. Each instantiated chare has one PE which is where it currently resides. The pool on each PE includes messages meant for Chares residing on that PE, and seeds for new Chares that are tentatively meant to be instantiated on that PE. The scheduler picks a message, creates a new chare if the message is a seed (i.e. a constructor invocation) for a new Chare, and invokes the method specified by the message. When the method returns control back to the scheduler, it repeats the cycle. I.e. there is no pre-emptive scheduling of other invocations.

When a chare method executes, it may create method invocations for other chares. The Charm Runtime System (RTS) locates the PE where the targeted chare resides, and delivers the invocation to the scheduler on that PE.

Methods of a chare that can be remotely invoked are called entry methods. Entry methods may take serializable parameters, or a pointer to a message object. Since chares can be created on remote processors, obviously some constructor of a chare needs to be an entry method. Ordinary entry methods [1] are completely non-preemptive- Charm++ will not interrupt an executing method to start any other work, and all calls made are asynchronous.

Charm++ provides dynamic seed-based load balancing. Thus location (processor number) need not be specified while creating a remote chare. The Charm RTS will then place the remote chare on a suitable processor. Thus one can imagine chare creation as generating only a seed for the new chare, which may take root on some specific processor at a later time.

Chares can be grouped into collections. The types of collections of chares supported in Charm++ are: chare-arrays, chare-groups, and chare-nodegroups, referred to as arrays, groups, and nodegroups throughout this manual for brevity. A Chare-array is a collection of an arbitrary number of migratable chares, indexed by some index type, and mapped to processors according to a user-defined map group. A group (nodegroup) is a collection of chares, with exactly one member element on each PE (“node”).

Charm++ does not allow global variables, except readonly variables (see A chare can normally only access its own data directly. However, each chare is accessible by a globally valid name. So, one can think of Charm++ as supporting a global object space.

Every Charm++ program must have at least one mainchare. Each mainchare is created by the system on processor 0 when the Charm++ program starts up. Execution of a Charm++ program begins with the Charm RTS constructing all the designated mainchares. For a mainchare named X, execution starts at constructor X() or X(CkArgMsg *) which are equivalent. Typically, the mainchare constructor starts the computation by creating arrays, other chares, and groups. It can also be used to initialize shared readonly objects.

Charm++ program execution is terminated by the CkExit call. Like the exit system call, CkExit never returns, and it optionally accepts an integer value to specify the exit code that is returned to the calling shell. If no exit code is specified, a value of zero (indicating successful execution) is returned. The Charm RTS ensures that no more messages are processed and no entry methods are called after a CkExit. CkExit need not be called on all processors; it is enough to call it from just one processor at the end of the computation.

As described so far, the execution of individual Chares is “reactive”: When method A is invoked the chare executes this code, and so on. But very often, chares have specific life-cycles, and the sequence of entry methods they execute can be specified in a structured manner, while allowing for some localized non-determinism (e.g. a pair of methods may execute in any order, but when they both finish, the execution continues in a pre-determined manner, say executing a 3rd entry method). To simplify expression of such control structures, Charm++ provides two methods: the structured dagger notation (Section 2.2.4), which is the main notation we recommend you use. Alternatively, you may use threaded entry methods, in combination with futures and sync methods (See The threaded methods run in light-weight user-level threads, and can block waiting for data in a variety of ways. Again, only the particular thread of a particular chare is blocked, while the PE continues executing other chares.

The normal entry methods, being asynchronous, are not allowed to return any value, and are declared with a void return type. However, the sync methods are an exception to this. They must be called from a threaded method, and so are allowed to return (certain types of) values.

2.1.3. Proxies and the charm interface file

To support asynchronous method invocation and global object space, the RTS needs to be able to serialize (“marshall”) the parameters, and be able to generate global “names” for chares. For this purpose, programmers have to declare the chare classes and the signature of their entry methods in a special “.ci” file, called an interface file. Other than the interface file, the rest of a Charm++ program consists of just normal C++ code. The system generates several classes based on the declarations in the interface file, including “Proxy” classes for each chare class. Those familiar with various component models (such as CORBA) in the distributed computing world will recognize “proxy” to be a dummy, standin entity that refers to an actual entity. For each chare type, a “proxy” class exists. The methods of this “proxy” class correspond to the remote methods of the actual class, and act as “forwarders”. That is, when one invokes a method on a proxy to a remote object, the proxy marshalls the parameters into a message, puts adequate information about the target chare on the envelope of the message, and forwards it to the remote object. Individual chares, chare array, groups, node-groups, as well as the individual elements of these collections have a such a proxy. Multiple methods for obtaining such proxies are described in the manual. Proxies for each type of entity in Charm++ have some differences among the features they support, but the basic syntax and semantics remain the same - that of invoking methods on the remote object by invoking methods on proxies.

The following sections provide detailed information about various features of the Charm++ programming system. Part I, “Basic Usage”, is sufficient for writing full-fledged applications. Note that only the last two chapters of this part involve the notion of physical processors (cores, nodes, ..), with the exception of simple query-type utilities (Section We strongly suggest that all application developers, beginners and experts alike, try to stick to the basic language to the extent possible, and use features from the advanced sections only when you are convinced they are essential. (They are useful in specific situations; but a common mistake we see when we examine programs written by beginners is the inclusion of complex features that are not necessary for their purpose. Hence the caution). The advanced concepts in the Part II of the manual support optimizations, convenience features, and more complex or sophisticated features. [2]

2.1.4. Machine Model

At its basic level, Charm++ machine model is very simple: Think of each chare as a separate processor by itself. The methods of each chare can access its own instance variables (which are all private, at this level), and any global variables declared as readonly. It also has access to the names of all other chares (the “global object space”), but all that it can do with that is to send asynchronous remote method invocations towards other chare objects. (Of course, the instance variables can include as many other regular C++ objects that it “has”; but no chare objects. It can only have references to other chare objects).

In accordance with this vision, the first part of the manual (up to and including the chapter on load balancing) has almost no mention of entities with physical meanings (cores, nodes, etc.). The runtime system is responsible for the magic of keeping closely communicating objects on nearby physical locations, and optimizing communications within chares on the same node or core by exploiting the physically available shared memory. The programmer does not have to deal with this at all. The only exception to this pure model in the basic part are the functions used for finding out which “processor” an object is running on, and for finding how many total processors are there.

However, for implementing lower level libraries, and certain optimizations, programmers need to be aware of processors. In any case, it is useful to understand how the Charm++ implementation works under the hood. So, we describe the machine model, and some associated terminology here.

In terms of physical resources, we assume the parallel machine consists of one or more nodes, where a node is a largest unit over which cache coherent shared memory is feasible (and therefore, the maximal set of cores per which a single process can run. Each node may include one or more processor chips, with shared or private caches between them. Each chip may contain multiple cores, and each core may support multiple hardware threads (SMT for example).

Charm++ recognizes two logical entities: a PE (processing element) and a logical node, or simply “node”. In a Charm++ program, a PE is a unit of mapping and scheduling: each PE has a scheduler with an associated pool of messages. Each chare is assumed to reside on one PE at a time. A logical node is implemented as an OS process. In non-SMP mode there is no distinction between a PE and a logical node. Otherwise, a PE takes the form of an OS thread, and a logical node may contain one or more PEs. Physical nodes may be partitioned into one or more logical nodes. Since PEs within a logical node share the same memory address space, the Charm++ runtime system optimizes communication between them by using shared memory. Depending on the runtime command-line parameters, a PE may optionally be associated with a subset of cores or hardware threads.

A Charm++ program can be launched with one or more (logical) nodes per physical node. For example, on a machine with a four-core processor, where each core has two hardware threads, common configurations in non-SMP mode would be one node per core (four nodes/PEs total) or one node per hardware thread (eight nodes/PEs total). In SMP mode, the most common choice to fully subscribe the physical node would be one logical node containing seven PEs-one OS thread is set aside per process for network communications. (When built in the “multicore” mode that lacks network support, a comm thread is unnecessary, and eight PEs can be used in this case. A comm thread is also omitted when using some high-performance network layers such as PAMI.) Alternatively, one can choose to partition the physical node into multiple logical nodes, each containing multiple PEs. One example would be three PEs per logical node and two logical nodes per physical node, again reserving a comm thread per logical node.

It is not a general practice in Charm++ to oversubscribe the underlying physical cores or hardware threads on each node. In other words, a Charm++ program is usually not launched with more PEs than there are physical cores or hardware threads allocated to it. More information about these launch time options are provided in Appendix 2.6.3. And utility functions to retrieve the information about those Charm++ logical machine entities in user programs can be referred in section

2.2. Basic Charm++ Programming

2.2.1. Program Structure, Compilation and Utilities

A Charm++ program is essentially a C++ program where some components describe its parallel structure. Sequential code can be written using any programming technologies that cooperate with the C++ toolchain. This includes C and Fortran. Parallel entities in the user’s code are written in C++. These entities interact with the Charm++ framework via inherited classes and function calls. Charm++ Interface (.ci) Files

All user program components that comprise its parallel interface (such as messages, chares, entry methods, etc.) are granted this elevated status by declaring them in separate charm++ interface description files. These files have a .ci suffix and adopt a C++-like declaration syntax with several additional keywords. In some declaration contexts, they may also contain some sequential C++ source code. Charm++ parses these interface descriptions and generates C++ code (base classes, utility classes, wrapper functions etc.) that facilitates the interaction of the user program’s entities with the framework. A program may have several interface description files. Syntax Highlighting of .ci Files Vim

To enable syntax highlighting of .ci files in Vim, do the following:

$ cp charm/contrib/ci.vim ~/.vim/syntax/.
$ vim ~/.vim/filetype.vim

And paste the following line in that file:

au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.ci set filetype=ci Sublime Text

Syntax highlighting in Sublime Text (version 3 or newer) can be enabled by installing the Charmci package through Package Control. Emacs

Syntax highlighting in Emacs can be enabled by triggering C++ handling on the .ci file extension by adding the following line to your .emacs file.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ci\\'" . c++-mode)) Pygments

Pygments supports syntax highlighting of .ci files starting with version 2.4.0, when setting charmci as the highlighting language, or automatically for files with the .ci filename extension. Modules

The top-level construct in a ci file is a named container for interface declarations called a module. Modules allow related declarations to be grouped together, and cause generated code for these declarations to be grouped into files named after the module. Modules cannot be nested, but each ci file can have several modules. Modules are specified using the keyword module. A module name must be a valid C++ identifier.

module myFirstModule {
    // Parallel interface declarations go here
}; Generated Files

Each module present in a ci file is parsed to generate two files. The basename of these files is the same as the name of the module and their suffixes are .decl.h and .def.h. For e.g., the module defined earlier will produce the files “myFirstModule.decl.h” and “myFirstModule.def.h”. As the suffixes indicate, they contain the declarations and definitions respectively, of all the classes and functions that are generated based on the parallel interface description.

We recommend that the header file containing the declarations (decl.h) be included at the top of the files that contain the declarations or definitions of the user program entities mentioned in the corresponding module. The def.h is not actually a header file because it contains definitions for the generated entities. To avoid multiple definition errors, it should be compiled into just one object file. A convention we find useful is to place the def.h file at the bottom of the source file (.C, .cpp, .cc etc.) which includes the definitions of the corresponding user program entities.

It should be noted that the generated files have no dependence on the name of the ci file, but only on the names of the modules. This can make automated dependency-based build systems slightly more complicated. Module Dependencies

A module may depend on the parallel entities declared in another module. It can express this dependency using the extern keyword. extern ed modules do not have to be present in the same ci file.

module mySecondModule {

    // Entities in this module depend on those declared in another module
    extern module myFirstModule;

    // More parallel interface declarations

The extern keyword places an include statement for the decl.h file of the extern ed module in the generated code of the current module. Hence, decl.h files generated from extern ed modules are required during the compilation of the source code for the current module. This is usually required anyway because of the dependencies between user program entities across the two modules. The Main Module and Reachable Modules

Charm++ software can contain several module definitions from several independently developed libraries / components. However, the user program must specify exactly one module as containing the starting point of the program’s execution. This module is called the mainmodule. Every Charm++ program has to contain precisely one mainmodule.

All modules that are “reachable” from the mainmodule via a chain of extern ed module dependencies are included in a Charm++ program. More precisely, during program execution, the Charm++ runtime system will recognize only the user program entities that are declared in reachable modules. The decl.h and def.h files may be generated for other modules, but the runtime system is not aware of entities declared in such unreachable modules.

module A {

module B {
    extern module A;

module C {
    extern module A;

module D {
    extern module B;

module E {

mainmodule M {
    extern module C;
    extern module D;
    // Only modules A, B, C and D are reachable and known to the runtime system
    // Module E is unreachable via any chain of externed modules
}; Including other headers

There can be occasions where code generated from the module definitions requires other declarations / definitions in the user program’s sequential code. Usually, this can be achieved by placing such user code before the point of inclusion of the decl.h file. However, this can become laborious if the decl.h file has to included in several places. Charm++ supports the keyword include in ci files to permit the inclusion of any header directly into the generated decl.h files.

module A {
    include "myUtilityClass.h"; //< Note the semicolon
    // Interface declarations that depend on myUtilityClass

module B {
    include "someUserTypedefs.h";
    // Interface declarations that require user typedefs

module C {
    extern module A;
    extern module B;
    // The user includes will be indirectly visible here too
}; The main() function

The Charm++ framework implements its own main function and retains control until the parallel execution environment is initialized and ready for executing user code. Hence, the user program must not define a main() function. Control enters the user code via the mainchare of the mainmodule. This will be discussed in further detail in 2.1.2.

Using the facilities described thus far, the parallel interface declarations for a Charm++ program can be spread across multiple ci files and multiple modules, permitting good control over the grouping and export of parallel API. This aids the encapsulation of parallel software. Compiling Charm++ Programs

Charm++ provides a compiler-wrapper called charmc that handles all ci, C, C++ and Fortran source files that are part of a user program. Users can invoke charmc to parse their interface descriptions, compile source code and link objects into binaries. It also links against the appropriate set of charm framework objects and libraries while producing a binary. charmc and its functionality is described in 2.6.2. Utility Functions

The following calls provide basic rank information and utilities useful when running a Charm++ program.

void CkAssert(int expression) Aborts the program if expression is 0.

void CkAbort(const char *format, ...) Causes the program to abort, printing the given error message. Supports printf-style formatting. This function never returns.

void CkExit() This call informs the Charm RTS that computation on all processors should terminate. This routine never returns, so any code after the call to CkExit() inside the function that calls it will not execute. Other processors will continue executing until they receive notification to stop, so it is a good idea to ensure through synchronization that all useful work has finished before calling CkExit().

double CkWallTimer() Returns the elapsed wall time since the start of execution in seconds. Information about Logical Machine Entities

As described in section 2.1.4, Charm++ recognizes two logical machine entities: “node” and PE (processing element). The following functions provide basic information about such logical machine that a Charm++ program runs on. PE and “node” are numbered starting from zero.

int CkNumPes() Returns the total number of PEs across all nodes.

int CkMyPe() Returns the index of the PE on which the call was made.

int CkNumNodes() Returns the total number of logical Charm++ nodes.

int CkMyNode() Returns the index of the “node” on which the call was made.

int CkMyRank() Returns the rank number of the PE on a “node” on which the call was made. PEs within a “node” are also ranked starting from zero.

int CkNodeFirst(int nd) Returns the index of the first PE on the logical node \(nd\).

int CkNodeSize(int nd) Returns the number of PEs on the logical node \(nd\) on which the call was made.

int CkNodeOf(int pe) Returns the “node” number that PE \(pe\) belongs to.

int CkRankOf(int pe) Returns the rank of the given PE within its node. Terminal I/O

Charm++ provides both C and C++ style methods of doing terminal I/O.

In place of C-style printf and scanf, Charm++ provides CkPrintf and CkScanf. These functions have interfaces that are identical to their C counterparts, but there are some differences in their behavior that should be mentioned.

Charm++ also supports all forms of printf, cout, etc. in addition to the special forms shown below. The special forms below are still useful, however, since they obey well-defined (but still lax) ordering requirements.

int CkPrintf(format [, arg]*) This call is used for atomic terminal output. Its usage is similar to printf in C. However, CkPrintf has some special properties that make it more suited for parallel programming. CkPrintf routes all terminal output to a single end point which prints the output. This guarantees that the output for a single call to CkPrintf will be printed completely without being interleaved with other calls to CkPrintf. Note that CkPrintf is implemented using an asynchronous send, meaning that the call to CkPrintf returns immediately after the message has been sent, and most likely before the message has actually been received, processed, and displayed. As such, there is no guarantee of order in which the output for concurrent calls to CkPrintf is printed. Imposing such an order requires proper synchronization between the calls to CkPrintf in the parallel application.

void CkError(format [, arg]*)) Like CkPrintf, but used to print error messages on stderr.

int CkScanf(format [, arg]*) This call is used for atomic terminal input. Its usage is similar to scanf in C. A call to CkScanf, unlike CkPrintf, blocks all execution on the processor it is called from, and returns only after all input has been retrieved.

For C++ style stream-based I/O, Charm++ offers ckout and ckerr in place of cout and cerr. The C++ streams and their Charm++ equivalents are related in the same manner as printf and scanf are to CkPrintf and CkScanf. The Charm++ streams are all used through the same interface as the C++ streams, and all behave in a slightly different way, just like C-style I/O.

2.2.2. Basic Syntax Entry Methods

Member functions in the user program which function as entry methods have to be defined in public scope within the class definition. Entry methods typically do not return data and have a “void” return type. An entry method with the same name as its enclosing class is a constructor entry method and is used to create or spawn chare objects during execution. Class member functions are annotated as entry methods by declaring them in the interface file as:

entry void Entry1(parameters);

Parameters is either a list of serializable parameters, (e.g., “int i, double x”), or a message type (e.g., “MyMessage *msg”). Since parameters get marshalled into a message before being sent across the network, in this manual we use “message” to mean either a message type or a set of marshalled parameters.

Messages are lower level, more efficient, more flexible to use than parameter marshalling.

For example, a chare could have this entry method declaration in the interface (.ci) file:

entry void foo(int i,int k);

Then invoking foo(2,3) on the chare proxy will eventually invoke foo(2,3) on the chare object.

Since Charm++ runs on distributed memory machines, we cannot pass an array via a pointer in the usual C++ way. Instead, we must specify the length of the array in the interface file, as:

entry void bar(int n,double arr[n]);

Since C++ does not recognize this syntax, the array data must be passed to the chare proxy as a simple pointer. The array data will be copied and sent to the destination processor, where the chare will receive the copy via a simple pointer again. The remote copy of the data will be kept until the remote method returns, when it will be freed. This means any modifications made locally after the call will not be seen by the remote chare; and the remote chare’s modifications will be lost after the remote method returns- Charm++ always uses call-by-value, even for arrays and structures.

This also means the data must be copied on the sending side, and to be kept must be copied again at the receive side. Especially for large arrays, this is less efficient than messages, as described in the next section.

Array parameters and other parameters can be combined in arbitrary ways, as:

entry void doLine(float data[n],int n);
entry void doPlane(float data[n*n],int n);
entry void doSpace(int n,int m,int o,float data[n*m*o]);
entry void doGeneral(int nd,int dims[nd],float data[product(dims,nd)]);

The array length expression between the square brackets can be any valid C++ expression, including a fixed constant, and may depend in any manner on any of the passed parameters or even on global functions or global data. The array length expression is evaluated exactly once per invocation, on the sending side only. Thus executing the doGeneral method above will invoke the (user-defined) product function exactly once on the sending processor. Marshalling User-Defined Structures and Classes

The marshalling system uses the pup framework to copy data, meaning every user class that is marshalled needs either a pup routine, a “PUPbytes” declaration, or a working operator|. See the PUP description in Section 2.2.5 for more details on these routines.

Any user-defined types in the argument list must be declared before including the “.decl.h” file. Any user-defined types must be fully defined before the entry method declaration that consumes it. This is typically done by including the header defining the type in the .ci file. Alternatively, one may define it before including the .decl.h file. As usual in C, it is often dramatically more efficient to pass a large structure by reference than by value.

As an example, refer to the following code from examples/charm++/PUP/HeapPUP:

// In HeapObject.h:

class HeapObject {
  int publicInt;

  // ... other methods ...

  void pup(PUP::er &p) {
    // remember to pup your superclass if there is one
    if (p.isUnpacking())
      data = new float[publicInt];
    PUParray(p, data, publicInt);

  bool privateBool;
  float *data;

// In SimplePup.ci:

mainmodule SimplePUP {
  include "HeapObject.h";

  // ... other Chare declarations ...

  array [1D] SimpleArray{
    entry SimpleArray();
    entry void acceptData(HeapObject &inData);

// In SimplePup.h:

#include "SimplePUP.decl.h"

// ... other definitions ...

class SimpleArray : public CBase_SimpleArray {
  void acceptData(HeapObject &inData) {
    // ... code using marshalled parameter ...

// In SimplePup.C:

#include "SimplePUP.h"

main::main(CkArgMsg *m)
  // normal object construction
  HeapObject exampleObject(... parameters ...);

  // normal chare array construction
  CProxy_SimpleArray simpleProxy = CProxy_SimpleArray::ckNew(30);

  // pass object to remote method invocation on the chare array

#include "SimplePUP.def.h" Chare Objects

Chares are concurrent objects with methods that can be invoked remotely. These methods are known as entry methods. All chares must have a constructor that is an entry method, and may have any number of other entry methods. All chare classes and their entry methods are declared in the interface (.ci) file:

chare ChareType
    entry ChareType(parameters1);
    entry void EntryMethodName(parameters2);

Although it is declared in an interface file, a chare is a C++ object and must have a normal C++ implementation (definition) in addition. A chare class ChareType must inherit from the class CBase_ChareType, which is a special class that is generated by the Charm++ translator from the interface file. Note that C++ namespace constructs can be used in the interface file, as demonstrated in examples/charm++/namespace.

To be concrete, the C++ definition of the chare above might have the following definition in a .h file:

class ChareType : public CBase_ChareType {
    // Data and member functions as in C++
        void EntryMethodName2(parameters2);

Each chare encapsulates data associated with medium-grained units of work in a parallel application. Chares can be dynamically created on any processor; there may be thousands of chares on a processor. The location of a chare is usually determined by the dynamic load balancing strategy. However, once a chare commences execution on a processor, it does not migrate to other processors [3]. Chares do not have a default “thread of control”: the entry methods in a chare execute in a message driven fashion upon the arrival of a message [4].

The entry method definition specifies a function that is executed without interruption when a message is received and scheduled for processing. Only one message per chare is processed at a time. Entry methods are defined exactly as normal C++ function members, except that they must have the return value void (except for the constructor entry method which may not have a return value, and for a synchronous entry method, which is invoked by a threaded method in a remote chare). Each entry method can either take no arguments, take a list of arguments that the runtime system can automatically pack into a message and send (see section, or take a single argument that is a pointer to a Charm++ message (see section

A chare’s entry methods can be invoked via proxies (see section 2.1.3). Proxies to a chare of type chareType have type CProxy_chareType. By inheriting from the CBase parent class, each chare gets a thisProxy member variable, which holds a proxy to itself. This proxy can be sent to other chares, allowing them to invoke entry methods on this chare. Chare Creation

Once you have declared and defined a chare class, you will want to create some chare objects to use. Chares are created by the ckNew method, which is a static method of the chare’s proxy class:

CProxy_chareType::ckNew(parameters, int destPE);

The parameters correspond to the parameters of the chare’s constructor. Even if the constructor takes several arguments, all of the arguments should be passed in order to ckNew. If the constructor takes no arguments, the parameters are omitted. By default, the new chare’s location is determined by the runtime system. However, this can be overridden by passing a value for destPE, which specifies the PE where the chare will be created.

The chare creation method deposits the seed for a chare in a pool of seeds and returns immediately. The chare will be created later on some processor, as determined by the dynamic load balancing strategy (or by destPE). When a chare is created, it is initialized by calling its constructor entry method with the parameters specified by ckNew.

Suppose we have declared a chare class C with a constructor that takes two arguments, an int and a double.

  1. This will create a new chare of type C on any processor and return a proxy to that chare:

    CProxy_C chareProxy = CProxy_C::ckNew(1, 10.0);
  2. This will create a new chare of type C on processor destPE and return a proxy to that chare:

    CProxy_C chareProxy = CProxy_C::ckNew(1, 10.0, destPE);

For an example of chare creation in a full application, see examples/charm++/fib in the Charm++ software distribution, which calculates Fibonacci numbers in parallel. Method Invocation on Chares

A message may be sent to a chare through a proxy object using the notation:


This invokes the entry method EntryMethod on the chare referred to by the proxy chareProxy. This call is asynchronous and non-blocking; it returns immediately after sending the message. Local Access

You can get direct access to a local chare using the proxy’s ckLocal method, which returns an ordinary C++ pointer to the chare if it exists on the local processor, and NULL otherwise.

C *c=chareProxy.ckLocal();
if (c==NULL) {
    // object is remote; send message
} else {
    // object is local; directly use members and methods of c
} Read-only Data

Since Charm++ does not allow global variables, it provides a special mechanism for sharing data amongst all objects. Read-only variables of simple data types or compound data types including messages and arrays are used to share information that is obtained only after the program begins execution and does not change after they are initialized in the dynamic scope of the main function of the mainchare. They are broadcast to every Charm++ Node (process) by the Charm++ runtime, and can be accessed in the same way as C++ “global” variables on any process. Compound data structures containing pointers can be made available as read-only variables using read-only messages(see section or read-only arrays(see section 2.2.3). Note that memory has to be allocated for read-only messages by using new to create the message in the main function of the mainchare.

Read-only variables are declared by using the type modifier readonly, which is similar to const in C++. Read-only data is specified in the .ci file (the interface file) as:

readonly Type ReadonlyVarName;

The variable ReadonlyVarName is declared to be a read-only variable of type Type. Type must be a single token and not a type expression.

readonly message MessageType *ReadonlyMsgName;

The variable ReadonlyMsgName is declared to be a read-only message of type MessageType. Pointers are not allowed to be readonly variables unless they are pointers to message types. In this case, the message will be initialized on every PE.

readonly Type ReadonlyArrayName [arraysize];

The variable ReadonlyArrayName is declared to be a read-only array of type Type with arraysize elements. Type must be a single token and not a type expression. The value of arraysize must be known at compile time.

Read-only variables must be declared either as global or as public class static data in the C/C++ implementation files, and these declarations have the usual form:

Type ReadonlyVarName;
MessageType *ReadonlyMsgName;
Type ReadonlyArrayName [arraysize];

Similar declarations preceded by extern would appear in the .h file.

Note: The current Charm++ translator cannot prevent assignments to read-only variables. The user must make sure that no assignments occur in the program outside of the mainchare constructor.

For concrete examples for using read-only variables, please refer to examples such as examples/charm++/array and examples/charm++/gaussSeidel3D.

Users can get the same functionality of readonly variables by making such variables members of Charm++ Node Group objects and constructing the Node Group in the mainchare’s main routine.

2.2.3. Chare Arrays

Chare arrays are arbitrarily-sized, possibly-sparse collections of chares that are distributed across the processors. The entire array has a globally unique identifier of type CkArrayID, and each element has a unique index of type CkArrayIndex. A CkArrayIndex can be a single integer (i.e. a one-dimensional array), several integers (i.e. a multi-dimensional array), or an arbitrary string of bytes (e.g. a binary tree index).

Array elements can be dynamically created and destroyed on any PE, migrated between PEs, and messages for the elements will still arrive properly. Array elements can be migrated at any time, allowing arrays to be efficiently load balanced. A chare array (or a subset of array elements) can receive a broadcast/multicast or contribute to a reduction.

An example program can be found here: examples/charm++/array. Declaring a One-dimensional Array

You can declare a one-dimensional (1D) chare array as:

//In the .ci file:
array [1D] A {
  entry A(parameters1);
  entry void someEntry(parameters2);

Array elements extend the system class CBase_ClassName, inheriting several fields:

  • thisProxy: the proxy to the entire chare array that can be indexed to obtain a proxy to a specific array element (e.g. for a 1D chare array thisProxy[10]; for a 2D chare array thisProxy(10, 20))

  • thisArrayID: the array’s globally unique identifier

  • thisIndex: the element’s array index (an array element can obtain a proxy to itself like this thisProxy[thisIndex])

class A : public CBase_A {

    void someEntry(parameters2);

Note that A must have a migration constructor if it is to be migratable. The migration constructor is typically empty:

//In the .C file:
  //... constructor code ...

  // ... code for someEntry ...

See the section on migratable array elements for more information on the migration constructor that takes CkMigrateMessage * as the argument. Declaring Multi-dimensional Arrays

Charm++ supports multi-dimensional or user-defined indices. These array types can be declared as:

//In the .ci file:
array [1D]  ArrayA { entry ArrayA(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [2D]  ArrayB { entry ArrayB(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [3D]  ArrayC { entry ArrayC(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [4D]  ArrayD { entry ArrayD(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [5D]  ArrayE { entry ArrayE(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [6D]  ArrayF { entry ArrayF(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [Foo] ArrayG { entry ArrayG(); entry void e(parameters);}
array [Bar<3>] ArrayH { entry ArrayH(); entry void e(parameters);}

The declaration of ArrayG expects an array index of type CkArrayIndexFoo, which must be defined before including the .decl.h file (see section on user-defined array indices for more information).

//In the .h file:
class ArrayA : public CBase_ArrayA { public: ArrayA(){} ...};
class ArrayB : public CBase_ArrayB { public: ArrayB(){} ...};
class ArrayC : public CBase_ArrayC { public: ArrayC(){} ...};
class ArrayD : public CBase_ArrayD { public: ArrayD(){} ...};
class ArrayE : public CBase_ArrayE { public: ArrayE(){} ...};
class ArrayF : public CBase_ArrayF { public: ArrayF(){} ...};
class ArrayG : public CBase_ArrayG { public: ArrayG(){} ...};
class ArrayH : public CBase_ArrayH { public: ArrayH(){} ...};

The fields in thisIndex are different depending on the dimensionality of the chare array:

  • 1D array: thisIndex

  • 2D array (\(x\),\(y\)): thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y

  • 3D array (\(x\),\(y\),\(z\)): thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y, thisIndex.z

  • 4D array (\(w\),\(x\),\(y\),\(z\)): thisIndex.w, thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y, thisIndex.z

  • 5D array (\(v\),\(w\),\(x\),\(y\),\(z\)): thisIndex.v, thisIndex.w, thisIndex.x, thisIndex.y, thisIndex.z

  • 6D array (\(x_1\),\(y_1\),\(z_1\),\(x_2\),\(y_2\),\(z_2\)): thisIndex.x1, thisIndex.y1, thisIndex.z1, thisIndex.x2, thisIndex.y2, thisIndex.z2

  • Foo array: thisIndex

  • Bar<3> array: thisIndex Creating an Array

An array is created using the CProxy_Array::ckNew routine, which must be called from PE 0. To create an array from any PE, asynchronous array creation using a callback can be used. See section for asynchronous array creation. CProxy_Array::ckNew returns a proxy object, which can be kept, copied, or sent in messages. The following creates a 1D array containing elements indexed (0, 1, …, dimX-1):

CProxy_ArrayA a1 = CProxy_ArrayA::ckNew(params, dimX);

Likewise, a dense multidimensional array can be created by passing the extents at creation time to ckNew.

CProxy_ArrayB a2 = CProxy_ArrayB::ckNew(params, dimX, dimY);
CProxy_ArrayC a3 = CProxy_ArrayC::ckNew(params, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
CProxy_ArrayD a4 = CProxy_ArrayC::ckNew(params, dimW, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
CProxy_ArrayE a5 = CProxy_ArrayC::ckNew(params, dimV, dimW, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
CProxy_ArrayF a6 = CProxy_ArrayC::ckNew(params, dimX1, dimY1, dimZ1, dimX2, dimY2, dimZ2);

For user-defined arrays, this functionality cannot be used. The array elements must be inserted individually as described in section

During creation, the constructor is invoked on each array element. For more options when creating the array, see section Entry Method Invocation

To obtain a proxy to a specific element in chare array, the chare array proxy (e.g. thisProxy) must be indexed by the appropriate index call depending on the dimensionality of the array:

  • 1D array, to obtain a proxy to element \(i\): thisProxy[\(i\)] or thisProxy(\(i\))

  • 2D array, to obtain a proxy to element \((i,j)\): thisProxy(\(i\),\(j\))

  • 3D array, to obtain a proxy to element \((i,j,k)\): thisProxy(\(i\),\(j\),\(k\))

  • 4D array, to obtain a proxy to element \((i,j,k,l)\): thisProxy(\(i\),\(j\),\(k\),\(l\))

  • 5D array, to obtain a proxy to element \((i,j,k,l,m)\): thisProxy(\(i\),\(j\),\(k\),\(l\),\(m\))

  • 6D array, to obtain a proxy to element \((i,j,k,l,m,n)\): thisProxy(\(i\),\(j\),\(k\),\(l\),\(m\),\(n\))

  • User-defined array, to obtain a proxy to element \(i\): thisProxy[\(i\)] or thisProxy(\(i\))

To send a message to an array element, index the proxy and call the method name:


You may invoke methods on array elements that have not yet been created. The Charm++ runtime system will buffer the message until the element is created. [5]

Messages are not guaranteed to be delivered in order. For instance, if a method is invoked on method A and then method B; it is possible that B is executed before A.


Messages sent to migrating elements will be delivered after the migrating element arrives on the destination PE. It is an error to send a message to a deleted array element. Broadcasts on Chare Arrays

To broadcast a message to all the current elements of an array, simply omit the index (invoke an entry method on the chare array proxy):

a1.doIt(parameters); //<- invokes doIt on each array element

The broadcast message will be delivered to every existing array element exactly once. Broadcasts work properly even with ongoing migrations, insertions, and deletions. Reductions on Chare Arrays

A reduction applies a single operation (e.g. add, max, min, …) to data items scattered across many processors and collects the result in one place. Charm++ supports reductions over the members of an array or group.

The data to be reduced comes from a call to the member contribute method:

void contribute(int nBytes, const void *data, CkReduction::reducerType type);

This call contributes nBytes bytes starting at data to the reduction type (see Section Unlike sending a message, you may use data after the call to contribute. All members of the chare array or group must call contribute, and all of them must use the same reduction type.

For example, if we want to sum each array/group member’s single integer myInt, we would use:

// Inside any member method
int myInt=get_myInt();

The built-in reduction types (see below) can also handle arrays of numbers. For example, if each element of a chare array has a pair of doubles forces[2], the corresponding elements of which are to be added across all elements, from each element call:

double forces[2]=get_my_forces();

Note that since C++ arrays (like forces[2]) are already pointers, we don’t use &forces.

A slightly simpler interface is available for std::vector<T>, since the class determines the size and count of the underlying type:

CkCallback cb(...);
vector<double> forces(2);
contribute(forces, CkReduction::sum_double, cb);

Either of these will result in a double array of 2 elements, the first of which contains the sum of all forces[0] values, with the second element holding the sum of all forces[1] values of the chare array elements.

Typically the client entry method of a reduction takes a single argument of type CkReductionMsg (see Section However, by giving an entry method the reductiontarget attribute in the .ci file, you can instead use entry methods that take arguments of the same type as specified by the contribute call. When creating a callback to the reduction target, the entry method index is generated by CkReductionTarget(ChareClass, method_name) instead of CkIndex_ChareClass::method_name(...). For example, the code for a typed reduction that yields an int, would look like this:

// In the .ci file...
entry [reductiontarget] void done(int result);

// In some .C file:
// Create a callback that invokes the typed reduction client
// driverProxy is a proxy to the chare object on which
// the reduction target method "done" is called upon completion
// of the reduction
CkCallback cb(CkReductionTarget(Driver, done), driverProxy);

// Contribution to the reduction...
contribute(sizeof(int), &intData, CkReduction::sum_int, cb);

// Definition of the reduction client...
void Driver::done(int result)
  CkPrintf("Reduction value: %d", result);

This will also work for arrays of data elements(entry [reductiontarget] void done(int n, int result[n])), and for any user-defined type with a PUP method (see 2.2.5). If you know that the reduction will yield a particular number of elements, say 3 ints, you can also specify a reduction target which takes 3 ints and it will be invoked correctly.

Reductions do not have to specify commutative-associative operations on data; they can also be used to signal the fact that all array/group members have reached a certain synchronization point. In this case, a simpler version of contribute may be used:


In all cases, the result of the reduction operation is passed to the reduction client. Many different kinds of reduction clients can be used, as explained in Section

Please refer to examples/charm++/reductions/typed_reduction for a working example of reductions in Charm++.

Note that the reduction will complete properly even if chare array elements are migrated or deleted during the reduction. Additionally, when you create a new chare array element, it is expected to contribute to the next reduction not already in progress on that processor. Built-in Reduction Types

Charm++ includes several built-in reduction types, used to combine individual contributions. Any of them may be passed as an argument of type CkReduction::reducerType to contribute.

The first four operations (sum, product, max, and min) work on char, short, int, long, long long, float, or double data as indicated by the suffix. The logical reductions (and, or) only work on bool and integer data. All the built-in reductions work on either single numbers (pass a pointer) or arrays- just pass the correct number of bytes to contribute.

  1. CkReduction::nop : no operation performed.

  2. CkReduction::sum_char, sum_short, sum_int, sum_long, sum_long_long, sum_uchar, sum_ushort, sum_uint, sum_ulong, sum_ulong_long, sum_float, sum_double : the result will be the sum of the given numbers.

  3. CkReduction::product_char, product_short, product_int, product_long, product_long_long, product_uchar, product_ushort, product_uint, product_ulong, product_ulong_long, product_float, product_double : the result will be the product of the given numbers.

  4. CkReduction::max_char, max_short, max_int, max_long, max_long_long, max_uchar, max_ushort, max_uint, max_ulong, max_ulong_long, max_float, max_double : the result will be the largest of the given numbers.

  5. CkReduction::min_char, min_short, min_int, min_long, min_long_long, min_uchar, min_ushort, min_uint, min_ulong, min_ulong_long, min_float, min_double : the result will be the smallest of the given numbers.

  6. CkReduction::logical_and_bool, logical_and_int : the result will be the logical AND of the given values.

  7. CkReduction::logical_or_bool, logical_or_int : the result will be the logical OR of the given values.

  8. CkReduction::logical_xor_bool, logical_xor_int : the result will be the logical XOR of the given values.

  9. CkReduction::bitvec_and_bool, bitvec_and_int : the result will be the bitvector AND of the given values.

  10. CkReduction::bitvec_or_bool, bitvec_or_int : the result will be the bitvector OR of the given values.

  11. CkReduction::bitvec_xor_bool, bitvec_xor_int : the result will be the bitvector XOR of the given values.

  12. CkReduction::set : the result will be a verbatim concatenation of all the contributed data, separated into CkReduction::setElement records. The data contributed can be of any length, and can vary across array elements or reductions. To extract the data from each element, see the description below.

  13. CkReduction::concat : the result will be a byte-by-byte concatenation of all the contributed data. The contributed elements are not delimiter-separated.

  14. CkReduction::random : the result will be a single randomly selected value of all of the contributed values.

  15. CkReduction::statistics : returns a CkReduction::statisticsElement struct, containing summary statistics of the contributed data. Specifically, the struct contains the following fields: int count, double mean, and double m2, and the following functions: double variance() and double stddev().

CkReduction::set returns a collection of CkReduction::setElement objects, one per contribution. This class has the definition:

class CkReduction::setElement
  int dataSize; //The length of the `data' array in bytes.
  char data[1]; //A place holder that marks the start of the data array.
  CkReduction::setElement *next(void);

Example: Suppose you would like to contribute 3 integers from each array element. In the reduction method you would do the following:

void ArrayClass::methodName (CkCallback &cb)
  int result[3];
  result[0] = 1;            // Copy the desired values into the result.
  result[1] = 2;
  result[2] = 3;
  // Contribute the result to the reductiontarget cb.
  contribute(3*sizeof(int), result, CkReduction::set, cb);

Inside the reduction’s target method, the contributions can be accessed by using the CkReduction::setElement->next() iterator.

void SomeClass::reductionTargetMethod (CkReductionMsg *msg)
  // Get the initial element in the set.
  CkReduction::setElement *current = (CkReduction::setElement*) msg->getData();
  while(current != NULL) // Loop over elements in set.
    // Get the pointer to the packed int's.
    int *result = (int*) &current->data;
    // Do something with result.
    current = current->next(); // Iterate.

The reduction set order is undefined. You should add a source field to the contributed elements if you need to know which array element gave a particular contribution. Additionally, if the contributed elements are of a complex data type, you will likely have to supply code for serializing/deserializing them. Consider using the PUP interface (Section 2.2.5) to simplify your object serialization needs.

If the outcome of your reduction is dependent on the order in which data elements are processed, or if your data is just too heterogeneous to be handled elegantly by the predefined types and you don’t want to undertake multiple reductions, you can use a tuple reduction or define your own custom reduction type.

Tuple reductions allow performing multiple different reductions in the same message. The reductions can be on the same or different data, and the reducer type for each reduction can be set independently as well. The contributions that make up a single tuple reduction message are all reduced in the same order as each other. As an example, a chare array element can contribute to a gatherv-like operation using a tuple reduction that consists of two set reductions.

int tupleSize = 2;
CkReduction::tupleElement tupleRedn[] = {
  CkReduction::tupleElement(sizeof(int), &thisIndex, CkReduction::set),
  CkReduction::tupleElement(sizeData, data, CkReduction::set)
CkReductionMsg* msg = CkReductionMsg::buildFromTuple(tupleRedn, tupleSize);
CkCallback allgathervCB(CkIndex_Foo::allgathervResult(0), thisProxy);

Note that CkReduction::tupleElement only holds pointers to the data that will make up the reduction message, therefore any local variables used must remain in scope until CkReductionMsg::buildFromTuple completes.

The result of this reduction is a single CkReductionMsg that can be processed as multiple reductions:

void Foo::allgathervResult (CkReductionMsg* msg)
  int numReductions;
  CkReduction::tupleElement* results;

  msg->toTuple(&results, &numReductions);
  CkReduction::setElement* currSrc  = (CkReduction::setElement*)results[0].data;
  CkReduction::setElement* currData = (CkReduction::setElement*)results[1].data;

  // ... process currSrc and currData

  delete [] results;

See the next section (Section for details on custom reduction types. Destroying Array Elements

To destroy an array element - detach it from the array, call its destructor, and release its memory-invoke its Array destroy method, as:


Note that this method can also be invoked remotely i.e. from a process different from the one on which the array element resides. You must ensure that no messages are sent to a deleted element. After destroying an element, you may insert a new element at its index.

2.2.4. Structured Control Flow: Structured Dagger

Charm++ is based on the message-driven parallel programming paradigm. In contrast to many other approaches, Charm++ programmers encode entry points to their parallel objects, but do not explicitly wait (i.e. block) on the runtime to indicate completion of posted ‘receive’ requests. Thus, a Charm++ object’s overall flow of control can end up fragmented across a number of separate methods, obscuring the sequence in which code is expected to execute. Furthermore, there are often constraints on when different pieces of code should execute relative to one another, related to data and synchronization dependencies.

Consider one way of expressing these constraints using flags, buffers, and counters, as in the following example:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void startStep();
  entry void firstInput(Input i);
  entry void secondInput(Input j);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {
  int   expectedMessageCount;
  Input first, second;

  ComputeObject() {
  void startStep() {
    expectedMessageCount = 2;

  void firstInput(Input i) {
    first = i;
    if (--expectedMessageCount == 0)
      computeInteractions(first, second);
  void recv_second(Input j) {
    second = j;
    if (--expectedMessageCount == 0)
      computeInteractions(first, second);

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    // send off results
    // reset for next step

In each step, this object expects pairs of messages, and waits to process the incoming data until it has both of them. This sequencing is encoded across 4 different functions, which in real code could be much larger and more numerous, resulting in a spaghetti-code mess.

Instead, it would be preferable to express this flow of control using structured constructs, such as loops. Charm++ provides such constructs for structured control flow across an object’s entry methods in a notation called Structured Dagger. The basic constructs of Structured Dagger (SDAG) provide for program-order execution of the entry methods and code blocks that they define. These definitions appear in the .ci file definition of the enclosing chare class as a ‘body’ of an entry method following its signature.

The most basic construct in SDAG is the serial block (previously also denoted by atomic, this usage is now deprecated). Serial blocks contain sequential C++ code, and the code within them executes to completion without returning control to the Charm++ runtime scheduler, thus avoiding interruption from incoming messages. Typically, serial blocks hold the code that actually deals with incoming messages in a when statement or performs local operations before a message is sent or after it is received. The earlier example can be adapted to use serial blocks as follows:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void startStep();
  entry void firstInput(Input i) {
    serial {
      first = i;
      if (--expectedMessageCount == 0)
        computeInteractions(first, second);
  entry void secondInput(Input j) {
    serial {
      second = j;
      if (--expectedMessageCount == 0)
        computeInteractions(first, second);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {
  int   expectedMessageCount;
  Input first, second;

  ComputeObject() {
  void startStep() {
    expectedMessageCount = 2;

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    . . .
    // send off results
    . . .
    // reset for next step

Note that chare classes containing SDAG code must include a few additional declarations in addition to inheriting from their CBase_Foo class, by incorporating the Foo_SDAG_CODE generated-code macro in the class.

Serial blocks can also specify a textual ‘label’ that will appear in traces, as follows:

entry void firstInput(Input i) {
  serial "process first" {
    first = i;
    if (--expectedMessageCount == 0)
      computeInteractions(first, second);

In order to control the sequence in which entry methods are processed, SDAG provides the when construct. These statements, also called triggers, indicate that we expect an incoming message of a particular type, and provide code to handle that message when it arrives. From the perspective of a chare object reaching a when statement, it is effectively a ‘blocking receive.’

Entry methods defined by a when are not executed immediately when a message targeting them is delivered, but instead are held until control flow in the chare reaches a corresponding when clause. Conversely, when control flow reaches a when clause, the generated code checks whether a corresponding message has arrived: if one has arrived, it is processed; otherwise, control is returned to the Charm++ scheduler.

The use of when substantially simplifies the example from above:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void startStep() {
    when firstInput(Input first)
      when secondInput(Input second)
        serial {
          computeInteractions(first, second);
  entry void firstInput(Input i);
  entry void secondInput(Input j);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {

  ComputeObject() {

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    . . .
    // send off results
    . . .
    // reset for next step

Like an if or while in C code, each when clause has a body made up of the statement or block following it. The variables declared as arguments to the entry method triggering the when are available in the scope of the body. By using the sequenced execution of SDAG code and the availability of parameters to when-defined entry methods in their bodies, the counter expectedMessageCount and the intermediate copies of the received input are eliminated. Note that the entry methods firstInput and secondInput are still declared in the .ci file, but their definition is in the SDAG code. The interface translator generates code to handle buffering and triggering them appropriately.

For simplicity, when constructs can also specify multiple expected entry methods that all feed into a single body, by separating their prototypes with commas:

entry void startStep() {
  when firstInput(Input first),
       secondInput(Input second)
    serial {
      computeInteractions(first, second);

A single entry method is allowed to appear in more than one when statement. If only one of those when statements has been triggered when the runtime delivers a message to that entry method, that when statement is guaranteed to process it. If there is no trigger waiting for that entry method, then the next corresponding when to be reached will receive that message. If there is more than one when waiting on that method, which one will receive it is not specified, and should not be relied upon. For an example of multiple when statements handling the same entry method without reaching the unspecified case, see the CharmLU benchmark.

To more finely control the correspondence between incoming messages and when clauses associated with the target entry method, SDAG supports matching on reference numbers. Matching is typically used to denote an iteration of a program that executes asynchronously (without any sort of barrier or other synchronization between steps) or a particular piece of the problem being solved. Matching is requested by placing an expression denoting the desired reference number in square brackets between the entry method name and its parameter list. For parameter marshalled entry methods, the reference number expression will be compared for equality with the entry method’s first argument. For entry methods that accept an explicit message (Section, the reference number on the message can be set by calling the function CkSetRefNum(void *msg, CMK_REFNUM_TYPE ref). Matching is used in the loop example below, and in examples/charm++/jacobi2d-sdag/jacobi2d.ci. Multiple when triggers for an entry method with different matching reference numbers will not conflict - each will receive only corresponding messages.

SDAG supports the for and while loop constructs mostly as if they appeared in plain C or C++ code. In the running example, computeInteractions() calls startStep() when it is finished to start the next step. Instead of this arrangement, the loop structure can be made explicit:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void runForever() {
    while(true) {
      when firstInput(Input first),
           secondInput(Input second) serial {
          computeInteractions(first, second);
  entry void firstInput(Input i);
  entry void secondInput(Input j);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {

  ComputeObject() {

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    . . .
    // send off results
    . . .

If this code should instead run for a fixed number of iterations, we can instead use a for loop:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void runForever() {
    for(iter = 0; iter < n; ++iter) {
      // Match to only accept inputs for the current iteration
      when firstInput[iter](int a, Input first),
           secondInput[iter](int b, Input second) serial {
        computeInteractions(first, second);
  entry void firstInput(int a, Input i);
  entry void secondInput(int b, Input j);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {
  int n, iter;

  ComputeObject() {
    n = 10;

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    . . .
    // send off results
    . . .

Note that int iter; is declared in the chare’s class definition and not in the .ci file. This is necessary because the Charm++ interface translator does not fully parse the declarations in the for loop header, because of the inherent complexities of C++. Finally, there is currently no mechanism by which to break or continue from an SDAG loop.

SDAG also supports conditional execution of statements and blocks with if statements. The syntax of SDAG if statements matches that of C and C++. However, if one encounters a syntax error on correct-looking code in a loop or conditional statement, try assigning the condition expression to a boolean variable in a serial block preceding the statement and then testing that boolean’s value. This can be necessary because of the complexity of parsing C++ code.

In cases where multiple tasks must be processed before execution continues, but with no dependencies or interactions among them, SDAG provides the overlap construct. Overlap blocks contain a series of SDAG statements within them which can occur in any order. Commonly these blocks are used to hold a series of when triggers which can be received and processed in any order. Flow of control doesn’t leave the overlap block until all the statements within it have been processed.

In the running example, suppose each input needs to be preprocessed independently before the call to computeInteractions. Since we don’t care which order they get processed in, and want it to happen as soon as possible, we can apply overlap:

// in .ci file
chare ComputeObject {
  entry void ComputeObject();
  entry void startStep() {
    overlap {
      when firstInput(Input i)
        serial { first = preprocess(i); }
      when secondInput(Input j)
        serial { second = preprocess(j); }
     serial {
       computeInteractions(first, second);
  entry void firstInput(Input i);
  entry void secondInput(Input j);

// in C++ file
class ComputeObject : public CBase_ComputeObject {

  ComputeObject() {

  void computeInteractions(Input a, Input b) {
    // do computations using a and b
    . . .
    // send off results
    . . .
    // reset for next step

Another construct offered by SDAG is the forall loop. These loops are used when the iterations of a loop can be performed independently and in any order. This is in contrast to a regular for loop, in which each iteration is executed sequentially. The loop iterations are executed entirely on the calling PE, so they do not run in parallel. However, they are executed concurrently, in that execution of different iterations can interleave at when statements, like any other SDAG code. SDAG statements following the forall loop will not execute until all iterations have completed. The forall loop can be seen as an overlap with an indexed set of otherwise identical statements in the body.

The syntax of forall is


The range from MIN to MAX is inclusive. In each iteration instance of BODY, the IDENT variable will take on one of the values in the specified range. The IDENT variable must be declared in the application C++ code as a member of the enclosing chare class.

Use of forall is demonstrated through distributed parallel matrix-matrix multiply shown in examples/charm++/matmul/matmul.ci The case Statement

The case statement in SDAG expresses a disjunction over a set of when clauses. In other words, if it is known that one dependency out of a set will be satisfied, but which one is not known, this statement allows the set to be specified and will execute the corresponding block based on which dependency ends up being fulfilled.

The following is a basic example of the case statement. Note that the trigger b(), d() will only be fulfilled if both b() and d() arrive. If only one arrives, then it will partially match, and the runtime will not “commit” to this branch until the second arrives. If another dependency fully matches, the partial match will be ignored and can be used to trigger another when later in the execution.

case {
  when a() { }
  when b(), d() { }
  when c() { }

A full example of the case statement can be found tests/charm++/sdag/case/caseTest.ci. Usage Notes SDAG Code Declaration

If you’ve added Structured Dagger code to your class, you must link in the code by adding “className_SDAG_CODE” inside the class declaration in the .h file. This macro defines the entry points and support code used by Structured Dagger. Forgetting this results in a compile error (undefined SDAG entry methods referenced from the .def.h file).

For example, an array named “Foo” that uses sdag code might contain:

class Foo : public CBase_Foo {
    Foo(...) {
    Foo(CkMigrateMessage *m) { }

    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
    . . .
}; Direct Calls to SDAG Entry Methods

An SDAG entry method that contains one or more when clause(s) cannot be directly called and will result in a runtime error with an error message. It has to be only called through a proxy. This is a runtime requirement that is enforced in order to prevent accidental calls to SDAG entry methods that are asynchronous in nature. Additionally, since they are called using a proxy, it enhances understandability and clarity as to not be confused for a regular function call that returns immediately.

For example, in the first example discussed, it is invalid to call the SDAG entry method startStep directly as startStep(); because it contains when clauses. It has to be only called using the proxy i.e. computeObj.startStep(); , where computeObj is the proxy to ComputeObject.

2.2.5. Serialization Using the PUP Framework

The PUP (Pack/Unpack) framework is a generic way to describe the data in an object and to use that description for serialization. The Charm++ system can use this description to pack the object into a message and unpack the message into a new object on another processor, to pack and unpack migratable objects for load balancing or checkpoint/restart-based fault tolerance. The PUP framework also includes support special for STL containers to ease development in C++.

Like many C++ concepts, the PUP framework is easier to use than describe:

class foo : public mySuperclass {
    double a;
    int x;
    char y;
    unsigned long z;
    float arr[3];
    ...other methods...

    //pack/unpack method: describe my fields to charm++
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|x; p|y; p|z;

This class’s pup method describes the fields of the class to Charm++. This allows Charm++ to marshall parameters of type foo across processors, translate foo objects across processor architectures, read and write foo objects to files on disk, inspect and modify foo objects in the debugger, and checkpoint and restart programs involving foo objects. PUP contract

Your object’s pup method must save and restore all your object’s data. As shown, you save and restore a class’s contents by writing a method called “pup” which passes all the parts of the class to an object of type PUP::er, which does the saving or restoring. This manual will often use “pup” as a verb, meaning “to save/restore the value of” or equivalently, “to call the pup method of”.

Pup methods for complicated objects normally call the pup methods for their simpler parts. Since all objects depend on their immediate superclass, the first line of every pup method is a call to the superclass’s pup method—the only time you shouldn’t call your superclass’s pup method is when you don’t have a superclass. If your superclass has no pup method, you must pup the values in the superclass yourself. PUP operator

The recommended way to pup any object a is to use p|a;. This syntax is an operator | applied to the PUP::er p and the user variable a.

The p|a; syntax works wherever a is:

  • A simple type, including char, short, int, long, float, or double. In this case, p|a; copies the data in-place. This is equivalent to passing the type directly to the PUP::er using p(a).

  • Any object with a pup method. In this case, p|a; calls the object’s pup method. This is equivalent to the statement a.pup(p);.

  • A pointer to a PUP::able object, as described in Section In this case, p|a; allocates and copies the appropriate subclass.

  • An object with a PUPbytes(myClass) declaration in the header. In this case, p|a; copies the object as plain bytes, like memcpy.

  • An object with a custom operator | defined. In this case, p|a; calls the custom operator |.

See examples/charm++/PUP

For container types, you must simply pup each element of the container. For arrays, you can use the utility method PUParray, which takes the PUP::er, the array base pointer, and the array length. This utility method is defined for user-defined types T as:

template<class T>
inline void PUParray(PUP::er &p,T *array,int length) {
   for (int i=0;i<length;i++) p|array[i];
} PUP STL Container Objects

If the variable is from the C++ Standard Template Library, you can include operator|’s for STL containers such as vector, map, set, list, pair, and string, templated on anything, by including the header “pup_stl.h” or <pup_stl.h>. This header should be placed in the .h or the .C/.cpp file in the project, and not in the .ci file.

See examples/charm++/PUP/STLPUP PUP Dynamic Data

As usual in C++, pointers and allocatable objects usually require special handling. Typically this only requires a p.isUnpacking() conditional block, where you perform the appropriate allocation. See Section for more information and examples.

If the object does not have a pup method, and you cannot add one or use PUPbytes, you can define an operator| to pup the object. For example, if myClass contains two fields a and b, the operator| might look like:

inline void operator|(PUP::er &p,myClass &c) {

See examples/charm++/PUP/HeapPUP PUP as bytes

For classes and structs with many fields, it can be tedious and error-prone to list all the fields in the pup method. You can avoid this listing in two ways, as long as the object can be safely copied as raw bytes—this is normally the case for simple structs and classes without pointers.

  • Use the PUPbytes(myClass) macro in your header file. This lets you use the p|*myPtr; syntax to pup the entire class as sizeof(myClass) raw bytes.

  • Use p((void *)myPtr,sizeof(myClass)); in the pup method. This is a direct call to pup a set of bytes.

  • Use p((char *)myCharArray,arraySize); in the pup method. This is a direct call to pup a set of bytes. Other primitive types may also be used.

Note that pupping as bytes is just like using ‘memcpy’: it does nothing to the data other than copy it whole. For example, if the class contains any pointers, you must make sure to do any allocation needed, and pup the referenced data yourself.

Pupping as bytes may prevent your pup method from ever being able to work across different machine architectures. This is currently an uncommon scenario, but heterogeneous architectures may become more common, so pupping as bytes is discouraged. PUP overhead

The PUP::er overhead is very small—one virtual function call for each item or array to be packed/unpacked. The actual packing/unpacking is normally a simple memory-to-memory binary copy.

For arrays and vectors of builtin arithmetic types like “int” and “double”, or of types declared as “PUPbytes”, PUParray uses an even faster block transfer, with one virtual function call per array or vector.

Thus, if an object does not contain pointers, you should prefer declaring it as PUPbytes.

For types of objects whose default constructors do more than necessary when an object will be unpacked from PUP, it is possible to tell the runtime system to call a more minimalistic alternative. This can apply to types used as both member variables of chares and as marshalled arguments to entry methods. A non-chare class can define a constructor that takes an argument of type PUP::reconstruct for this purpose. The runtime system code will call a PUP::reconstruct constructor in preference to a default constructor when it’s available. Where necessary, constructors taking PUP::reconstruct should call the constructors of members variables with PUP::reconstruct if applicable to that member. PUP modes

Charm++ uses your pup method to both pack and unpack, by passing different types of PUP::ers to it. The method p.isUnpacking() returns true if your object is being unpacked—that is, your object’s values are being restored. Your pup method must work properly in sizing, packing, and unpacking modes; and to save and restore properly, the same fields must be passed to the PUP::er, in the exact same order, in all modes. This means most pup methods can ignore the pup mode.

Three modes are used, with three separate types of PUP::er: sizing, which only computes the size of your data without modifying it; packing, which reads/saves values out of your data; and unpacking, which writes/restores values into your data. You can determine exactly which type of PUP::er was passed to you using the p.isSizing(), p.isPacking(), and p.isUnpacking() methods. However, sizing and packing should almost always be handled identically, so most programs should use p.isUnpacking() and !p.isUnpacking(). Any program that calls p.isPacking() and does not also call p.isSizing() is probably buggy, because sizing and packing must see exactly the same data.

The p.isDeleting() flag indicates the object will be deleted after calling the pup method. This is normally only needed for pup methods called via the C or f90 interface, as provided by AMPI or the other frameworks. Other Charm++ array elements, marshalled parameters, and other C++ interface objects have their destructor called when they are deleted, so the p.isDeleting() call is not normally required—instead, memory should be deallocated in the destructor as usual.

Separately from indicating if the pup method is being used for sizing, packing, or unpacking, the system also provides methods to determine the purpose of a pup. The p.isCheckpoint() and p.isMigration() methods let the user determine if the runtime system has invoked the pup method for checkpointing (both in-memory and to disk) or for PE-to-PE migration (this is most commonly done for load balancing). These allow the user to customize their pup functions, for example, one may want to minimize checkpoint size by not including data that can be reconstructed. Note that these are orthogonal to the direction of the pup (e.g. p.isCheckpoint() will return true both when creating a checkpoint and when restoring from a checkpoint; one can differentiate between these two cases because when creating a checkpoint p.isPacking() will also return true, while p.isUnpacking() will return true when restoring). The runtime system guarantees that at most of these will be set. There may be cases where neither p.isCheckpoint() nor p.isMigration() return true (e.g. when the system is marshalling entry method arguments).

More specialized modes and PUP::ers are described in section PUP Usage Sequence


1 Method sequence of an object with a pup method.

Typical method invocation sequence of an object with a pup method is shown in Figure 1. As usual in C++, objects are constructed, do some processing, and are then destroyed.

Objects can be created in one of two ways: they can be created using a normal constructor as usual; or they can be created using their pup constructor. The pup constructor for Charm++ array elements and PUP::able objects is a “migration constructor” that takes a single “CkMigrateMessage *” which the user should not free; for other objects, such as parameter marshalled objects, the pup constructor has no parameters. The pup constructor is always followed by a call to the object’s pup method in isUnpacking mode.

Once objects are created, they respond to regular user methods and remote entry methods as usual. At any time, the object pup method can be called in isSizing or isPacking mode. User methods and sizing or packing pup methods can be called repeatedly over the object lifetime.

Finally, objects are destroyed by calling their destructor as usual. Migratable Array Elements using PUP

Array objects can migrate from one PE to another. For example, the load balancer (see section might migrate array elements to better balance the load between processors. For an array element to be migratable, it must implement a pup method. The standard PUP contract (see section and constraints wrt to serializing data apply. The one exception for chare , group and node group types is that since the runtime system will be the one to invoke their PUP routines, the runtime will automatically call PUP on the generated CBase_ superclasses so users do not need to call PUP on generated superclasses.

A simple example for an array follows:

//In the .h file:
class A2 : public CBase_A2 {
private: //My data members:
    int nt;
    unsigned char chr;
    float flt[7];
    int numDbl;
    double *dbl;
    //...other declarations

    virtual void pup(PUP::er &p);

//In the .C file:
void A2::pup(PUP::er &p)
    // The runtime will automatically call CBase_A2::pup()
    if (p.isUnpacking()) dbl=new double[numDbl];

The default assumption, as used in the example above, for the object state at PUP time is that a chare, and its member objects, could be migrated at any time while it is inactive, i.e. not executing an entry method. Actual migration time can be controlled (see section to be less frequent. If migration timing is fully user controlled, e.g., at the end of a synchronized load balancing step, then PUP implementation can be simplified to only transport “live” ephemeral data matching the object state which coincides with migration. More intricate state based PUPing, for objects whose memory footprint varies substantially with computation phase, can be handled by explicitly maintaining the object’s phase in a member variable and implementing phase conditional logic in the PUP method (see section Marshalling User Defined Data Types via PUP

Parameter marshalling requires serialization and is therefore implemented using the PUP framework. User defined data types passed as parameters must abide by the standard PUP contract (see section

A simple example of using PUP to marshall user defined data types follows:

class Buffer {
//...other declarations
  void pup(PUP::er &p) {
    // remember to pup your superclass if there is one
    if (p.isUnpacking())
      data = new int[size];
    PUParray(p, data, size);

  int size;
  int *data;

// In some .ci file
entry void process(Buffer &buf);

For efficiency, arrays are always copied as blocks of bytes and passed via pointers. This means classes that need their pup routines to be called, such as those with dynamically allocated data or virtual methods cannot be passed as arrays-use STL vectors to pass lists of complicated user-defined classes. For historical reasons, pointer-accessible structures cannot appear alone in the parameter list (because they are confused with messages).

The order of marshalling operations on the send side is:

  • Call “p|a” on each marshalled parameter with a sizing PUP::er.

  • Compute the lengths of each array.

  • Call “p|a” on each marshalled parameter with a packing PUP::er.

  • memcpy each arrays’ data.

The order of marshalling operations on the receive side is:

  • Create an instance of each marshalled parameter using its default constructor.

  • Call “p|a” on each marshalled parameter using an unpacking PUP::er.

  • Compute pointers into the message for each array.

Finally, very large structures are most efficiently passed via messages, because messages are an efficient, low-level construct that minimizes copying and overhead; but very complicated structures are often most easily passed via marshalling, because marshalling uses the high-level pup framework.

See examples/charm++/PUP/HeapPUP

2.2.6. Load Balancing

Load balancing in Charm++ is enabled by its ability to place and migrate chares (note that only chare array elements are relocatable via migration, singleton chares can be created on a particular PE via seed balancing to balance load). Typical application usage to exploit this feature will construct many more chares than processors, and enable their runtime migration.

Iterative applications, which are commonplace in physical simulations, are the most suitable target for Charm++’s measurement based load balancing techniques. Such applications may contain a series of time-steps, and/or iterative solvers that run to convergence. For such computations, typically, the heuristic principle that we call “principle of persistence” holds: the computational loads and communication patterns between objects (chares) tend to persist over multiple iterations, even in dynamic applications. In such cases, the recent past is a good predictor of the near future. Measurement-based chare migration strategies are useful in this context. Currently these apply to chare-array elements, but they may be extended to chares in the future.

For applications without such iterative structure, or with iterative structure, but without predictability (i.e. where the principle of persistence does not apply), Charm++ supports “seed balancers” that move “seeds” for new chares among processors (possibly repeatedly) to achieve load balance. These strategies are currently available for both chares and chare-arrays. Seed balancers were the original load balancers provided in Charm since the late 80’s. They are extremely useful for state-space search applications, and are also useful in other computations, as well as in conjunction with migration strategies.

For iterative computations when there is a correlation between iterations/steps, but either it is not strong, or the machine environment is not predictable (due to noise from OS interrupts on small time steps, or time-shared desktop machines), one can use a combination of the two kinds of strategies. The baseline load balancing is provided by migration strategies, but in each iteration one also spawns off work in the form of chares that can run on any processor. The seed balancer will handle such work as it arises.

Examples are in examples/charm++/load_balancing and tests/charm++/load_balancing Measurement-based Object Migration Strategies

In Charm++, chare array elements can migrate from processor to processor at runtime. Object migration can potentially improve the performance of the parallel program by migrating objects from overloaded processors to underloaded ones.

Charm++ implements a generic, measurement-based load balancing framework which automatically instruments all Charm++ objects, collecting computational load and communication structure during execution and storing them into a load balancing database (this only happens when a load balancer is activated during execution, see section This instrumentation starts automatically at the beginning of application execution by default. It can be disabled at startup by passing the +LBOff flag at runtime, and toggled from the application by calling LBTurnInstrumentOn() and LBTurnInstrumentOff(), enabling or disabling instrumentation on the calling PE.

Charm++ then provides a collection of load balancing strategies whose job it is to decide on a new mapping of objects to processors based on the information from the database. Such measurement based strategies are efficient when we can reasonably assume that objects in a Charm++ application tend to exhibit temporal correlation in their computation and communication patterns, i.e. that the future can be to some extent predicted using the historical measurement data, allowing effective measurement-based load balancing without application-specific knowledge.

The instrumentation stored in the load balancing database is cleared immediately following each time load balancing completes. This means that each invocation of load balancing uses only data measured since the last invocation, providing adaptive and responsive results even for dynamic applications.

Two key terms in the Charm++ load balancing framework are:

  • The load balancing manager provides the interface of almost all load balancing calls. On each processor, it manages the load balancing database, which stores the instrumented load data, and controls and invokes the selected load balancing strategies. It is implemented as a chare group called LBManager.

  • A load balancing strategy gathers the relevant load data, runs a decision algorithm and produces the new mapping of the objects. Charm++ supports several kinds of strategies:

    1. Configurable, hierarchical load balancers using TreeLB

    2. Fully distributed load balancers

    3. (deprecated) Centralized load balancers using CentralLB

    4. (deprecated) Hierarchical load balancers using HybridBaseLB Available Load Balancing Strategies

TreeLB and its pluggable strategies supersede the previous implementations of centralized and hierarchical load balancing. To use TreeLB, the user selects one of several trees. Each level corresponds to a different division of the overall execution (e.g. PE, process). Each level is configurable with a list of strategies, frequency, and other parameters. See below for more detail, along with configuration and execution instructions. The following strategies can be used with TreeLB (the old runtime selection syntax still works and is specified in parentheses, it uses the new TreeLB versions with a two level PE_Root tree rooted at PE 0, emulating the centralized structure of the old implementation):

  • Greedy: Uses a greedy algorithm that iterates over the objects and assigns the heaviest remaining object to the least loaded processor. (Old: +balancer GreedyLB)

  • GreedyRefine: Uses a greedy algorithm that assigns the heaviest remaining object to the least loaded processor when it is currently assigned to a heavily loaded processor, otherwise leaves the object on its current processor to limit migrations. It takes an optional argument tolerance via the configuration file, which specifies the tolerance it should allow above the maximum load Greedy would produce (e.g. 1.1 allows the maximum load to be 10% higher than Greedy’s max load). (Old: +balancer GreedyRefineLB)

  • RefineA, RefineB: Moves objects away from the most overloaded processors to reach average, limits the number of objects migrated. RefineA allows a heavy object to go to any of the lightly loaded PEs, while RefineB always moves the heaviest remaining object to the lightest loaded PE. (Old: +balancer RefineLB runs RefineA)

Listed below are load balancers intended for diagnostic purposes:

  • Dummy: Does nothing, does not move objects at all. (Old: +balancer DummyLB)

  • Random: Randomly assigns objects to processors. (Old: +balancer RandCentLB)

  • Rotate: Moves objects to the next available PE every time it is called. It is useful for debugging PUP routines and other migration related bugs. (Old: +balancer RotateLB)

The following centralized communication-aware load balancers do not yet use TreeLB, but continue to be available using the old CentralLB infrastructure:

  • RecBipartLB: Uses recursive bipartitioning to partition the object communication graph. (+balancer RecBipartLB)

  • MetisLB: Uses METIS to partition the object communication graph. METIS is distributed with Charm++, so there is no need to separately get this dependence. (+balancer MetisLB)

  • ScotchLB: Uses the SCOTCH library for partitioning the object communication graph, while also taking object load imbalance into account. SCOTCH is not distributed with Charm++, so end users must download and build the library from the above link in order to use this load balancer. Because of this dependence, ScotchLB is not built by default; it can be built by running make ScotchLB in the Charm++ build folder (e.g. netlrts-linux-x86_64-smp/). If SCOTCH is installed in a non-standard location, use the -incdir and -libdir build time options to point to the include and library directories used, respectively. (+balancer ScotchLB)

In distributed approaches, the strategy executes across multiple PEs, providing scalable computational and communication performance.

Listed below are the distributed load balancers:

  • DistributedLB: A load balancer which uses partial information about underloaded and overloaded processors in the system to do probabilistic transfer of load. This is a refinement based strategy. (+balancer DistributedLB)

Custom strategies should be built using TreeLB or DistBaseLB (the base class for DistributedLB). Custom strategies that are based on CentralLB or HybridBaseLB will continue to be supported for now, but support for these will likely be dropped in a future release.

All built-in load balancers that do not require external dependencies (that is, all of the above load balancers except for ScotchLB) are built by default. To use load balancing, users must link a load balancing module with their application and pass the appropriate runtime flags. See for details on how to use load balancing.

Users can choose any load balancing strategy they think is appropriate for their application. We recommend using TreeLB with GreedyRefine for applications in general. For applications where the cost of migrating objects is very high, say, due to frequent load balancing to handle frequent load changes or due to size of data in the object being large, a strategy which favors migration minimization at the cost of balance (eg: RefineLB) is more suitable. DistributedLB is suitable for a large number of nodes. Communication-aware load balancers like MetisLB and RecBipartLB are suitable for communication intensive applications. The compiler and runtime options are described in section TreeLB and its Configuration

TreeLB allows for user-configurable hierarchical load balancing. While the legacy centralized strategies above are still supported, TreeLB allows load balancing to be performed at different levels and frequencies in a modular way. TreeLB includes several kinds of trees: the 2-level tree consists of PE and root levels (essentially the same as centralized load balancing), the 3-level tree consists of PE, process, and root levels, and the 4-level tree consists of PE, process, process group, and root levels (process groups are collections of consecutive processes; the number of groups is configurable, see below). Each level only balances load within its corresponding domain; for example, for the 3-level PE-Process-Root tree: during process steps, each process runs the specified LB strategy over only the PEs and objects contained within the process, while, at root steps, the root strategy is run over all PEs and objects in the job. Supposing the root step frequency is 3, the root strategy is GreedyRefine, and the process strategy is Greedy, LB would proceed as follows:

LB Step

LB Action


Each process runs Greedy over its own PEs


Each process runs Greedy over its own PEs


Root PE runs GreedyRefine over all PEs


Each process runs Greedy over its own PEs

The load balancing strategy to be used at each level and frequency at which to invoke LB at each level can be specified using a JSON configuration file with name treelb.json or by specifying the JSON file name using command line option +TreeLBFile. We provide examples of some configuration files below:

Creating a 2-level tree that first uses the Greedy strategy and then the GreedyRefine strategy at the root:

  "tree": "PE_Root",
      "pe": 0,
      "strategies": ["Greedy", "GreedyRefine"]

Creating a 3-level tree that uses the Greedy strategy at the process level and the GreedyRefine strategy at the root, which runs only every three steps:

  "tree": "PE_Process_Root",
      "pe": 0,
      "step_freq": 3,
      "strategies": ["GreedyRefine"]
      "strategies": ["Greedy"]

Creating a 4-level tree that uses the GreedyRefine strategy at the process and process group levels. The number of user-specified process groups is four in this example. A strategy is not allowed at root level for a 4-level tree since communicating all object load information to the root can be expensive given the size of the PE tree. Instead, a scheme where coarsened representations of the subtrees exchange load tokens is used at the root level. Load is balanced at the process group level every five steps and at the root level every ten steps. Note also that the process group usage of GreedyRefine provides a custom parameter to the strategy. This parameter will only be used for the process group level version of GreedyRefine, not the process level version.

  "tree": "PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root",
      "pe": 0,
      "step_freq": 10
      "step_freq": 5,
      "strategies": ["GreedyRefine"],
      "num_groups": 4,
          "tolerance": 1.03
      "strategies": ["GreedyRefine"]

TreeLB Configuration Parameters

The following parameters may be used to specify the configuration of TreeLB:

  • tree (required): String specifying the tree to use. Can be one of “PE_Root”, “PE_Process_Root”, or “PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root”.

  • root (required): The configuration block for the root level of the tree.

    • pe: Integer specifying the root PE. (default = 0)

    • token_passing : Boolean specifying whether to use the coarsened token passing strategy or not, only allowed for the “PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root” tree. If false, load will only be balanced within process groups at most, never across the whole job. (default = true)

  • processgroup (required for “PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root” tree): The configuration block for the process group level of the tree.

    • num_groups (required): Integer specifying the number of process groups to create.

  • process (required for “PE_Process_Root” and “PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root” trees): The configuration block for the process level of the tree.

  • mcast_bfactor: 8-bit integer specifying the branching factor of the communication tree used to send inter-subtree migrations for the 4-level tree’s token passing scheme. (default = 4)

The root, processgroup, and process blocks may include the following tree level configuration parameters:

  • strategies (required except for root level of “PE_Process_ProcessGroup_Root” tree): List of strings specifying which LB strategies to run at the given level.

  • repeat_strategies: Boolean specifying if the whole list of strategies should be repeated or not. If true, start back at the beginning when the end of strategies is reached, otherwise keep repeating the last strategy (e.g. for "strategies": ["1", "2"], true would result in 1, 2, 1, 2, …; false in 1, 2, 2, 2, …). (default = false)

  • step_freq: Integer specifying frequency at which to balance at the given level of the tree. Not allowed to be specified on the level immediately above the PE level of the tree, which implicitly has a value of 1. This value must be a multiple of the value for the level below it. For example, for the 4-level tree, this can be specified for the process group and root levels, and the value for the root level must be a multiple of the process group value. If these values are given as 2 and 4, respectively, then load balancing will be performed at the following levels in sequence: process, process group, process, root, process, and so on. (default = max(value of the level below, 1))

  • Individual strategies can also be configured using parameters in this file. These should be placed in a block with a key exactly matching the name of the load balancer, and can be parsed from within the strategy’s constructor.

    • GreedyRefine:

      • tolerance: Float specifying the tolerance GreedyRefine should allow above the maximum load of Greedy, e.g. 1.1 allows the maximum load to be 10% higher than Greedy’s max load. (default = 1)

Metabalancer to automatically schedule load balancing

Metabalancer can be invoked to automatically decide when to invoke the load balancer, given the load-balancing strategy. Metabalancer uses a linear prediction model to set the load balancing period based on observed load imbalance.

The runtime option +MetaLB can be used to invoke this feature to automatically invoke the load balancing strategy based on the imbalance observed. This option needs to be specified alongside the +balancer option to specify the load balancing strategy to use. Metabalancer relies on the AtSync() calls specified in Section to collect load statistics.

+MetaLBModelDir <path-to-model> can be used to invoke the Metabalancer feature to automatically decide which load balancing strategy to invoke. A model trained on a generic representative load imbalance benchmark can be found in charm/src/ck-ldb/rf_model. Metabalancer makes a decision on which load balancing strategy to invoke out of a subset of strategies, namely GreedyLB, RefineLB, HybridLB, DistributedLB, MetisLB and ScotchLB. For using the model based prediction in Metabalancer, Charm++ needs to be built with all the above load balancing strategies, including ScotchLB, which relies on the external graph partitioning library SCOTCH specified in Section Load Balancing Chare Arrays

The load balancing framework is well integrated with chare array implementation - when a chare array is created, it automatically registers its elements with the load balancing framework. The instrumentation of compute time (WALL/CPU time) and communication pattern is done automatically and APIs are provided for users to trigger the load balancing. To use the load balancer, you must make your array elements migratable (see migration section above) and choose a load balancing strategy (see the section for a description of available load balancing strategies).

There are two different ways to use load balancing for chare arrays to meet different needs of the applications. These methods are different in how and when a load balancing phase starts. The two methods are: AtSync mode and periodic load balancing mode. In AtSync mode, the application invokes the load balancer explicitly at an appropriate location (generally at a pre-existing synchronization boundary) to trigger load balancing by inserting a function call (AtSync()) in the application source code. In periodic load balancing mode, a user specifies only how often load balancing is to occur, using the +LBPeriod runtime parameter or the LBManager::SetLBPeriod(double period) call to specify the time interval.

The detailed APIs of these two methods are described as follows:

  1. AtSync mode: Using this method, load balancing is triggered only at certain points in the execution, when the application invokes AtSync(), which is essentially a non-blocking barrier. In order to use AtSync mode, one should set the variable usesAtSync to true in the constructors of chare array elements that are participating in the AtSync barrier. When an element is ready to start load balancing, it calls AtSync() [6]. When all local elements that have set usesAtSync to true call AtSync(), the load balancer is triggered. (Note that when the load balancer is triggered, it is triggered for all array elements, even those without usesAtSync set to true. If they are migratable, then they should have PUP routines suitable for anytime migration.) Once all local migrations (both in and out) are completed, the load balancer calls the virtual function ResumeFromSync() on each of the local array elements participating in the AtSync barrier. This function is usually overridden by the application to trigger the resumption of execution.

    Note that AtSync() is not a blocking call. The object may be migrated during the time between AtSync() and ResumeFromSync(). One can choose to let objects continue working with incoming messages; however, keep in mind the object may suddenly show up in another processor, so make sure no operations that could possibly prevent migration be performed. This is the automatic way of doing load balancing where the application does not need to define ResumeFromSync().

    The more commonly used approach is to force the object to be idle until load balancing finishes. The user calls AtSync() at the end of some iteration, then, when all participating elements reach that call, load balancing is triggered. The objects can start executing again when ResumeFromSync() is called. In this case, the user redefines ResumeFromSync() to trigger the next iteration of the application. This pattern effectively results in a barrier at load balancing time (see example here


    In AtSync mode, Applications that use dynamic insertion or deletion of array elements must not be doing so when any element calls AtSync(). This is because AtSync mode requires an application to have a fixed, known number of objects when determining if AtSync() has been called by all relevant objects in order to prevent race conditions (the implementation is designed to be robust against these issues and will often be able to handle them, but we make no guarantees if these rules are not obeyed). If using dynamic insertion, please ensure that insertions and calls to AtSync() cannot be interleaved and that doneInserting() is called after insertions are complete and before any element calls AtSync(). Insertions and/or deletions may begin again after load balancing is complete (i.e. ResumeFromSync() is called for an object on the given PE for insertions or for the object in question for deletions).

  2. Periodic load balancing mode: This mode uses a timer to perform load balancing periodically at a user-specified interval. In order to use this mode, the user must either provide the +LBPeriod {period} runtime option or set the period from the application using LBManager::SetLBPeriod(double period) on every PE, the period argument specifying the minimum time between consecutive LB invocations in seconds in both cases. For example, +LBPeriod 10.5 can be used to invoke load balancing roughly every 10.5 seconds. Additionally, no array element can have usesAtSync set to true. In this mode, array elements may be asked to migrate at any time, provided that they are not in the middle of executing an entry method. Thus, the PUP routines for array elements must migrate all data needed to reconstruct the object at any point in its lifecycle (as opposed to AtSync mode, where PUP routines for load balancing migration are only called after AtSync() and before ResumeFromSync(), so they can make some assumptions about state).


    Dynamic insertion works with periodic load balancing with no issues. However, dynamic deletion does not, since deletion may occur while the load balancing strategy is running. Migrating objects

Load balancers migrate objects automatically. For an array element to migrate, user can refer to Section for how to write a “pup” for an array element.

In general one needs to pack the whole snapshot of the member data in an array element in the pup subroutine. This is because the migration of the object may happen at any time. In certain load balancing schemes where the user explicitly controls when load balancing occurs, the user may choose to pack only a part of the data and may skip temporary data.

An array element can migrate by calling the migrateMe(destination processor) member function- this call must be the last action in an element entry method. The system can also migrate array elements for load balancing (see the section

To migrate your array element to another processor, the Charm++ runtime will:

  • Call your ckAboutToMigrate method

  • Call your pup method with a sizing PUP::er to determine how big a message it needs to hold your element.

  • Call your pup method again with a packing PUP::er to pack your element into a message.

  • Call your element’s destructor (deleting the old copy).

  • Send the message (containing your element) across the network.

  • Call your element’s migration constructor on the new processor.

  • Call your pup method on with an unpacking PUP::er to unpack the element.

  • Call your ckJustMigrated method

Migration constructors, then, are normally empty- all the unpacking and allocation of the data items is done in the element’s pup routine. Deallocation is done in the element destructor as usual. Other utility functions

There are several utility functions that can be called in applications to configure the load balancer, etc. These functions are:

  • LBTurnInstrumentOn() and LBTurnInstrumentOff(): are plain C functions to control the load balancing statistics instrumentation on or off on the calling processor. No implicit broadcast or synchronization exists in these functions. Fortran interface: FLBTURNINSTRUMENTON() and FLBTURNINSTRUMENTOFF().

  • setMigratable(bool migratable): is a member function of array element. This function can be called in an array element constructor to tell the load balancer whether this object is migratable or not [7].

  • double LBManager::GetLBPeriod(): returns the current load balancing period when using periodic load balancing mode. Returns -1.0 when no period is set or when using a different LB mode.

  • LBManager::SetLBPeriod(double s): The SetLBPeriod function can be called anywhere (even in Charm++ initnodes or initprocs) to change the load balancing period time when using periodic load balancing mode. It tells the load balancer to use the given period \(s\) as the new minimum time between load balancing invocations. It may take up to one full cycle of load balancing before the new period comes into effect (so up to the the period after the next load balancing invocation completes). This call should be made at least once on every PE when setting the period. If no elements have usesAtSync set to true and no LB period was set on the command line, this call will also enable periodic load balancing mode. Here is how to use it:

    // if used in an array element:
    LBManager* lbmgr = getLBMgr();
    // If used outside an array element, since it's a static member function:
    LBManager::SetLBPeriod(5.0); Compiler and runtime options to use load balancing

Load balancing strategies are implemented as libraries in Charm++. This allows programmers to easily experiment with different existing strategies by simply linking a pool of strategy modules and choosing one to use at runtime via a command line option.

Note: linking a load balancing module is distinct from activating it:

  • link an LB module: to link an load balancing module (library) at compile time. You can link against multiple LB libraries.

  • activate an LB: to actually ask the runtime to create an LB strategy and use it for a given run. You can only activate load balancers that have been already been linked in at compile time. The special -balancer {balancer name} link time argument both links a module and activates it at runtime by default.

Below are the descriptions about the compiler and runtime options:

  1. Compile time options: (to charmc)

    • -module TreeLB -module RecBipartLB …
      links the listed LB modules into an application, which can then be used at runtime via the +balancer option.
    • -module CommonLBs
      links a special module CommonLBs which includes some commonly used Charm++ built-in load balancers. This set includes the following commonly used load balancers: TreeLB (usable with Greedy, GreedyRefine, RefineA, RefineB, Dummy, Random, and Rotate) and DistributedLB.
    • -module EveryLB
      links a special module EveryLB which includes all Charm++ load balancers built by default. This set includes everything specified in CommonLBs plus MetisLB and RecBipartLB.
    • -balancer MetisLB
      links the given load balancer and activates it for use at runtime. This is equivalent to using -module MetisLB at compile time and then +balancer MetisLB at runtime.
    • -balancer GreedyLB -balancer RefineLB
      links both listed balancers, then invokes GreedyLB at the first load balancing step and RefineLB in all subsequent load balancing steps.

    The list of existing load balancers is given in Section Note: you can have multiple -module *LB options. LB modules are linked into a program, but they are not activated automatically at runtime. Using -balancer A at compile time will activate load balancer A automatically at runtime. Having -balancer A implies -module A, so you don’t have to write -module A again, although that is not invalid. Using CommonLBs is a convenient way to link against the commonly used existing load balancers.

  2. Runtime options:

    Runtime balancer selection options are similar to the compile time options as described above, but they can be used to override those compile time options.

    • +balancer help
      displays all available balancers that have been linked in.
    • +balancer DistributedLB
      invokes DistributedLB
    • +balancer GreedyLB +balancer RefineLB
      invokes GreedyLB at the first load balancing step and RefineLB in all subsequent load balancing steps.

    Note: The +balancer option works only if you have already linked the corresponding load balancer module at compile time. Providing +balancer with an invalid LB name will result in a runtime error. When you have used -balancer A rather than -module A as a compile time option, you do not need to use +balancer A again to activate it at runtime. However, you can use +balancer B to override the compile time option and choose to activate B instead of A (assuming that B was also linked into the application).

  3. Other useful runtime options

    There are a few other runtime options for load balancing that may be useful:

    • +LBPeriod {seconds}
      When not using AtSync mode (meaning no chare array element in the application has usesAtSync set to true), this option enables periodic load balancing mode. The argument {seconds} specifies the interval for invoking load balancing in seconds; it can be any floating point number. Note that this sets the minimum period between two consecutive load balancing steps.
    • +LBDebug {verbose level}
      {verbose level} can be any non-negative integer. 0 is equivalent to not passing this flag at all. When active, the load balancer will output load balancing information to stdout when it runs. The bigger {verbose level} is, the more verbose the output (the number of levels varies by load balancer).
    • +LBSameCpus
      This option simply tells load balancer that all processors are of same speed. The load balancer will then skip the measurement of CPU speed at runtime. This is the default.
    • +LBTestPESpeed
      This option tells the load balancer to test the speed of all processors at runtime. The load balancer may use this measurement to perform speed-aware load balancing.
    • +LBObjOnly
      This tells load balancer to ignore processor background load when making migration decisions.
    • +LBSyncResume
      After load balancing step, normally a processor can resume computation once all objects are received on that processor, even when other processors are still working on migrations. If this turns out to be a problem, that is when some processors start working on computation while the other processors are still busy migrating objects, then this option can be used to force a global barrier on all processors to make sure that processors can only resume computation after migrations are completed on all processors.
    • +LBOff
      This option turns off load balancing instrumentation of both CPU and communication usage at startup time.
    • +LBCommOff
      This option turns off load balancing instrumentation of communication at startup time. The instrument of CPU usage is left on. Seed load balancers - load balancing Chares at creation time

Seed load balancing involves the movement of object creation messages, or “seeds”, to create a balance of work across a set of processors. This seed load balancing scheme is used to balance chares at creation time. After the chare constructor is executed on a processor, the seed balancer does not migrate it. Depending on the movement strategy, several seed load balancers are available now. Examples can be found examples/charm++/NQueen.

  1. random
    A strategy that places seeds randomly when they are created and does no movement of seeds thereafter. This is used as the default seed load balancer.
  2. neighbor
    A strategy which imposes a virtual topology on the processors, load exchange happens among neighbors only. The overloaded processors initiate the load balancing and send work to its neighbors when it becomes overloaded. The default topology is mesh2D, one can use command line option to choose other topology such as ring, mesh3D and dense graph.
  3. spray
    A strategy which imposes a spanning tree organization on the processors, results in communication via global reduction among all processors to compute global average load via periodic reduction. It uses averaging of loads to determine how seeds should be distributed.
  4. workstealing
    A strategy that the idle processor requests a random processor and steal chares.

Other strategies can also be explored by following the simple API of the seed load balancer.

Compile and run time options for seed load balancers

To choose a seed load balancer other than the default rand strategy, use link time command line option -balance foo.

When using neighbor seed load balancer, one can also specify the virtual topology at runtime. Use +LBTopo topo, where topo can be one of: (a) ring, (b) mesh2d, (c) mesh3d and (d) graph.

To write a seed load balancer, name your file as cldb.foo.c, where foo is the strategy name. Compile it in the form of library under charm/lib, named as libcldb-foo.a, where foo is the strategy name used above. Now one can use -balance foo as compile time option to charmc to link with the foo seed load balancer. Simple Load Balancer Usage Example - Automatic with Sync LB

A simple example of how to use a load balancer in sync mode in one’s application is presented below.

/*** lbexample.ci ***/
mainmodule lbexample {
  readonly CProxy_Main mainProxy;
  readonly int nElements;

  mainchare Main {
    entry Main(CkArgMsg *m);
    entry void done(void);

  array [1D] LBExample {
    entry LBExample(void);
    entry void doWork();


/*** lbexample.C ***/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lbexample.decl.h"

/*readonly*/ CProxy_Main mainProxy;
/*readonly*/ int nElements;

#define MAX_WORK_CNT 50
#define LB_INTERVAL 5

class Main : public CBase_Main
  int count;
  Main(CkArgMsg* m)
    mainProxy = thisProxy;
    CProxy_LBExample arr = CProxy_LBExample::ckNew(nElements);

  void done(void)
      CkPrintf("All done");

/*array [1D]*/
class LBExample : public CBase_LBExample
  int workcnt;
    /* May initialize some variables to be used in doWork */
    //Must be set to true to make AtSync work
    usesAtSync = true;

  LBExample(CkMigrateMessage *m) { /* Migration constructor -- invoked when chare migrates */ }

  /* Must be written for migration to succeed */
  void pup(PUP::er &p){
    /* There may be some more variables used in doWork */

  void doWork()
    /* Do work proportional to the chare index to see the effects of LB */



  void ResumeFromSync(){

#include "lbexample.def.h"

2.2.7. Processor-Aware Chare Collections

So far, we have discussed chares separately from the underlying hardware resources to which they are mapped. However, for writing lower-level libraries or optimizing application performance it is sometimes useful to create chare collections where a single chare is mapped per specified resource used in the run. The group [8] and node group constructs provide this facility by creating a collection of chares with a single chare (or branch) on each PE (in the case of groups) or process (for node groups). Group Objects

Groups have a definition syntax similar to normal chares, and they have to inherit from the system-defined class CBase_ClassName, where ClassName is the name of the group’s C++ class [9]. Group Definition

In the interface (.ci) file, we declare

group Foo {
  // Interface specifications as for normal chares

  // For instance, the constructor ...
  entry Foo(parameters1);

  // ... and an entry method
  entry void someEntryMethod(parameters2);

The definition of the Foo class is given in the .h file, as follows:

class Foo : public CBase_Foo {
  // Data and member functions as in C++
  // Entry functions as for normal chares

    void someEntryMethod(parameters2);
}; Group Creation

Groups are created using ckNew like chares and chare arrays. Given the declarations and definitions of group Foo from above, we can create a group in the following manner:

CProxy_Foo fooProxy = CProxy_Foo::ckNew(parameters1);

One can also use ckNew to get a CkGroupID as shown below:

CkGroupID fooGroupID = CProxy_Foo::ckNew(parameters1);

A CkGroupID is useful to specify dependence in group creations using CkEntryOptions. For example, in the following code, the creation of group GroupB on each PE depends on the creation of GroupA on that PE.

// Create GroupA
CkGroupID groupAID = CProxy_GroupA::ckNew(parameters1);

// Create GroupB. However, for each PE, do this only
// after GroupA has been created on it

// Specify the dependency through a `CkEntryOptions' object
CkEntryOptions opts;

// The last argument to `ckNew' is the `CkEntryOptions' object from above
CkGroupID groupBID = CProxy_GroupB::ckNew(parameters2, opts);

Note that there can be several instances of each group type. In such a case, each instance has a unique group identifier, and its own set of branches. Method Invocation on Groups

An asynchronous entry method can be invoked on a particular branch of a group through a proxy of that group. If we have a group with a proxy fooProxy and we wish to invoke entry method someEntryMethod on that branch of the group which resides on PE somePE, we would accomplish this with the following syntax:


This call is asynchronous and non-blocking; it returns immediately after sending the message. A message may be broadcast to all branches of a group (i.e., to all PEs) using the notation :


This invokes entry method anotherEntryMethod with the given parameters on all branches of the group. This call is also asynchronous and non-blocking, and it, too, returns immediately after sending the message.

Finally, when running in SMP mode with multiple PEs per node, one can broadcast a message to the branches of a group local to the sending node:

CkWithinNodeBroadcast(CkIndex_Foo::bar(), msg, fooProxy);

Where CkIndex_Foo::bar() is the index of the entry method you wish to invoke, msg is the Charm++ message (section you wish to send, and fooProxy is the proxy to the group you wish to send. As before, it is an asynchrounous call which returns immediately. Furthermore, if the receiving entry method is marked as [nokeep] (, the message pointer will be shared with each group chare instead of creating an independent copy per receiver.

Recall that each PE hosts a branch of every instantiated group. Sequential objects, chares and other groups can gain access to this PE-local branch using ckLocalBranch():

GroupType *g=groupProxy.ckLocalBranch();

This call returns a regular C++ pointer to the actual object (not a proxy) referred to by the proxy groupProxy. Once a proxy to the local branch of a group is obtained, that branch can be accessed as a regular C++ object. Its public methods can return values, and its public data is readily accessible.

Let us end with an example use-case for groups. Suppose that we have a task-parallel program in which we dynamically spawn new chares. Furthermore, assume that each one of these chares has some data to send to the mainchare. Instead of creating a separate message for each chare’s data, we create a group. When a particular chare finishes its work, it reports its findings to the local branch of the group. When all the chares on a PE have finished their work, the local branch can send a single message to the main chare. This reduces the number of messages sent to the mainchare from the number of chares created to the number of processors.

For a more concrete example on how to use groups, please refer to examples/charm++/histogram_group. It presents a parallel histogramming operation in which chare array elements funnel their bin counts through a group, instead of contributing directly to a reduction across all chares. NodeGroup Objects

The node group construct is similar to the group construct discussed above. Rather than having one chare per PE, a node group is a collection of chares with one chare per process, or logical node. Therefore, each logical node hosts a single branch of the node group. As with groups, node groups can be addressed via globally unique identifiers. Nonetheless, there are significant differences in the semantics of node groups as compared to groups and chare arrays. When an entry method of a node group is executed on one of its branches, it executes on some PE within the logical node. Also, multiple entry method calls can execute concurrently on a single node group branch. This makes node groups significantly different from groups and requires some care when using them. NodeGroup Declaration

Node groups are defined in a similar way to groups. [10] For example, in the interface file, we declare:

nodegroup NodeGroupType {
 // Interface specifications as for normal chares

In the .h file, we define NodeGroupType as follows:

class NodeGroupType : public CBase_NodeGroupType {
 // Data and member functions as in C++
 // Entry functions as for normal chares

Like groups, NodeGroups are identified by a globally unique identifier of type CkGroupID. Just as with groups, this identifier is common to all branches of the NodeGroup, and can be obtained from the inherited data member thisgroup. There can be many instances corresponding to a single NodeGroup type, and each instance has a different identifier, and its own set of branches. Method Invocation on NodeGroups

As with chares, chare arrays and groups, entry methods are invoked on NodeGroup branches via proxy objects. An entry method may be invoked on a particular branch of a nodegroup by specifying a logical node number argument to the square bracket operator of the proxy object. A broadcast is expressed by omitting the square bracket notation. For completeness, example syntax for these two cases is shown below:

// Invoke `someEntryMethod' on the i-th logical node of
// a NodeGroup whose proxy is `myNodeGroupProxy':

// Invoke `someEntryMethod' on all logical nodes of
// a NodeGroup whose proxy is `myNodeGroupProxy':

It is worth restating that when an entry method is invoked on a particular branch of a nodegroup, it may be executed by any PE in that logical node. Thus two invocations of a single entry method on a particular branch of a NodeGroup may be executed concurrently by two different PEs in the logical node. If this could cause data races in your program, please consult Section (below). NodeGroups and exclusive Entry Methods

Node groups may have exclusive entry methods. The execution of an exclusive entry method invocation is mutually exclusive with those of all other exclusive entry methods invocations. That is, an exclusive entry method invocation is not executed on a logical node as long as another exclusive entry method is executing on it. More explicitly, if a method M of a nodegroup NG is marked exclusive, it means that while an instance of M is being executed by a PE within a logical node, no other PE within that logical node will execute any other exclusive methods. However, PEs in the logical node may still execute non-exclusive entry method invocations. An entry method can be marked exclusive by tagging it with the exclusive attribute, as explained in Section Accessing the Local Branch of a NodeGroup

The local branch of a NodeGroup NG, and hence its member fields and methods, can be accessed through the method NG* CProxy_NG::ckLocalBranch() of its proxy. Note that accessing data members of a NodeGroup branch in this manner is not thread-safe by default, although you may implement your own mutual exclusion schemes to ensure safety. One way to ensure safety is to use node-level locks, which are described in the Converse manual.

NodeGroups can be used in a similar way to groups so as to implement lower-level optimizations such as data sharing and message reduction.

2.2.8. Initializations at Program Startup initnode and initproc Routines

Some registration routines need be executed exactly once before the computation begins. You may choose to declare a regular C++ subroutine initnode in the .ci file to ask Charm++ to execute the routine exactly once on every logical node before the computation begins, or to declare a regular C++ subroutine initproc to be executed exactly once on every PE.

module foo {
    initnode void fooNodeInit(void);
    initproc void fooProcInit(void);
    chare bar {
        initnode void barNodeInit(void);
        initproc void barProcInit(void);

This code will execute the routines fooNodeInit and static bar::barNodeInit once on every logical node and fooProcInit and bar::barProcInit on every PE before the main computation starts. Initnode calls are always executed before initproc calls. Both init calls (declared as static member functions) can be used in chares, chare arrays and groups.

Note that these routines should only implement registration and startup functionality, and not parallel computation, since the Charm++ run time system will not have started up fully when they are invoked. In order to begin the parallel computation, you should use a mainchare instead, which gets executed on only PE 0. Event Sequence During Charm++ Startup

At startup, every Charm++ program performs the following actions, in sequence:

  1. Module Registration: all modules given in the .ci files are registered in the order of their specification in the linking stage of program compilation. For example, if you specified “-module A -module B” while linking your Charm++ program, then module A is registered before module B at runtime.

  2. initnode, initproc Calls: all initnode and initproc functions are invoked before the creation of Charm++ data structures, and before the invocation of any mainchares’ main() methods.

  3. readonly Variables: readonly variables are initialized on PE 0 in the mainchare, following program order as given in the main() method. After initialization, they are broadcast to all other PEs making them available in the constructors groups, chares, chare arrays, etc. (see below.)

  4. Group and NodeGroup Creation: on PE 0, constructors of these objects are invoked in program order. However, on all other PEs, their creation is triggered by messages. Since message order is not guaranteed in Charm++ program, constructors of groups and nodegroups should not depend on other Group or NodeGroup objects on a PE. However, if your program structure requires it, you can explicitly specify that the creation of certain Groups/NodeGroups depends on the creation of others, as described in Section In addition, since those objects are initialized after the initialization of readonly variables, readonly variables can be used in the constructors of Groups and NodeGroups.

  5. Charm++ Array Creation: the order in which array constructors are called on PEs is similar to that described for groups and nodegroups, above. Therefore, the creation of one array should not depend on other arrays. As Array objects are initialized last, their constructors can use readonly variables and local branches of Group or NodeGroup objects.

2.3. Advanced Programming Techniques

2.3.1. Optimizing Entry Method Invocation Messages

Although Charm++ supports automated parameter marshalling for entry methods, you can also manually handle the process of packing and unpacking parameters by using messages. A message encapsulates all the parameters sent to an entry method. Since the parameters are already encapsulated, sending messages is often more efficient than parameter marshalling, and can help to avoid unnecessary copying. Moreover, assume that the receiver is unable to process the contents of the message at the time that it receives it. For example, consider a tiled matrix multiplication program, wherein each chare receives an \(A\)-tile and a \(B\)-tile before computing a partial result for \(C = A \times B\). If we were using parameter marshalled entry methods, a chare would have to copy the first tile it received, in order to save it for when it has both the tiles it needs. Then, upon receiving the second tile, the chare would use the second tile and the first (saved) tile to compute a partial result. However, using messages, we would just save a pointer to the message encapsulating the tile received first, instead of the tile data itself.

Managing the memory buffer associated with a message. As suggested in the example above, the biggest difference between marshalled parameters and messages is that an entry method invocation is assumed to keep the message that it is passed. That is, the Charm++ runtime system assumes that code in the body of the invoked entry method will explicitly manage the memory associated with the message that it is passed. Therefore, in order to avoid leaking memory, the body of an entry method must either delete the message that it is receives, or save a pointer to it, and delete it a later point in the execution of the code.

Moreover, in the Charm++ execution model, once you pass a message buffer to the runtime system (via an asynchronous entry method invocation), you should not reuse the buffer. That is, after you have passed a message buffer into an asynchronous entry method invocation, you shouldn’t access its fields, or pass that same buffer into a second entry method invocation. Note that this rule doesn’t preclude the single reuse of a received message - consider being inside the body of an entry method invocation \(i_1\), which has received the message buffer \(m_1\) as an input parameter. Then, \(m_1\) may be passed to an asynchronous entry method invocation \(i_2\). However, once \(i_2\) has been issued with \(m_1\) as its input parameter, \(m_1\) cannot be used in any further entry method invocations.

Several kinds of message are available. Regular Charm++ messages are objects of fixed size. One can have messages that contain pointers or variable length arrays (arrays with sizes specified at runtime) and still have these pointers as valid when messages are sent across processors, with some additional coding. Also available is a mechanism for assigning priorities to a message regardless of its type. A detailed discussion of priorities appears later in this section. Message Types

Fixed-Size Messages. The simplest type of message is a fixed-size message. The size of each data member of such a message should be known at compile time. Therefore, such a message may encapsulate primitive data types, user-defined data types that don’t maintain pointers to memory locations, and static arrays of the aforementioned types.

Variable-Size Messages. Very often, the size of the data contained in a message is not known until runtime. For such scenarios, you can use variable-size (varsize) messages. A varsize message can encapsulate several arrays, each of whose size is determined at run time. The space required for these encapsulated, variable length arrays is allocated with the entire message comprises a contiguous buffer of memory.

Packed Messages. A packed message is used to communicate non-linear data structures via messages. However, we defer a more detailed description of their use to Section Using Messages In Your Program

There are five steps to incorporating a (fixed or varsize) message type in your Charm++ program: (1) Declare message type in .ci file; (2) Define message type in .h file; (3) Allocate message; (4) Pass message to asynchronous entry method invocation and (5) Deallocate message to free associated memory resources.

Declaring Your Message Type. Like all other entities involved in asynchronous entry method invocation, messages must be declared in the .ci file. This allows the Charm++ translator to generate support code for messages. Message declaration is straightforward for fixed-size messages. Given a message of type MyFixedSizeMsg, simply include the following in the .ci file:

message MyFixedSizeMsg;

For varsize messages, the .ci declaration must also include the names and types of the variable-length arrays that the message will encapsulate. The following example illustrates this requirement. In it, a message of type MyVarsizeMsg, which encapsulates three variable-length arrays of different types, is declared:

message MyVarsizeMsg {
  int arr1[];
  double arr2[];
  MyPointerlessStruct arr3[];

Defining Your Message Type. Once a message type has been declared to the Charm++ translator, its type definition must be provided. Your message type must inherit from a specific generated base class. If the type of your message is T, then class T must inherit from CMessage_T. This is true for both fixed and varsize messages. As an example, for our fixed size message type MyFixedSizeMsg above, we might write the following in the .h file:

class MyFixedSizeMsg : public CMessage_MyFixedSizeMsg {
  int var1;
  MyPointerlessStruct var2;
  double arr3[10];

  // Normal C++ methods, constructors, etc. go here

In particular, note the inclusion of the static array of doubles, arr3, whose size is known at compile time to be that of ten doubles. Similarly, for our example varsize message of type MyVarsizeMsg, we would write something like:

class MyVarsizeMsg : public CMessage_MyVarsizeMsg {
  // variable-length arrays
  int *arr1;
  double *arr2;
  MyPointerlessStruct *arr3;

  // members that are not variable-length arrays
  int x,y;
  double z;

  // Normal C++ methods, constructors, etc. go here

Note that the .h definition of the class type must contain data members whose names and types match those specified in the .ci declaration. In addition, if any of data members are private or protected, it should declare class CMessage_MyVarsizeMsg to be a friend class. Finally, there are no limitations on the member methods of message classes, except that the message class may not redefine operators new or delete.

Thus the mtype class declaration should be similar to:

Creating a Message. With the .ci declaration and .h definition in place, messages can be allocated and used in the program. Messages are allocated using the C++ new operator:

MessageType *msgptr =
 new [(int sz1, int sz2, ... , int priobits=0)] MessageType[(constructor arguments)];

The arguments enclosed within the square brackets are optional, and are used only when allocating messages with variable length arrays or prioritized messages. These arguments are not specified for fixed size messages. For instance, to allocate a message of our example message MyFixedSizeMsg, we write:

MyFixedSizeMsg *msg = new MyFixedSizeMsg(<constructor args>);

In order to allocate a varsize message, we must pass appropriate values to the arguments of the overloaded new operator presented previously. Arguments sz1, sz2, … denote the size (in number of elements) of the memory blocks that need to be allocated and assigned to the pointers (variable-length arrays) that the message contains. The priobits argument denotes the size of a bitvector (number of bits) that will be used to store the message priority. So, if we wanted to create MyVarsizeMsg whose arr1, arr2 and arr3 arrays contain 10, 20 and 7 elements of their respective types, we would write:

MyVarsizeMsg *msg = new (10, 20, 7) MyVarsizeMsg(<constructor args>);

Further, to add a 32-bit priority bitvector to this message, we would write:

MyVarsizeMsg *msg = new (10, 20, 7, sizeof(uint32_t)*8) VarsizeMessage;

Notice the last argument to the overloaded new operator, which specifies the number of bits used to store message priority. The section on prioritized execution (Section describes how priorities can be employed in your program.

Another version of the overloaded new operator allows you to pass in an array containing the size of each variable-length array, rather than specifying individual sizes as separate arguments. For example, we could create a message of type MyVarsizeMsg in the following manner:

int sizes[3];
sizes[0] = 10;               // arr1 will have 10 elements
sizes[1] = 20;               // arr2 will have 20 elements
sizes[2] = 7;                // arr3 will have 7 elements

MyVarsizeMsg *msg = new(sizes, 0) MyVarsizeMsg(<constructor args>); // 0 priority bits

Sending a Message. Once we have a properly allocated message, we can set the various elements of the encapsulated arrays in the following manner:

msg->arr1[13] = 1;
msg->arr2[5] = 32.82;
msg->arr3[2] = MyPointerlessStruct();
// etc.

And pass it to an asynchronous entry method invocation, thereby sending it to the corresponding chare:


When a message is sent, i.e. passed to an asynchronous entry method invocation, the programmer relinquishes control of it; the space allocated for the message is freed by the runtime system. However, when a message is received at an entry point, it is not freed by the runtime system. As mentioned at the start of this section, received messages may be reused or deleted by the programmer. Finally, messages are deleted using the standard C++ delete operator. Message Packing

The Charm++ interface translator generates implementation for three static methods for the message class CMessage_mtype. These methods have the prototypes:

static void* alloc(int msgnum, size_t size, int* array, int priobits);
static void* pack(mtype*);
static mtype* unpack(void*);

One may choose not to use the translator-generated methods and may override these implementations with their own alloc, pack and unpack static methods of the mtype class. The alloc method will be called when the message is allocated using the C++ new operator. The programmer never needs to explicitly call it. Note that all elements of the message are allocated when the message is created with new. There is no need to call new to allocate any of the fields of the message. This differs from a packed message where each field requires individual allocation. The alloc method should actually allocate the message using CkAllocMsg, whose signature is given below:

void *CkAllocMsg(int msgnum, int size, int priobits);

For varsize messages, these static methods alloc, pack, and unpack are generated by the interface translator. For example, these methods for the VarsizeMessage class above would be similar to:

// allocate memory for varmessage so charm can keep track of memory
static void* alloc(int msgnum, size_t size, int* array, int priobits)
  int totalsize, first_start, second_start;
  // array is passed in when the message is allocated using new (see below).
  // size is the amount of space needed for the part of the message known
  // about at compile time.  Depending on their values, sometimes a segfault
  // will occur if memory addressing is not on 8-byte boundary, so altered
  // with ALIGN8
  first_start = ALIGN8(size);  // 8-byte align with this macro
  second_start = ALIGN8(first_start + array[0]*sizeof(int));
  totalsize = second_start + array[1]*sizeof(double);
  VarsizeMessage* newMsg =
    (VarsizeMessage*) CkAllocMsg(msgnum, totalsize, priobits);
  // make firstArray point to end of newMsg in memory
  newMsg->firstArray = (int*) ((char*)newMsg + first_start);
  // make secondArray point to after end of firstArray in memory
  newMsg->secondArray = (double*) ((char*)newMsg + second_start);

  return (void*) newMsg;

// returns pointer to memory containing packed message
static void* pack(VarsizeMessage* in)
  // set firstArray an offset from the start of in
  in->firstArray = (int*) ((char*)in->firstArray - (char*)in);
  // set secondArray to the appropriate offset
  in->secondArray = (double*) ((char*)in->secondArray - (char*)in);
  return in;

// returns new message from raw memory
static VarsizeMessage* VarsizeMessage::unpack(void* inbuf)
  VarsizeMessage* me = (VarsizeMessage*)inbuf;
  // return first array to absolute address in memory
  me->firstArray = (int*) ((size_t)me->firstArray + (char*)me);
  // likewise for secondArray
  me->secondArray = (double*) ((size_t)me->secondArray + (char*)me);
  return me;

The pointers in a varsize message can exist in two states. At creation, they are valid C++ pointers to the start of the arrays. After packing, they become offsets from the address of the pointer variable to the start of the pointed-to data. Unpacking restores them to pointers. Custom Packed Messages

In many cases, a message must store a non-linear data structure using pointers. Examples of these are binary trees, hash tables etc. Thus, the message itself contains only a pointer to the actual data. When the message is sent to the same processor, these pointers point to the original locations, which are within the address space of the same processor. However, when such a message is sent to other processors, these pointers will point to invalid locations.

Thus, the programmer needs a way to “serialize” these messages only if the message crosses the address-space boundary. Charm++ provides a way to do this serialization by allowing the developer to override the default serialization methods generated by the Charm++ interface translator. Note that this low-level serialization has nothing to do with parameter marshalling or the PUP framework described later.

Packed messages are declared in the .ci file the same way as ordinary messages:

message PMessage;

Like all messages, the class PMessage needs to inherit from CMessage_PMessage and should provide two static methods: pack and unpack. These methods are called by the Charm++ runtime system, when the message is determined to be crossing address-space boundary. The prototypes for these methods are as follows:

static void *PMessage::pack(PMessage *in);
static PMessage *PMessage::unpack(void *in);

Typically, the following tasks are done in pack method:

  • Determine size of the buffer needed to serialize message data.

  • Allocate buffer using the CkAllocBuffer function. This function takes in two parameters: input message, and size of the buffer needed, and returns the buffer.

  • Serialize message data into buffer (along with any control information needed to de-serialize it on the receiving side.

  • Free resources occupied by message (including message itself.)

On the receiving processor, the unpack method is called. Typically, the following tasks are done in the unpack method:

  • Allocate message using CkAllocBuffer function. Do not use new to allocate message here. If the message constructor has to be called, it can be done using the in-place new operator.

  • De-serialize message data from input buffer into the allocated message.

  • Free the input buffer using CkFreeMsg.

Here is an example of a packed-message implementation:

// File: pgm.ci
mainmodule PackExample {
  message PackedMessage;

// File: pgm.h
class PackedMessage : public CMessage_PackedMessage
    BinaryTree<char> btree; // A non-linear data structure
    static void* pack(PackedMessage*);
    static PackedMessage* unpack(void*);

// File: pgm.C
PackedMessage::pack(PackedMessage* inmsg)
  int treesize = inmsg->btree.getFlattenedSize();
  int totalsize = treesize + sizeof(int);
  char *buf = (char*)CkAllocBuffer(inmsg, totalsize);
  // buf is now just raw memory to store the data structure
  int num_nodes = inmsg->btree.getNumNodes();
  memcpy(buf, &num_nodes, sizeof(int));  // copy numnodes into buffer
  buf = buf + sizeof(int);               // don't overwrite numnodes
  // copies into buffer, give size of buffer minus header
  inmsg->btree.Flatten((void*)buf, treesize);
  buf = buf - sizeof(int);              // don't lose numnodes
  delete inmsg;
  return (void*) buf;

PackedMessage::unpack(void* inbuf)
  // inbuf is the raw memory allocated and assigned in pack
  char* buf = (char*) inbuf;
  int num_nodes;
  memcpy(&num_nodes, buf, sizeof(int));
  buf = buf + sizeof(int);
  // allocate the message through Charm RTS
  PackedMessage* pmsg =
    (PackedMessage*)CkAllocBuffer(inbuf, sizeof(PackedMessage));
  // call "inplace" constructor of PackedMessage that calls constructor
  // of PackedMessage using the memory allocated by CkAllocBuffer,
  // takes a raw buffer inbuf, the number of nodes, and constructs the btree
  pmsg = new ((void*)pmsg) PackedMessage(buf, num_nodes);
  return pmsg;
PackedMessage* pm = new PackedMessage();  // just like always

While serializing an arbitrary data structure into a flat buffer, one must be very wary of any possible alignment problems. Thus, if possible, the buffer itself should be declared to be a flat struct. This will allow the C++ compiler to ensure proper alignment of all its member fields. Entry Method Attributes

Charm++ provides a handful of special attributes that entry methods may have. In order to give a particular entry method an attribute, you must specify the keyword for the desired attribute in the attribute list of that entry method’s .ci file declaration. The syntax for this is as follows:

entry [attribute1, ..., attributeN] void EntryMethod(parameters);

Charm++ currently offers the following attributes that one may assign to an entry method: threaded, sync, exclusive, nokeep, notrace, appwork, immediate, expedited, inline, local, python, reductiontarget, aggregate.


entry methods run in their own non-preemptible threads. These entry methods may perform blocking operations, such as calls to a sync entry method, or explicitly suspending themselves. For more details, refer to section


entry methods are special in that calls to them are blocking-they do not return control to the caller until the method finishes execution completely. Sync methods may have return values; however, they may only return messages or data types that have the PUP method implemented. Callers must run in a thread separate from the runtime scheduler, e.g. a threaded entry methods. Calls expecting a return value will receive it as the return from the proxy invocation:

ReturnMsg* m;
m = A[i].foo(a, b, c);

For more details, refer to section


entry methods should only exist on NodeGroup objects. One such entry method will not execute while some other exclusive entry methods belonging to the same NodeGroup object are executing on the same node. In other words, if one exclusive method of a NodeGroup object is executing on node N, and another one is scheduled to run on the same node, the second exclusive method will wait to execute until the first one finishes. An example can be found in benchmarks/charm++/pingpong.


entry methods take only a message as their lone argument, and the memory buffer for this message is managed by the Charm++ runtime system rather than by the user. This means that the user has to guarantee that the message will not be buffered for later usage or be freed in the user code. Additionally, users are not allowed to modify the contents of a nokeep message, since for a broadcast the same message can be reused for all entry method invocations on each PE. If a user frees the message or modifies its contents, a runtime error may result. An example can be found in examples/charm++/histogram_group.


entry methods will not be traced during execution. As a result, they will not be considered and displayed in Projections for performance analysis. Additionally, immediate entry methods are by default notrace and will not be traced during execution.


this entry method will be marked as executing application work. It will be used for performance analysis.


entry methods are executed in an “immediate” fashion as they skip the message scheduling while other normal entry methods do not. Immediate entry methods can only be associated with NodeGroup objects, otherwise a compilation error will result. If the destination of such entry method is on the local node, then the method will be executed in the context of the regular PE regardless the execution mode of Charm++ runtime. However, in the SMP mode, if the destination of the method is on the remote node, then the method will be executed in the context of the communication thread. For that reason, immediate entry methods should be used for code that is performance critical and does not take too long in terms of execution time because long running entry methods can delay communication by occupying the communication thread for entry method execution rather than remote communication.

Such entry methods can be useful for implementing multicasts/reductions as well as data lookup when such operations are on the performance critical path. On a certain Charm++ PE, skipping the normal message scheduling prevents the execution of immediate entry methods from being delayed by entry functions that could take a long time to finish. Immediate entry methods are implicitly “exclusive” on each node, meaning that one execution of immediate message will not be interrupted by another. Function CmiProbeImmediateMsg() can be called in user codes to probe and process immediate messages periodically. Also note that immediate entry methods are by default notrace and are not traced during execution. An example of immediate entry method can be found in examples/charm++/immediateEntryMethod.


entry methods skip the priority-based message queue in Charm++ runtime. It is useful for messages that require prompt processing when adding the immediate attribute to the message does not apply. Compared with the immediate attribute, the expedited attribute provides a more general solution that works for all types of Charm++ objects, i.e. Chare, Group, NodeGroup and Chare Array. However, expedited entry methods will still be scheduled in the lower-level Converse message queue, and be processed in the order of message arrival. Therefore, they may still suffer from delays caused by long running entry methods. An example can be found in examples/charm++/satisfiability.


entry methods will be called as a normal C++ member function if the message recipient happens to be on the same PE. The call to the function will happen inline, and control will return to the calling function after the inline method completes. Because of this, these entry methods need to be re-entrant as they could be called multiple times recursively. Parameters to the inline method will be passed by reference to avoid any copying, packing, or unpacking of the parameters. This makes inline calls effective when large amounts of data are being passed, and copying or packing the data would be an expensive operation. Perfect forwarding has been implemented to allow for seamless passing of both lvalue and rvalue references. Note that calls with rvalue references must take place in the same translation unit as the .decl.h file to allow for the appropriate template instantiations. Alternatively, the method can be made templated and referenced from multiple translation units via CK_TEMPLATES_ONLY. An explicit instantiation of all lvalue references is provided for compatibility with existing code. If the recipient resides on a different PE, a regular message is sent with the message arguments packed up using PUP, and inline has no effect. An example “inlineem” can be found in tests/charm++/megatest.


entry methods are equivalent to normal function calls: the entry method is always executed immediately. This feature is available only for Group objects and Chare Array objects. The user has to guarantee that the recipient chare element resides on the same PE. Otherwise, the application will abort with a failure. If the local entry method uses parameter marshalling, instead of marshalling input parameters into a message, it will pass them directly to the callee. This implies that the callee can modify the caller data if method parameters are passed by pointer or reference. The above description of perfect forwarding for inline entry methods also applies to local entry methods. Furthermore, input parameters are not required to be PUPable. Considering that these entry methods always execute immediately, they are allowed to have a non-void return value. An example can be found in examples/charm++/hello/local.


a local entry method meant to be used with CkCallWhenIdle, which registers an entry method to be called when a processor is idle. This mechanism provides a convenient way to do work (e.g. low priority or speculative) in the absence of other work. whenidle entry methods must return a bool value, indicating whether the entry method should be called when the processor is idle again, and take no arguments. An example can be found in examples/charm++/whenidle.


entry methods are enabled to be called from python scripts as explained in chapter 2.4.2. Note that the object owning the method must also be declared with the keyword python. Refer to chapter 2.4.2 for more details.


entry methods can be used as the target of reductions while taking arguments of the same type specified in the contribute call rather than a message of type CkReductionMsg. See section for more information.


data sent to this entry method will be aggregated into larger messages before being sent, to reduce fine-grained overhead. The aggregation is handled by the Topological Routing and Aggregation Module (TRAM). The argument to this entry method must be a single PUPable object. More details on TRAM are given in the TRAM section of the libraries manual. Controlling Delivery Order

By default, Charm++ processes the messages sent in roughly FIFO order when they arrive at a PE. For most programs, this behavior is fine. However, for optimal performance, some programs need more explicit control over the order in which messages are processed. Charm++ allows you to adjust delivery order on a per-message basis.

An example program demonstrating how to modify delivery order for messages and parameter marshaling can be found in examples/charm++/prio. Queueing Strategies

The order in which messages are processed in the recipient’s queue can be set by explicitly setting the queuing strategy using one the following constants. These constants can be applied when sending a message or invoking an entry method using parameter marshaling:



  • CK_QUEUEING_IFIFO: FIFO ordering with integer priority

  • CK_QUEUEING_ILIFO: LIFO ordering with integer priority

  • CK_QUEUEING_BFIFO: FIFO ordering with bitvector priority

  • CK_QUEUEING_BLIFO: LIFO ordering with bitvector priority

  • CK_QUEUEING_LFIFO: FIFO ordering with long integer priority

  • CK_QUEUEING_LLIFO: FIFO ordering with long integer priority Parameter Marshaling

For parameter marshaling, the queueingtype can be set for CkEntryOptions, which is passed to an entry method invocation as the optional last parameter.

CkEntryOptions opts1, opts2;

chare.entry_name(arg1, arg2, opts1);
chare.entry_name(arg1, arg2, opts2);

When the message with opts1 arrives at its destination, it will be pushed onto the end of the message queue as usual. However, when the message with opts2 arrives, it will be pushed onto the front of the message queue. Messages
For messages, the CkSetQueueing function can be used to change the order in which messages are processed, where queueingtype is one of the above constants.
void CkSetQueueing(MsgType message, int queueingtype)

The first two options, CK_QUEUEING_FIFO and CK_QUEUEING_LIFO, are used as follows:

MsgType *msg1 = new MsgType ;
CkSetQueueing(msg1, CK_QUEUEING_FIFO);

MsgType *msg2 = new MsgType ;
CkSetQueueing(msg2, CK_QUEUEING_LIFO);

Similar to the parameter marshalled case described above, msg1 will be pushed onto the end of the message queue, while msg2 will be pushed onto the front of the message queue. Prioritized Execution

The basic FIFO and LIFO strategies are sufficient to approximate parallel breadth-first and depth-first explorations of a problem space, but they do not allow more fine-grained control. To provide that degree of control, Charm++ also allows explicit prioritization of messages.

The other six queueing strategies involve the use of priorities . There are two kinds of priorities which can be attached to a message: integer priorities and bitvector priorities . These correspond to the I and B queueing strategies, respectively. In both cases, numerically lower priorities will be dequeued and delivered before numerically greater priorities. The FIFO and LIFO queueing strategies then control the relative order in which messages of the same priority will be delivered.

To attach a priority field to a message, one needs to set aside space in the message’s buffer while allocating the message . To achieve this, the size of the priority field in bits should be specified as a placement argument to the new operator, as described in section Although the size of the priority field is specified in bits, it is always padded to an integral number of ints. A pointer to the priority part of the message buffer can be obtained with this call: void *CkPriorityPtr(MsgType msg).

Integer priorities are quite straightforward. One allocates a message with an extra integer parameter to “new” (see the first line of the example below), which sets aside enough space (in bits) in the message to hold the priority. One then stores the priority in the message. Finally, one informs the system that the message contains an integer priority using CkSetQueueing:

MsgType *msg = new (8*sizeof(int)) MsgType;
*(int*)CkPriorityPtr(msg) = prio;
CkSetQueueing(msg, CK_QUEUEING_IFIFO); Bitvector Prioritization

Bitvector priorities are arbitrary-length bit-strings representing fixed-point numbers in the range 0 to 1. For example, the bit-string “001001” represents the number .001001. As with integer priorities, higher numbers represent lower priorities. However, bitvectors can be of arbitrary length, and hence the priority numbers they represent can be of arbitrary precision.

Arbitrary-precision priorities are often useful in AI search-tree applications. Suppose we have a heuristic suggesting that tree node \(N_1\) should be searched before tree node \(N_2\). We therefore designate that node \(N_1\) and its descendants will use high priorities, and that node \(N_2\) and its descendants will use lower priorities. We have effectively split the range of possible priorities in two. If several such heuristics fire in sequence, we can easily split the priority range in two enough times that no significant bits remain, and the search begins to fail for lack of meaningful priorities to assign. The solution is to use arbitrary-precision priorities, i.e. bitvector priorities.

To assign a bitvector priority, two methods are available. The first is to obtain a pointer to the priority field using CkPriorityPtr, and then manually set the bits using the bit-setting operations inherent to C. To achieve this, one must know the format of the bitvector, which is as follows: the bitvector is represented as an array of unsigned integers. The most significant bit of the first integer contains the first bit of the bitvector. The remaining bits of the first integer contain the next 31 bits of the bitvector. Subsequent integers contain 32 bits each. If the size of the bitvector is not a multiple of 32, then the last integer contains 0 bits for padding in the least-significant bits of the integer.

The second way to assign priorities is only useful for those who are using the priority range-splitting described above. The root of the tree is assigned the null priority-string. Each child is assigned its parent’s priority with some number of bits concatenated. The net effect is that the entire priority of a branch is within a small epsilon of the priority of its root.

It is possible to utilize unprioritized messages, integer priorities, and bitvector priorities in the same program. The messages will be processed in roughly the following order :

  • Among messages enqueued with bitvector priorities, the messages are dequeued according to their priority. The priority “0000…” is dequeued first, and “1111…” is dequeued last.

  • Unprioritized messages are treated as if they had the priority “1000…” (which is the “middle” priority, it lies exactly halfway between “0000…” and “1111…”).

  • Integer priorities are converted to bitvector priorities. They are normalized so that the integer priority of zero is converted to “1000…” (the “middle” priority). To be more specific, the conversion is performed by adding 0x80000000 to the integer, and then treating the resulting 32-bit quantity as a 32-bit bitvector priority.

  • Among messages with the same priority, messages are dequeued in FIFO order or LIFO order, depending upon which queuing strategy was used.

Additionally, long integer priorities can be specified by the L strategy.

A final reminder about prioritized execution: Charm++ processes messages in roughly the order you specify; it never guarantees that it will deliver the messages in precisely the order you specify. Thus, the correctness of your program should never depend on the order in which the runtime delivers messages. However, it makes a serious attempt to be “close”, so priorities can strongly affect the efficiency of your program. Skipping the Queue

Some operations that one might want to perform are sufficiently latency-sensitive that they should never wait in line behind other messages. The Charm++ runtime offers two attributes for entry methods, expedited and immediate, to serve these needs. For more information on these attributes, see Section and the example in tests/charm++/megatest/immediatering.ci. Zero Copy Messaging API

Apart from using messages, Charm++ also provides APIs to avoid sender and receiver side copies. On RDMA enabled networks like GNI, Verbs, PAMI, OFI, and UCX these internally make use of one-sided communication by using the underlying Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) enabled network. For large arrays (few 100 KBs or more), the cost of copying during marshalling the message can be quite high. Using these APIs can help not only save the expensive copy operation but also reduce the application’s memory footprint by avoiding data duplication. Saving these costs for large arrays proves to be a significant optimization in achieving faster message send and receive times in addition to overall improvement in performance because of lower memory consumption. On the other hand, using these APIs for small arrays can lead to a drop in performance due to the overhead associated with one-sided communication. The overhead is mainly due to additional small messages required for sending the metadata message and the acknowledgment message on completion.

For within process data-transfers, this API uses regular memcpy to achieve zero copy semantics. Similarly, on CMA-enabled machines, in a few cases, this API takes advantage of CMA to perform inter-process intra-physical host data transfers. This API is also functional on non-RDMA enabled networks like regular ethernet, except that it does not avoid copies and behaves like a regular Charm++ entry method invocation.

There are three APIs that provide zero copy semantics in Charm++: Zero Copy Direct API

The Zero Copy Direct API allows users to explicitly invoke a standard set of methods on predefined buffer information objects to avoid copies. Unlike the Entry Method API which calls the zero copy operation for every zero copy entry method invocation, the direct API provides a more flexible interface by allowing the user to exploit the persistent nature of iterative applications to perform zero copy operations using the same buffer information objects across iteration boundaries. It is also more beneficial than the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API because unlike the entry method Send API, which avoids just the sender side copy, the Zero Copy Direct API avoids both sender and receiver side copies.

To send an array using the Zero Copy Direct API, define a CkNcpyBuffer object on the sender chare specifying the pointer, size, a CkCallback object and optional reg-mode and dereg-mode parameters.

CkCallback srcCb(CkIndex_Ping1::sourceDone, thisProxy[thisIndex]);
// CkNcpyBuffer object representing the source buffer
CkNcpyBuffer source(arr1, arr1Size * sizeof(int), srcCb);
// ^ is equivalent to CkNcpyBuffer source(arr1, arr1Size * sizeof(int), srcCb, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG);

When used inside a CkNcpyBuffer object that represents the source buffer information, the callback is specified to notify about the safety of reusing the buffer and indicates that the get or put call has been completed. In those cases where the application can determine the safety of reusing the buffer through other synchronization mechanisms, the callback is not entirely useful and in such cases, CkCallback::ignore can be passed as the callback parameter. The optional reg-mode and dereg-mode parameters are used to determine the network registration mode and de-registration mode for the buffer. They are only relevant on networks requiring explicit memory registration for performing RDMA operations. These networks include GNI, OFI, UCX and Verbs. When the reg-mode is not specified by the user, the default reg-mode is considered to be CK_BUFFER_REG and similarly, when the dereg-mode is not specified by the user, the default dereg-mode is considered to be CK_BUFFER_DEREG.

Similarly, to receive an array using the Zero Copy Direct API, define another CkNcpyBuffer object on the receiver chare object specifying the pointer, the size, a CkCallback object and the optional reg-mode and dereg-mode parameters. When used inside a CkNcpyBuffer object that represents the destination buffer, the callback is specified to notify the completion of data transfer into the CkNcpyBuffer buffer. In those cases where the application can determine data transfer completion through other synchronization mechanisms, the callback is not entirely useful and in such cases, CkCallback::ignore can be passed as the callback parameter.

CkCallback destCb(CkIndex_Ping1::destinationDone, thisProxy[thisIndex]);
// CkNcpyBuffer object representing the destination buffer
CkNcpyBuffer dest(arr2, arr2Size * sizeof(int), destCb);
// is equivalent to CkNcpyBuffer dest(arr2, arr2Size * sizeof(int), destCb, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG);

Once the source CkNcpyBuffer and destination CkNcpyBuffer objects have been defined on the sender and receiver chares, to perform a get operation, send the source CkNcpyBuffer object to the receiver chare. This can be done using a regular entry method invocation as shown in the following code snippet, where the sender, arrProxy[0] sends its source object to the receiver chare, arrProxy[1].

// On Index 0 of arrProxy chare array

After receiving the sender’s source CkNcpyBuffer object, the receiver can perform a get operation on its destination CkNcpyBuffer object by passing the source object as an argument to the runtime defined get method as shown in the following code snippet.

// On Index 1 of arrProxy chare array
// Call get on the local destination object passing the source object

This call performs a get operation, reading the remote source buffer into the local destination buffer.

Similarly, a receiver’s destination CkNcpyBuffer object can be sent to the sender for the sender to perform a put on its source object by passing the source CkNcpyBuffer object as an argument to the runtime defined put method as shown in the code snippet.

// On Index 1 of arrProxy chare array
// On Index 0 of arrProxy chare array
// Call put on the local source object passing the destination object

After the completion of either a get or a put, the callbacks specified in both the objects are invoked. Within the CkNcpyBuffer source callback, sourceDone(), the buffer can be safely modified or freed as shown in the following code snippet.

// Invoked by the runtime on source (Index 0)
void sourceDone() {
    // update the buffer to the next pointer

Similarly, inside the CkNcpyBuffer destination callback, destinationDone(), the user is guaranteed that the data transfer is complete into the destination buffer and the user can begin operating on the newly available data as shown in the following code snippet.

// Invoked by the runtime on destination (Index 1)
void destinationDone() {
    // received data, begin computing

The callback methods can also take a pointer to a CkDataMsg message. This message can be used to access the original buffer information object i.e. the CkNcpyBuffer objects used for the zero copy transfer. The buffer information object available in the callback allows access to all its information including the buffer pointer and the arbitrary reference pointer set using the method setRef. It is important to note that only the source CkNcpyBuffer object is accessible using the CkDataMsg in the source callback and similarly, the destination CkNcpyBuffer object is accessible using the CkDataMsg in the destination callback. The following code snippet illustrates the accessing of the original buffer pointer in the callback method by casting the data field of the CkDataMsg object into a CkNcpyBuffer object.

// Invoked by the runtime on source (Index 0)
void sourceDone(CkDataMsg *msg) {
    // Cast msg->data to a CkNcpyBuffer to get the source buffer information object
    CkNcpyBuffer *source = (CkNcpyBuffer *)(msg->data);

    // access buffer pointer and free it

    delete msg;

The following code snippet illustrates the usage of the setRef method.

const void *refPtr = &index;
CkNcpyBuffer source(arr1, arr1Size * sizeof(int), srcCb, CK_BUFFER_REG);

Similar to the buffer pointer, the user set arbitrary reference pointer can be also accessed in the callback method. This is shown in the next code snippet.

// Invoked by the runtime on source (Index 0)
void sourceDone(CkDataMsg *msg) {
    // update the buffer to the next pointer

    // Cast msg->data to a CkNcpyBuffer
    CkNcpyBuffer *src = (CkNcpyBuffer *)(msg->data);

    // access buffer pointer and free it

    // get reference pointer
    const void *refPtr = src->ref;

    delete msg;

The usage of CkDataMsg and setRef in order to access the original pointer and the arbitrary reference pointer is illustrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/unreg/simple_get

Both the source and destination buffers are of the same type i.e. CkNcpyBuffer. What distinguishes a source buffer from a destination buffer is the way the get or put call is made. A valid get call using two CkNcpyBuffer objects obj1 and obj2 is performed as obj1.get(obj2), where obj1 is the local destination buffer object and obj2 is the remote source buffer object that was passed to this PE. Similarly, a valid put call using two CkNcpyBuffer objects obj1 and obj2 is performed as obj1.put(obj2), where obj1 is the local source buffer object and obj2 is the remote destination buffer object that was passed to this PE.

In addition to the callbacks, the return values of get and put also indicate the completion of data transfer between the buffers. When the source and destination buffers are within the same process or on different processes within the same CMA-enabled physical node, the zerocopy data transfer happens immediately without an asynchronous RDMA call. In such cases, both the methods, get and put return an enum value of CkNcpyStatus::complete. This value of the API indicates the completion of the zerocopy data transfer. On the other hand, in the case of an asynchronous RDMA call, the data transfer is not immediate and the return enum value of the get and put methods is CkNcpyStatus::incomplete. This indicates that the data transfer is in-progress and not necessarily complete. Use of CkNcpyStatus in an application is illustrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/reg/simple_get.

Since callbacks in Charm++ allow to store a reference number, these callbacks passed into CkNcpyBuffer can be set with a reference number using the method cb.setRefNum(num). Upon callback invocation, these reference numbers can be used to identify the buffers that were passed into the CkNcpyBuffer objects. Upon callback invocation, the reference number of the callback can be accessed using the CkDataMsg argument of the callback function. For a callback using a CkDataMsg *msg, the reference number is obtained by using the method CkGetRefNum(msg);. This is illustrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/unreg/simple_get. specifically useful where there is an indexed collection of buffers, where the reference number can be used to index the collection.

Note that the CkNcpyBuffer objects can be either statically declared or be dynamically allocated. Additionally, the objects are also reusable across iteration boundaries i.e. after sending the CkNcpyBuffer object, the remote PE can use the same object to perform get or put. This pattern of using the same objects across iterations is demonstrated in benchmarks/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/reg/pingpong.

This API is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api Memory Registration and Registration Modes

There are four modes of memory registration for the Zero Copy API. These registration modes act as control switches on networks that require memory registration like GNI, OFI, UCX and Verbs, in order to perform RDMA operations . They dictate the functioning of the API providing flexible options based on user requirement. On other networks, where network memory management is not necessary (Netlrts) or is internally handled by the lower layer networking API (PAMI, MPI), these switches are still supported to maintain API consistency by all behaving in the similar default mode of operation.


CK_BUFFER_REG is the default mode that is used when no mode is passed. This mode doesn’t distinguish between non-network and network data transfers. When this mode is passed, the buffer is registered immediately and this can be used for both non-network sends (memcpy) and network sends without requiring an extra message being sent by the runtime system for the latter case. This mode is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/reg


When this mode is passed, the buffer is initially unregistered and it is registered only for network transfers where registration is absolutely required. For example, if the target buffer is on the same PE or same logical node (or process), since the get internally performs a memcpy, registration is avoided for non-network transfers. On the other hand, if the target buffer resides on a remote PE on a different logical node, the get is implemented through an RDMA call requiring registration. In such a case, there is a small message sent by the RTS to register and perform the RDMA operation. This mode is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/unreg


This mode is only beneficial by implementations that use pre-registered memory pools. In Charm++, GNI and Verbs machine layers use pre-registered memory pools for avoiding registration costs. On other machine layers, this mode is supported, but it behaves similar to CK_BUFFER_REG. A custom allocator, CkRdmaAlloc can be used to allocate a buffer from a pool of pre-registered memory to avoid the expensive malloc and memory registration costs. For a buffer allocated through CkRdmaAlloc, the mode CK_BUFFER_PREREG should be passed to indicate the use of a mempooled buffer to the RTS. A buffer allocated with CkRdmaAlloc can be deallocated by calling a custom deallocator, CkRdmaFree. Although the allocator CkRdmaAlloc and deallocator, CkRdmaFree are beneficial on GNI and Verbs, the allocators are functional on other networks and allocate regular memory similar to a malloc call. Importantly, it should be noted that with the CK_BUFFER_PREREG mode, the allocated buffer’s pointer should be used without any offsets. Using a buffer pointer with an offset will cause a segmentation fault. This mode is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/direct_api/prereg


This mode is used for just storing pointer information without any actual networking or registration information. It cannot be used for performing any zerocopy operations. This mode was added as it was useful for implementing a runtime system feature. Memory De-registration and De-registration Modes

On network layers that require explicit memory registration, it is important to de-register the registered memory. Since networks are limited by the maximum registered or pinned memory, not de-registering pinned memory can lead to a pinned memory leak, which could potentially reduce application performance because it limits the amount of pinned memory available to the process.

Similar to memory registration modes, the ZC API also provides two de-registration modes.


CK_BUFFER_DEREG is the default mode that is used when no dereg-mode is specified. This mode signals to the RTS that all the memory registered by the CkNcpyBuffer object should be de-registered by the RTS. Hence, when CK_BUFFER_DEREG is specified by the user, it is the runtime system’s responsibility to de-register the buffer registered by the CkNcpyBuffer object. This dereg-mode is used when the user is not likely to reuse the buffer and wants the de-registration responsibility transferred to the RTS.


This mode is specified when the user doesn’t want the RTS to de-register the buffer after the completion of the zero copy operation. It is beneficial when the user wants to reuse the same buffer (and reuse the CkNcpyBuffer object) by avoiding the cost of de-registration and registration. Important Methods

The Zero Copy API provides important methods that offer utilities that can be used by the user.

The deregisterMem method is used by the user to de-register memory after the completion of the zero copy operations. This allows for other buffers to use the registered memory as machines/networks are limited by the maximum amount of registered or pinned memory. Registered memory can be de-registered by calling the deregisterMem() method on the CkNcpyBuffer object.

// de-register previously registered buffer

In addition to deregisterMem(), there are other methods in a CkNcpyBuffer object that offer other utilities. The init(const void *ptr, size_t cnt, CkCallback &cb, unsigned short int mode=CK_BUFFER_UNREG) method can be used to re-initialize the CkNcpyBuffer object to new values similar to the ones that were passed in the constructor. For example, after using a CkNcpyBuffer object called srcInfo, the user can re-initialize the same object with other values. This is shown in the following code snippet.

// initialize src with new values
src.init(ptr, 200, newCb, CK_BUFFER_REG);

Additionally, the user can use another method registerMem in order to register a buffer that has been de-registered. Note that it is not required to call registerMem after a new initialization using init as registerMem is internally called on every new initialization. The usage of registerMem is illustrated in the following code snippet. Additionally, also note that following de-registration, if intended to register again, it is required to call registerMem even in the CK_BUFFER_PREREG mode when the buffer is allocated from a preregistered mempool. This is required to set the registration memory handles and will not incur any registration costs.

// register previously de-registered buffer

It should be noted that the Zero Copy Direct API is optimized only for point to point communication. Although it can be used for use cases where a single buffer needs to be broadcasted to multiple recipients, it is very likely that the API will currently perform suboptimally. This is primarily because of the implementation which assumes point to point communication for the Zero Copy Direct API. Having the same source buffer information (CkNcpyBuffer) being passed to a large number of processes, with each process performing a get call from the same source process will cause network congestion at the source process by slowing down each get operation because of competing get calls.

We are currently working on optimizing the Zero Copy Direct API for broadcast operations. Currently, the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API and the Zero Copy Entry Method Post API handle optimized broadcast operations by using a spanning tree as explained in the following sections. Zero Copy Entry Method Send API

The Zero Copy Entry Method Send API allows the user to only avoid the sender side copy. On the receiver side, the buffer is allocated by the runtime system and a pointer to the Readonly buffer is provided to the user as an entry method parameter. For a broadcast operation, there is only one buffer allocated by the runtime system for each recipient process and a pointer to the same buffer is passed to all the recipient objects on that process (or logical node).

This API offloads the user from the responsibility of making additional calls to support zero copy semantics. It extends the capability of the existing entry methods with slight modifications in order to send large buffers without a copy.

To send an array using the Zero Copy Message Send API, specify the array parameter in the .ci file with the nocopy specifier.

// same .ci specification is used for p2p and bcast operations
entry void foo (int size, nocopy int arr[size]);

While calling the entry method from the .C file, wrap the array i.e the pointer in a CkSendBuffer wrapper. The CkSendBuffer wrapper is essentially a method that constructs a CkNcpyBuffer around the passed pointer.

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr));

// for readonly broadcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr));

Until the RDMA operation is completed, it is not safe to modify the buffer. To be notified on completion of the RDMA operation, pass an optional callback object in the CkSendBuffer wrapper associated with the specific nocopy array.

CkCallback cb1(CkIndex_Foo::zerocopySent(), thisProxy[thisIndex]);

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1));

// for readonly broadcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1));

The CkSendBuffer wrapper also allows users to specify two optional mode parameters. These are used to determine the network registration mode and network de-registration mode for the buffer. It is only relevant on networks requiring explicit memory registration for performing RDMA operations. These networks include GNI, OFI, and Verbs. When the registration mode is not specified by the user, the default mode is considered to be CK_BUFFER_REG. Similarly, when the de-registration mode is not specified by the user, the default mode is considered to be CK_BUFFER_DEREG. Note that in order to specify a de-registration mode, the registration mode has to be specified in the constructor because of how default parameters work with constructors.

/* Specifying registration modes only, without any de-registration mode (uses default de-reg mode) */

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG));

// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1)); for REG reg-mode because of REG being the default
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_UNREG)); for UNREG reg-mode
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_PREREG)); for PREREG reg-mode

// for bcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG));

// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1)); for REG reg-mode because of REG being the default
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_UNREG)); for UNREG reg-mode
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_PREREG)); for PREREG reg-mode

/* Specifying de-registration modes */

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG));

// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG)); for DEREG dereg-mode because of DEREG being the default
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_NODEREG)); for NODEREG dereg-mode

// for bcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG));

// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG)); for DEREG dereg-mode because of DEREG being the default
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, cb1, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_NODEREG)); for NODEREG dereg-mode

The memory registration mode and de-registration mode can also be specified without a callback, as shown below:

/* Specifying registration modes only, without any de-registration mode (uses default de-reg mode) */

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG));

// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr)); for REG reg-mode because of REG being the default
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_UNREG)); for UNREG reg-mode
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_PREREG)); for PREREG reg-mode

// for bcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG));

// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr)); for REG reg-mode because of REG being the default
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_UNREG)); for UNREG reg-mode
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_PREREG)); for PREREG reg-mode

/* Specifying de-registration modes */

// for point to point send
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG));

// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG)); for DEREG dereg-mode because of DEREG being the default
// or arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_NODEREG)); for NODEREG dereg-mode

// for bcast send
arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_DEREG));

// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG)); for DEREG dereg-mode because of DEREG being the default
// or arrayProxy.foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr, CK_BUFFER_REG, CK_BUFFER_NODEREG)); for NODEREG dereg-mode

In the case of point to point communication, the callback will be invoked on completion of the RDMA operation associated with the corresponding array.

For zero copy broadcast operations, the callback will be invoked when all the broadcast recipient processes have successfully received the broadcasted array. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the recipient objects have received the data i.e. it is possible that the process (or the logical node) has received the data, but the individual entry methods are still waiting in the scheduler (and are scheduled to run) and hence have not received the data.

Inside the callback, it is safe to overwrite the buffer sent via the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API.

//called when RDMA operation is completed
void zerocopySent() {
  // update the buffer to the next pointer

The callback methods can also take a pointer to a CkDataMsg message. This message can be used to access the original buffer information object i.e. the CkNcpyBuffer object constructed by CkSendBuffer and used for the zero copy transfer. The buffer information object available in the callback allows access to all its information including the buffer pointer.

//called when RDMA operation is completed
void zerocopySent(CkDataMsg *msg)
  // Cast msg->data to a CkNcpyBuffer to get the source buffer information object
  CkNcpyBuffer *source = (CkNcpyBuffer *)(msg->data));

  // access buffer pointer and free it
  free(ptr); // if the callback is executed on the source process
  delete msg;

The RDMA call is associated with a nocopy array rather than the entry method. In the case of sending multiple nocopy arrays, each RDMA call is independent of the other. Hence, the callback applies to only the array it is attached to and not to all the nocopy arrays passed in an entry method invocation. On completion of the RDMA call for each array, the corresponding callback is separately invoked.

On the receiver side, the entry method is defined as a regular entry method in the .C file, with the nocopy parameter being received as a pointer as shown below:

void foo (int size, int *arr) {
  // data received in runtime system buffer pointed by arr
  // Note that 'arr' buffer is Readonly


As an example, for an entry method with two nocopy array parameters, each called with the same callback, the callback will be invoked twice: on completing the transfer of each of the two nocopy parameters.

For multiple arrays to be sent via RDMA, declare the entry method in the .ci file as:

entry void foo (int size1, nocopy int arr1[size1], int size2, nocopy double arr2[size2]);

In the .C file, it is also possible to have different callbacks associated with each nocopy array.

CkCallback cb1(CkIndex_Foo::zerocopySent1(NULL), thisProxy[thisIndex]);
CkCallback cb2(CkIndex_Foo::zerocopySent2(NULL), thisProxy[thisIndex]);
arrayProxy[0].foo(500000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr1, cb1), 1024000, CkSendBuffer(arrPtr2, cb2));

This API for point to point communication is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_api and benchmarks/charm++/pingpong. For broadcast operations, the usage of this API is demonstrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_bcast_api.

It should be noted that calls to entry methods with nocopy specified parameters is currently supported for point to point operations and only collection-wide broadcast operations like broadcasts across an entire chare array or group or nodegroup. It is yet to be supported for section broadcasts. Additionally, there is also no support for migration of chares that have pending RDMA transfer requests.

It should also be noted that the benefit of this API can be seen for large arrays on only RDMA enabled networks. On networks which do not support RDMA, and, for within process sends (which uses shared memory), the API is functional but doesn’t show any performance benefit as it behaves like a regular entry method that copies its arguments.

Table 1 displays the message size thresholds for the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API on popular systems and build architectures. These results were obtained by running benchmarks/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_api/pingpong in non-SMP mode on production builds. For message sizes greater than or equal to the displayed thresholds, the Zero Copy API is found to perform better than the regular message send API. For network layers that are not pamilrts, gni, verbs, ofi or mpi, the generic implementation is used.

1 Message Size Thresholds for which Zero Copy Entry API performs better than Regular API



Build Architecture

Intra Processor

Intra Host

Inter Host

Cray XC30 (Edison)



1 MB

2 MB

2 MB

Cray XC30 (Edison)



256 KB

8 KB

32 KB

Dell Cluster (Golub)



128 KB

2 MB

1 MB

Dell Cluster (Golub)



128 KB

32 KB

64 KB

Intel Cluster (Bridges)

Intel Omni-Path


64 KB

32 KB

32 KB

Intel KNL Cluster (Stampede2)

Intel Omni-Path


1 MB

64 KB

64 KB Zero Copy Entry Method Post API

The Zero Copy Entry Method Post API is an extension of the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API. This API allows users to receive the sent data in a user posted buffer. In addition to saving the sender side copy, it also avoids the receiver side copy by not using any intermediate buffers and directly receiving the data in the user posted buffer. Unlike the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API, this API should be used when the user wishes to receive the data in a user posted buffer, which is allocated and managed by the user.

The posting of the receiver buffer happens at an object level, where each recipient object, for example, a chare array element or a group element or nodegroup element matches the received source buffer with a receiver buffer using tag matching.

To send an array using the Zero Copy Post API, specify the array parameter in the .ci file with the nocopypost specifier.

// same .ci specification is used for p2p and bcast operations
entry void foo (int size, nocopypost int arr[size]);

// ^ note that the nocopypost specifier is different from nocopy and
// indicates the usage of the post API for the array arr

The sender side code for the Zero Copy Entry Method Post API is exactly the same as Zero Copy Entry Method Send API and can be referenced from the previous section. In this section, we will highlight the differences between the two APIs and demonstrate the usage of the Post API on the receiver side.

As previously mentioned, the Zero Copy Entry Method Post API matches and posts user buffers to receive the data sent by the sender. This is done using a special overloaded version of the recipient entry method, called Post entry method. The overloaded function has all the entry method parameters and an additional CkNcpyBufferPost array parameter at the end of the signature. Inside this post entry method, the user is required to make calls to CkMatchBuffer to specify the association between the received source buffer and a user provided integer tag. Additionally, for every CkMatchBuffer call, the user is also required to make a corresponding CkPostBuffer call with the same tag to specify the association between that tag and a receiver buffer. Note that the CkMatchBuffer call should always be made inside the Post Entry Method, whereas the CkPostBuffer call can be made from anywhere in the program whenever the receiver is ready to post a buffer. The Post Entry method executes on the arrival of the metadata message, and the CkPostBuffer call for receiving those buffers can be executed before, after, or inside the Post Entry Method. However, it is important to note that it is required that both the CkMatchBuffer and CkPostBuffer calls are made on the same PE.

The post entry method also allows the receiver to specify the memory registration mode and the memory de-registration mode. This is done by indexing the ncpyPost array and assigning the regMode and deregMode parameters present inside each array element of the CkNcpyBufferPost array. When the network memory registration mode is unassigned by the user, the default CK_BUFFER_REG regMode is used. Similarly, when the de-registration mode is unassigned by the user, the default CK_BUFFER_DEREG deregMode is used. It is important to ensure that the CkMatchBuffer call is made after setting the regMode and/or deregMode parameters.

For the entry method foo specified with a nocopypost specifier, the resulting post entry method defined in the .C file will be:

void foo (int size, int *arr, CkNcpyBufferPost *ncpyPost) {

  ncpyPost[0].regMode = CK_BUFFER_REG; // specify the regMode for the 0th pointer

  ncpyPost[0].deregMode = CK_BUFFER_DEREG; // specify the deregMode for the 0th pointer

  CkMatchBuffer(ncpyPost, 0, 22);

As seen in the above example, the CkMatchBuffer call associates the 0th source buffer with tag 22. It has the following signature:

template <typename T>
void CkMatchBuffer(CkNcpyBufferPost *post, int index, int tag);

It takes three parameters, the passed CkNcpyBufferPost pointer, index, and tag. The first parameter is always the CkNcpyBufferPost parameter received in the Post Entry Method. The second parameter is the index of the nocopypost buffer among the nocopypost buffers sent in the entry method, starting with 0. For example, for 1 nocopypost buffer sent in the entry method, the index will always be 0. For 2 nocopypost buffers, the index will be 0 for the first buffer and 1 for the second buffer. For n buffers, it will be 0 for the first buffer, 1 for the second buffer, 2 for the third buffer up to (n-1) for the nth buffer. The third parameter is a user provided integer tag (22 in this case), used to associate the 0th source buffer of this entry method with tag 22.

In order to post a buffer when ready, the user has to also call CkPostBuffer with the same tag (22) to associate the tag (22) with a receiver or destination buffer. As mentioned earlier, this function can be called at any time the user is ready to post a buffer. The following code illustrates the usage of CkPostBuffer, which is called in a function when the user is ready to supply a destination buffer.

void readyToPost() {
  CkPostBuffer(myBuffer, mySize, 22);

As seen in the above example, the CkPostBuffer call has the following signature:

template <typename T>
void CkPostBuffer(T *buffer, size_t size, int tag);

It takes three parameters, the destination buffer pointer, the size of the destination buffer and a tag. The first parameter is the destination buffer pointer where the user wants the source data. The second parameter is the size of the destination buffer. Note that this size should be always smaller than or equal to the size of the source buffer. The third parameter is the same user provided integer tag (22 in this case) that was used in the corresponding CkMatchBuffer call inside the Post Entry Method.

It is important to associate a unique tag with the CkMatchBuffer and CkPostBuffer calls for a single buffer on that PE. Using the same tag on the PE when the RDMA transfer is in progress triggers an abort from the runtime system because the same tag cannot be used to denote two different buffers in the internal PE-level data structures.

After the execution of the Post Entry Method with the CkMatchBuffer calls and corresponding CkPostBuffer calls, the regular entry method is executed to signal the completion of all zero copy transfers into the posted receiver buffers. The regular entry method needs to be defined as in the case of the Entry Method Send API as shown below:

void foo (int size, int *arr) {
  // arr points to myBuffer and the data sent is received in myBuffer
  // Note that 'arr' buffer is the same as myBuffer, which is user allocated and managed


Similarly, for sending and receiving multiple arrays, the .ci file specification will be:

entry void foo(nocopypost int arr1[size1], int size1, nocopypost char arr2[size2], int size2);

In the .C file, we define a post entry method and a regular entry method:

// post entry method
void foo(int *arr1, int size1, char *arr2, int size2, CkNcpyBufferPost *ncpyPost) {

  ncpyPost[0].regMode = CK_BUFFER_UNREG;
  ncpyPost[0].deregMode = CK_BUFFER_DEREG;
  CkMatchBuffer(ncpyPost, 0, 60);

  ncpyPost[1].regMode = CK_BUFFER_PREREG; // myBuffer2 is allocated using CkRdmaAlloc
  ncpyPost[1].deregMode = CK_BUFFER_NODEREG;
  CkMatchBuffer(ncpyPost, 1, 61);

void otherFn1() {
  // somewhere else in the code
  CkPostBuffer(myBuffer1, mySize1, 60);

void otherFn2() {
  // somewhere else in the code
  CkPostBuffer(myBuffer2, mySize2, 61);

// regular entry method
void foo(int *arr1, int size1, char *arr2, int size2) {

  // sent buffer is received in myBuffer1, same as arr1

  // sent buffer is received in myBuffer2, same as arr2

It is important to note that the CkNcpyBufferPost array has as many elements as the number of nocopypost parameters in the entry method declaration in the .ci file. For n nocopypost parameters, the CkNcpyBufferPost array is indexed by 0 to n-1.

This API for point to point communication and broadcast is demonstrated in tests/charm++/zerocopy/zc_post_async.

In addition to the PE-level match and post buffers as described above, there are node-level variants of the same methods called CkMatchNodeBuffer and CkPostNodeBuffer. They have the exact same signature but are applicable for node-level matching operations that are often useful for node groups. The node equivalent match and post buffers allows two different PEs of the same node to call CkMatchNodeBuffer and CkPostNodeBuffer. Similar to the PE-level API, it is important to associate a unique tag with the CkMatchNodeBuffer and CkPostNodeBuffer calls for a single buffer on that node. Using the same tag on the node when the RDMA transfer is in progress triggers an abort from the runtime system because the same tag cannot be used to denote two different buffers in the internal node-level data structures.

Similar to the Zero Copy Entry Method Send API, it should be noted that calls to entry methods with nocopypost specified parameters are currently supported for point to point operations and only collection-wide broadcast operations like broadcasts across an entire chare array or group or nodegroup. It is yet to be supported for section broadcasts. Additionally, there is also no support for migration of chares that have pending RDMA transfer requests. Using Zerocopy Post API in iterative applications

In iterative applications, when using the Zerocopy Post API, it is important to post different buffers for each iteration in order to receive each iteration’s sent data in a separate buffer. Posting the same buffer across iterations could lead to overwriting the buffer when the receiver receives a message for that entry method. An example illustrating the use of the Zerocopy Post API to post different buffers in an iterative program, which uses SDAG is examples/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_post_api/reg/multiplePostedBuffers. It is also important to post different buffers for each unique sender in order to receive each sender’s data in a separate buffer. Posting the same buffer for different senders would overwrite the buffer when the receiver receives a message for that entry method.

Additionally, in iterative applications which use load balancing, for the load balancing iterations, it is required to ensure that the Zerocopy sends are performed only after all chare array elements have completed migration. This can be achieved by a chare array wide reduction after ResumeFromSync has been reached. This programming construct has the same effect as that of a barrier, enforced after array elements have completed load balancing. This is required to avoid cases where it is possible that the buffer is posted on receiving a send and is then freed by the destructor or the unpacking pup method, which is invoked by the RTS because of migration due to load balancing. This scheme of using a reduction following ResumeFromSync is illustrated in examples/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_post_api/reg/simpleZeroCopy and examples/charm++/zerocopy/entry_method_post_api/reg/multiplePostedBuffers.

2.3.2. Callbacks

Callbacks provide a generic way to store the information required to invoke a communication target, such as a chare’s entry method, at a future time. Callbacks are often encountered when writing library code, where they provide a simple way to transfer control back to a client after the library has finished. For example, after finishing a reduction, you may want the results passed to some chare’s entry method. To do this, you would create an object of type CkCallback with the chare’s CkChareID and entry method index, and pass this callback object to the reduction library. Creating a CkCallback Object

There are several different types of CkCallback objects; the type of the callback specifies the intended behavior upon invocation of the callback. Callbacks must be invoked with the Charm++ message of the type specified when creating the callback. If the callback is being passed into a library which will return its result through the callback, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the type of the message delivered by the library is the same as that specified in the callback. Messages delivered through a callback are not automatically freed by the Charm RTS. They should be freed or stored for future use by the user.

Callbacks that target chares require an “entry method index”, an integer that identifies which entry method will be called. An entry method index is the Charm++ version of a function pointer. The entry method index can be obtained using the syntax:

int myIdx = CkIndex_ChareName::EntryMethod(parameters);

Here, ChareName is the name of the chare (group, or array) containing the desired entry method, EntryMethod is the name of that entry method, and parameters are the parameters taken by the method. These parameters are only used to resolve the proper EntryMethod; they are otherwise ignored.

Under most circumstances, entry methods to be invoked through a CkCallback must take a single message pointer as argument. As such, if the entry method specified in the callback is not overloaded, using NULL in place of parameters will suffice in fully specifying the intended target. If the entry method is overloaded, a message pointer of the appropriate type should be defined and passed in as a parameter when specifying the entry method. The pointer does not need to be initialized as the argument is only used to resolve the target entry method.

The intended behavior upon a callback’s invocation is specified through the choice of callback constructor used when creating the callback. Possible constructors are:

  1. CkCallback(int ep, const CkChareID &id) - When invoked, the callback will send its message to the given entry method (specified by the entry point index - ep) of the given Chare (specified by the chare id). Note that a chare proxy will also work in place of a chare id:

    CkCallback(CkIndex_Foo::bar(NULL), thisProxy[thisIndex])
  2. CkCallback(void (*CallbackFn)(void *, void *), void *param) - When invoked, the callback will pass param and the result message to the given C function, which should have a prototype like:

    void myCallbackFn(void *param, void *message)

    This function will be called on the processor where the callback was created, so param is allowed to point to heap-allocated data. Hence, this constructor should be used only when it is known that the callback target (which by definition here is just a C-like function) will be on the same processor as from where the constructor was called. Of course, you are required to free any storage referenced by param.

  3. CkCallback(CkCallback::ignore) - When invoked, the callback will do nothing. This can be useful if a Charm++ library requires a callback, but you don’t care when it finishes, or will find out some other way.

  4. CkCallback(CkCallback::ckExit) - When invoked, the callback will call CkExit(), ending the Charm++ program.

  5. CkCallback(int ep, const CkArrayID &id) - When invoked, the callback will broadcast its message to the given entry method of the given array. An array proxy will work in the place of an array id.

  6. CkCallback(int ep, const CkArrayIndex &idx, const CkArrayID &id) - When invoked, the callback will send its message to the given entry method of the given array element.

  7. CkCallback(int ep, const CkGroupID &id) - When invoked, the callback will broadcast its message to the given entry method of the given group.

  8. CkCallback(int ep, int onPE, const CkGroupID &id) - When invoked, the callback will send its message to the given entry method of the given group member.

  9. CkCallback(CkFuture fut) - When invoked, the callback will send its message to the given future. For a ck::future object, the underlying CkFuture is accesible via its handle method. For an example, see: examples/charm++/hello/xarraySection/hello.C

One final type of callback, CkCallbackResumeThread(), can only be used from within threaded entry methods. This callback type is discussed in section CkCallback Invocation

A properly initialized CkCallback object stores a global destination identifier, and as such can be freely copied, marshalled, and sent in messages. Invocation of a CkCallback is done by calling the function send on the callback with the result message as an argument. As an example, a library which accepts a CkCallback object from the user and then invokes it to return a result may have the following interface:

//Main library entry point, called by asynchronous users:
void myLibrary(...library parameters...,const CkCallback &cb)
  ..start some parallel computation, store cb to be passed to myLibraryDone later...

//Internal library routine, called when computation is done
void myLibraryDone(...parameters...,const CkCallback &cb)
  ...prepare a return message...

A CkCallback will accept any message type, even nullptr. The message is immediately sent to the user’s client function or entry point. A library which returns its result through a callback should have a clearly documented return message type. The type of the message returned by the library must be the same as the type accepted by the entry method specified in the callback. Note that message flag(s) may be passed as an optional argument to “send;” for example, send(_, CK_MSG_EXPEDITED) will send a message with expediency.

As an alternative to “send”, the callback can be used in a contribute collective operation. This will internally invoke the “send” method on the callback when the contribute operation has finished.

For examples of how to use the various callback types, please see tests/charm++/megatest/callback.C

In addition to the above mechanisms for invoking a callback, it is possible that a library may want to accept a callback which broadcasts to a group or nodegroup, but then handles the exact logic for the broadcast manually. For example, if the data is already distributed across compute elements we can avoid performing the actual broadcast, or if we want to send different data to each member of the group. To accomplish this, users can invoke

void CkCallback::transformBcastToLocalElem(int elem = -1);

This will convert a callback that is broadcast to a group or nodegroup into a point-to-point callback for a particular element of the group (the local element if no element is passed). Synchronous Execution with CkCallbackResumeThread

Threaded entry methods can be suspended and resumed through the CkCallbackResumeThread class. CkCallbackResumeThread is derived from CkCallback and has specific functionality for threads. This class automatically suspends the thread when the destructor of the callback is called. A suspended threaded client will resume when the “send” method is invoked on the associated callback. It can be used in situations when the return value is not needed, and only the synchronization is important. For example:

// Call the "doWork" method and wait until it has completed
void mainControlFlow() {
  ...perform some work...
  // call a library
  // or send a broadcast to a chare collection
  // callback goes out of scope; the thread is suspended until doWork calls 'send' on the callback

  ...some more work...

Alternatively, if doWork returns a value of interest, this can be retrieved by passing a pointer to CkCallbackResumeThread. This pointer will be modified by CkCallbackResumeThread to point to the incoming message. Notice that the input pointer has to be cast to (void*&):

// Call the "doWork" method and wait until it has completed
void mainControlFlow() {
  ...perform some work...
  MyMessage *mymsg;
  // The thread is suspended until doWork calls send on the callback

  ...some more work using "mymsg"...

Notice that the instance of CkCallbackResumeThread is constructed as an anonymous parameter to the “doWork” call. This insures that the callback is destroyed as soon as the function returns, thereby suspending the thread.

It is also possible to allocate a CkCallbackResumeThread on the heap or on the stack. We suggest that programmers avoid such usage, and favor the anonymous instance construction shown above. For completeness, we still present the code for heap and stack allocation of CkCallbackResumeThread callbacks below.

For heap allocation, the user must explicitly “delete” the callback in order to suspend the thread.

// Call the "doWork" method and wait until it has completed
void mainControlFlow() {
  ...perform some work...
  CkCallbackResumeThread cb = new CkCallbackResumeThread();
  ...do not suspend yet, continue some more work...
  delete cb;
  // The thread suspends now

  ...some more work after the thread resumes...

For a callback that is allocated on the stack, its destructor will be called only when the callback variable goes out of scope. In this situation, the function “thread_delay” can be invoked on the callback to force the thread to suspend. This also works for heap allocated callbacks.

// Call the "doWork" method and wait until it has completed
void mainControlFlow() {
  ...perform some work...
  CkCallbackResumeThread cb;
  ...do not suspend yet, continue some more work...
  // The thread suspends now

  ...some more work after the thread is resumed...

In all cases a CkCallbackResumeThread can be used to suspend a thread only once. (See Main.cpp of Barnes-Hut MiniApp for a complete example). Deprecated usage: in the past, “thread_delay” was used to retrieve the incoming message from the callback. While that is still allowed for backward compatibility, its usage is deprecated. The old usage is subject to memory leaks and dangling pointers.

Callbacks can also be tagged with reference numbers which can be matched inside SDAG code. When the callback is created, the creator can set the refnum and the runtime system will ensure that the message invoked on the callback’s destination will have that refnum. This allows the receiver of the final callback to match the messages based on the refnum value. (See examples/charm++/examples/charm++/ckcallback for a complete example).

2.3.3. Waiting for Completion Threaded Entry Methods

Typically, entry methods run in the same thread of execution as the Charm++ scheduler. This prevents them from undertaking any actions that would cause their thread to block, as blocking would prevent the receiving and processing of incoming messages.

However, entry methods with the threaded attribute run in their own user-level nonpreemptible thread, and are therefore able to block without interrupting the runtime system. This allows them to undertake blocking operations or explicitly suspend themselves, which is necessary to use some Charm++ features, such as sync entry methods and futures.

For details on the threads API available to threaded entry methods, see chapter 3 of the Converse programming manual. The use of threaded entry methods is demonstrated in an example program located in examples/charm++/threaded_ring. Sync Entry Methods

Generally, entry methods are invoked asynchronously and return void. Therefore, while an entry method may send data back to its invoker, it can only do so by invoking another asynchronous entry method on the chare object that invoked it.

However, it is possible to use sync entry methods, which have blocking semantics. The data returned by the invocation of such an entry method is available at the call site when it returns from blocking. This returned data can either be in the form of a Charm++ message or any type that has the PUP method implemented. Because the caller of a sync entry method will block, it must execute in a thread separate from the scheduler; that is, it must be a threaded entry method (cf. Section, above). If a sync entry method returns a value, it is provided as the return value from the invocation on the proxy object:

ReturnMsg* m;
m = A[i].foo(a, b, c);

An example of the use of sync entry methods is given in tests/charm++/sync_square. Futures

Similar to Multilisp and other functional programming languages, Charm++ provides the abstraction of futures. In simple terms, a future is a contract with the runtime system to evaluate an expression asynchronously with the calling program. This mechanism promotes the evaluation of expressions in parallel as several threads concurrently evaluate the futures created by a program.

In some ways, a future resembles lazy evaluation. Each future is assigned to a particular thread (or to a chare, in Charm++) and, eventually, its value is delivered to the calling program. Once a future is created, a reference is returned immediately. However, if the value calculated by the future is needed, the calling program blocks until the value is available.

We provide both C-compatible and object-oriented interfaces for using futures, which include the following functions:



CkFuture CkCreateFuture(void)


void CkReleaseFuture(CkFuture fut)

void ck::future::release()

int CkProbeFuture(CkFuture fut)

bool ck::future::is_ready()

void *CkWaitFuture(CkFuture fut)

T ck::future::get()

void CkSendToFuture(CkFuture fut, void *msg)

void ck::future::set(T)

The object-oriented versions are methods of ck::future<T>, which can be templated with any PUP-able type. Note, in most cases, messages/values cannot be retrieved via get when they were not been sent/set by a corresponding call to set; however, it can receive messages of supported, internal message types sent via CkSendFuture. Other message types must be wrapped as a PUP-able value and explicitly received as the expected message type(s); for example, one might wrap a message as CkMarshalledMsg or MsgPointerWrapper then type-cast the (void*) message on the receiver-side. In such cases, one may consider using the C-like API for greater efficiency.

An example of the object-oriented interface is available under examples/charm++/future, with an equivalent example for the C-compatible interface presented below:

chare fib {
  entry fib(bool amIroot, int n, CkFuture f);
  entry [threaded] void run(bool amIroot, int n, CkFuture f);
void  fib::run(bool amIRoot, int n, CkFuture f) {
   if (n < THRESHOLD)
    result = seqFib(n);
  else {
    CkFuture f1 = CkCreateFuture();
    CkFuture f2 = CkCreateFuture();
    CProxy_fib::ckNew(0, n-1, f1);
    CProxy_fib::ckNew(0, n-2, f2);
    ValueMsg * m1 = (ValueMsg *) CkWaitFuture(f1);
    ValueMsg * m2 = (ValueMsg *) CkWaitFuture(f2);
    result = m1->value + m2->value;
    delete m1; delete m2;
  if (amIRoot) {
    CkPrintf("The requested Fibonacci number is : %d\n", result);
  } else {
    ValueMsg *m = new ValueMsg();
    m->value = result;
    CkSendToFuture(f, m);

The constant THRESHOLD sets a limit value for computing the Fibonacci number with futures or just with the sequential procedure. Given value n, the program creates two futures using CkCreateFuture. Those futures are used to create two new chares that will carry out the computation. Next, the program blocks until the two component values of the recurrence have been evaluated. Function CkWaitFuture is used for that purpose. Finally, the program checks whether or not it is the root of the recursive evaluation. The very first chare created with a future is the root. If a chare is not the root, it must indicate that its future has finished computing the value. CkSendToFuture is meant to return the value for the current future.

Other functions complete the API for futures. CkReleaseFuture destroys a future. CkProbeFuture tests whether the future has already finished computing the value of the expression.

The maximum number of outstanding futures a PE may have is limited by the size of CMK_REFNUM_TYPE. Specifically, no more than \(2^{SIZE}-1\) futures, where \(SIZE\) is the size of CMK_REFNUM_TYPE in bits, may be outstanding at any time. Waiting on more futures will cause a fatal error in non-production builds, and will cause the program to hang in production builds. The default CMK_REFNUM_TYPE is unsigned short, limiting each PE to 65,535 outstanding futures. To increase this limit, build Charm++ with a larger CMK_REFNUM_TYPE, e.g. specifying --with-refnum-type=uint to use unsigned int when building Charm++.

There are additional facilities for operating on collections of futures, which include:






Take a value, as soon as one is available, and return a pair with the value and position of the fulfilled future. (std::pair<T, InputIter>)



Wait for all the futures to become available, and return a vector of values. (std::vector<T>)



Take any immediately available values, returning the values and any outstanding futures. (std::pair<std::vector<T>, InputIter>)

Note, these are also demonstrated in examples/charm++/future. The Converse version of future functions can be found in the Futures section. Completion Detection

Completion detection is a method for automatically detecting completion of a distributed process within an application. This functionality is helpful when the exact number of messages expected by individual objects is not known. In such cases, the process must achieve global consensus as to the number of messages produced and the number of messages consumed. Completion is reached within a distributed process when the participating objects have produced and consumed an equal number of events globally. The number of global events that will be produced and consumed does not need to be known, just the number of producers is required.

The completion detection feature is implemented in Charm++ as a module, and therefore is only included when -module completion is specified when linking your application.

First, the detector should be constructed. This call would typically belong in application startup code (it initializes the group that keeps track of completion):

CProxy_CompletionDetector detector = CProxy_CompletionDetector::ckNew();

When it is time to start completion detection, invoke the following method of the library on all branches of the completion detection group:

void start_detection(int num_producers,
                     CkCallback start,
                     CkCallback all_produced,
                     CkCallback finish,
                     int prio);

The num_producers parameter is the number of objects (chares) that will produce elements. So if every chare array element will produce one event, then it would be the size of the array.

The start callback notifies your program that it is safe to begin producing and consuming (this state is reached when the module has finished its internal initialization).

The all_produced callback notifies your program when the client has called done with arguments summing to num_producers.

The finish callback is invoked when completion has been detected (all objects participating have produced and consumed an equal number of elements globally).

The prio parameter is the priority with which the completion detector will run. This feature is still under development, but it should be set below the application’s priority if possible.

For example, the call

                         CkCallback(CkIndex_chare1::start_test(), thisProxy),
                         CkCallback(CkIndex_chare1::produced_test(), thisProxy),
                         CkCallback(CkIndex_chare1::finish_test(), thisProxy),

sets up completion detection for 10 producers. Once initialization is done, the callback associated with the start_test method will be invoked. Once all 10 producers have called done on the completion detector, the produced_test method will be invoked. Furthermore, when the system detects completion, the callback associated with finish_test will be invoked. Finally, the priority given to the completion detection library is set to 0 in this case.

Once initialization is complete (the “start” callback is triggered), make the following call to the library:

void CompletionDetector::produce(int events_produced)
void CompletionDetector::produce() // 1 by default

For example, within the code for a chare array object, you might make the following call:


Once all the “events” that this chare is going to produce have been sent out, make the following call:

void CompletionDetector::done(int producers_done)
void CompletionDetector::done() // 1 by default

At the same time, objects can also consume produced elements, using the following calls:

void CompletionDetector::consume(int events_consumed)
void CompletionDetector::consume() // 1 by default

Note that an object may interleave calls to produce() and consume(), i.e. it could produce a few elements, consume a few, etc. When it is done producing its elements, it should call done(), after which cannot produce() any more elements. However, it can continue to consume() elements even after calling done(). When the library detects that, globally, the number of produced elements equals the number of consumed elements, and all producers have finished producing (i.e. called done()), it will invoke the finish callback. Thereafter, start_detection can be called again to restart the process. Quiescence Detection

In Charm++, quiescence is defined as the state in which no processor is executing an entry point, no messages are awaiting processing, and there are no messages in-flight. Charm++ provides two facilities for detecting quiescence: CkStartQD and CkWaitQD. CkStartQD registers with the system a callback that is to be invoked the next time quiescence is detected. Note that if immediate messages are used, QD cannot be used. CkStartQD has two variants which expect the following arguments:

  1. A CkCallback object. The syntax of this call looks like:

    CkStartQD(const CkCallback& cb);

    Upon quiescence detection, the specified callback is called with no parameters. Note that using this variant, you could have your program terminate after quiescence is detected, by supplying the above method with a CkExit callback (Section

  2. An index corresponding to the entry function that is to be called, and a handle to the chare on which that entry function should be called. The syntax of this call looks like this:

    CkStartQD(int Index,const CkChareID* chareID);

    To retrieve the corresponding index of a particular entry method, you must use a static method contained within the (charmc-generated) CkIndex object corresponding to the chare containing that entry method. The syntax of this call is as follows:


    where ChareClass is the C++ class of the chare containing the desired entry method, entryMethod is the name of that entry method, and parameters are the parameters taken by the method. These parameters are only used to resolve the proper entryMethod; they are otherwise ignored.

CkWaitQD, by contrast, does not register a callback. Rather, CkWaitQD blocks and does not return until quiescence is detected. It takes no parameters and returns no value. A call to CkWaitQD simply looks like this:


Note that CkWaitQD should only be called from a threaded entry method because a call to CkWaitQD suspends the current thread of execution (cf. Section

2.3.4. More Chare Array Features

The basic array features described previously (creation, messaging, broadcasts, and reductions) are needed in almost every Charm++ program. The more advanced techniques that follow are not universally needed, but represent many useful optimizations. Local Access

It is possible to get direct access to a local array element using the proxy’s ckLocal method, which returns an ordinary C++ pointer to the element if it exists on the local processor, and NULL if the element does not exist or is on another processor.

A1 *a=a1[i].ckLocal();
if (a==NULL) // ...is remote -- send message
else // ...is local -- directly use members and methods of a

Note that if the element migrates or is deleted, any pointers obtained with ckLocal are no longer valid. It is best, then, to either avoid ckLocal or else call ckLocal each time the element may have migrated; e.g., at the start of each entry method.

An example of this usage is available in examples/charm++/topology/matmul3d. Advanced Array Creation

There are several ways to control the array creation process. You can adjust the map and bindings before creation, change the way the initial array elements are created, create elements explicitly during the computation, and create elements implicitly, “on demand”.

You can create all of an arrays elements using any one of these methods, or create different elements using different methods. An array element has the same syntax and semantics no matter how it was created. Configuring Array Characteristics Using CkArrayOptions

The array creation method ckNew actually takes a parameter of type CkArrayOptions. This object describes several optional attributes of the new array.

The most common form of CkArrayOptions is to set the number of initial array elements. A CkArrayOptions object will be constructed automatically in this special common case. Thus the following code segments all do exactly the same thing:

// Implicit CkArrayOptions

// Explicit CkArrayOptions

// Separate CkArrayOptions
CkArrayOptions opts(nElements);

Note that the “numElements” in an array element is simply the numElements passed in when the array was created. The true number of array elements may grow or shrink during the course of the computation, so numElements can become out of date. This “bulk” constructor approach should be preferred where possible, especially for large arrays. Bulk construction is handled via a broadcast which will be significantly more efficient in the number of messages required than inserting each element individually, which will require one message send per element.

Examples of bulk construction are commonplace, see examples/charm++/jacobi3d-sdag for a demonstration of the slightly more complicated case of multidimensional chare array bulk construction.

CkArrayOptions can also be used for bulk creation of sparse arrays when the sparsity of the array can be described in terms of a start index, an end index, and a step index. The start, end, and step can either be passed into the CkArrayOptions constructor, or set one at a time. The following shows two different ways to create CkArrayOptions for a 2D array with only the odd indices from (1,1) to (10,10) being populated:

// Set at construction
CkArrayOptions options(CkArrayIndex2D(1,1),

// Set one at a time
CkArrayOptions options;

The default for start is \(0^d\) and the default for step is \(1^d\) (where \(d\) is the dimension of the array), so the following are equivalent:

// Specify just the number of elements
CkArrayOptions options(nElements);

// Specify just the end index
CkArrayOptions options;

// Specify all three indices
CkArrayOptions options;

In addition to controlling how many elements and at which indices to create them, CkArrayOptions contains a few flags that the runtime can use to optimize handling of a given array. If the array elements will only migrate at controlled points (such as periodic load balancing with AtASync()), this is signaled to the runtime by calling opts.setAnytimeMigration(false) [11]. Similarly, certain optimizations can be made if all array elements are statically inserted via bulk construction during the ckNew(...) call [12]. By default, insertion is set to STATIC if ckNew is called with a non-zero number of initial elements, and is set to DYNAMIC in cases where the number of initial elements is 0. Applications can call opts.setStaticInsertion(false) to override this behavior for cases where there are a non-zero number of initial insertions, but more dynamic insertions will follow.

If the application needs to know when an array has been fully constructed, CkArrayOptions provides CkArrayOptions::setInitCallback(CkCallback). The callback passed will be invoked once every element in the initial set of elements has been created. This works both for bulk insertion, and if dynamic insertion is used to create the initial elements. In the latter case, after the initial elements have been inserted and doneInserting is called, the initialization callback will be invoked once all insertions have completed. Initial Placement Using Map Objects

You can use CkArrayOptions to specify a “map object” for an array. The map object is used by the array manager to determine the “home” PE of each element. The home PE is the PE upon which it is initially placed, which will retain responsibility for maintaining the location of the element.

There is a default map object, which maps 1D array indices in a block fashion to processors, and maps other array indices based on a hash function. Some other mappings such as round-robin (RRMap) also exist, which can be used similar to custom ones described below.

A custom map object is implemented as a group which inherits from CkArrayMap and defines these virtual methods:

class CkArrayMap : public Group {
  // ...

  // Return an arrayHdl, given some information about the array
  virtual int registerArray(CkArrayIndex& numElements,CkArrayID aid);
  // Return the home processor number for this element of this array
  virtual int procNum(int arrayHdl,const CkArrayIndex &element);

For example, a simple 1D blockmapping scheme. Actual mapping is handled in the procNum function.

// In the .ci file:
group BlockMap : CkArrayMap {
  entry BlockMap();

// In the .C/.h files
class BlockMap : public CkArrayMap {
  BlockMap(void) {}
  BlockMap(CkMigrateMessage* m){}
  int registerArray(CkArrayIndex& numElements,CkArrayID aid) {
    return 0;
  int procNum(int /*arrayHdl*/,const CkArrayIndex &idx) {
    int elem = *(int*)idx.data();
    int penum = (elem/(32/CkNumPes()));
    return penum;

Note that the first argument to the procNum method exists for reasons internal to the runtime system and is not used in the calculation of processor numbers.

Once you’ve instantiated a custom map object, you can use it to control the location of a new array’s elements using the setMap method of the CkArrayOptions object described above. For example, if you’ve declared a map object named BlockMap:

// Create the map group
CProxy_BlockMap myMap=CProxy_BlockMap::ckNew();

// Make a new array using that map
CkArrayOptions opts(nElements);

A very basic example which also demonstrates how initial elements are created may be found in examples/charm++/array_map

An example which constructs one element per physical node may be found in examples/charm++/PUP/pupDisk.

Other 3D Torus network oriented map examples are in examples/charm++/topology. Initial Elements

The map object described above can also be used to create the initial set of array elements in a distributed fashion. An array’s initial elements are created by its map object, by making a call to populateInitial on each processor. This function is defined in the CkArrayMap class to iterate through the index space of the initial elements (defined as a start index, end index, and step index) and call procNum for each index. If the PE returned by procNum is the same as the calling PE, then an object is created on that PE.

If there is a more direct way to determine the elements to create on each PE, the populateInitial function can be overridden by using the following signature:

virtual void populateInitial(int arrayHdl, CkArrayOptions& options,
    void* ctorMsg,CkArray* mgr)

In this call, arrayHdl is the value returned by registerArray, options contains the CkArrayOptions passed into the array at construction, ctorMsg is the constructor message to pass, and mgr is the array manager which creates the elements.

To create an element, call void CkArray::insertInitial(CkArrayIndex idx, void* ctorMsg) on mgr, passing in the index and a copy of the constructor message. For example, to insert a 2D element (x,y), call:

mgr->insertInitial(CkArrayIndex2D(x,y), CkCopyMsg(&msg));

After inserting elements free the constructor message:


A simple example using populateInitial can be found in examples/charm++/array_map Bound Arrays

You can “bind” a new array to an existing array using the bindTo method of CkArrayOptions. Bound arrays act like separate arrays in all ways except for migration- corresponding elements of bound arrays always migrate together. For example, this code creates two arrays A and B which are bound together- A[i] and B[i] will always be on the same processor.

// Create the first array normally
// Create the second array bound to the first
CkArrayOptions opts(nElements);

An arbitrary number of arrays can be bound together- in the example above, we could create yet another array C and bind it to A or B. The result would be the same in either case- A[i], B[i], and C[i] will always be on the same processor.

There is no relationship between the types of bound arrays- it is permissible to bind arrays of different types or of the same type. It is also permissible to have different numbers of elements in the arrays, although elements of A which have no corresponding element in B obey no special semantics. Any method may be used to create the elements of any bound array.

Bound arrays are often useful if A[i] and B[i] perform different aspects of the same computation, and thus will run most efficiently if they lie on the same processor. Bound array elements are guaranteed to always be able to interact using ckLocal (see section, although the local pointer must be refreshed after any migration. This should be done during the pup routine. When migrated, all elements that are bound together will be created at the new processor before pup is called on any of them, ensuring that a valid local pointer to any of the bound objects can be obtained during the pup routine of any of the others.

For example, an array Alibrary is implemented as a library module. It implements a certain functionality by operating on a data array dest which is just a pointer to some user provided data. A user defined array UserArray is created and bound to the array Alibrary to take advantage of the functionality provided by the library. When bound array element migrated, the data pointer in UserArray is re-allocated in pup(), thus UserArray is responsible to refresh the pointer dest stored in Alibrary.

class Alibrary: public CProxy_Alibrary {
  void set_ptr(double *ptr) { dest = ptr; }
  virtual void pup(PUP::er &p);
  double *dest; // point to user data in user defined bound array

class UserArray: public CProxy_UserArray {
  virtual void pup(PUP::er &p) {
    if(p.isUnpacking()) {
      data = new double[len];
      Alibrary *myfellow = AlibraryProxy(thisIndex).ckLocal();
      myfellow->set_ptr(data); // refresh data in bound array
    p(data, len);
  CProxy_Alibrary AlibraryProxy; // proxy to my bound array
  double *data; // user allocated data pointer
  int len;

A demonstration of bound arrays can be found in tests/charm++/startupTest

Note that if any bound array element sets usesAtSync=true in its constructor, then users must ensure that AtSync() is called on all of those array elements. If a bound array element does not have the usesAtSync flag set to true, then it will migrate along with any elements it is bound to when they migrate. In this case, such an array element does not need to call AtSync() itself. Dynamic Insertion

In addition to creating initial array elements using ckNew(...), you can also create array elements during the computation.

You insert elements into the array by indexing the proxy and calling insert(...). This call optionally takes parameters, which are passed to the constructor, and a processor number, where the element will be created. Array elements can be inserted in any order from any processor at any time. Array elements need not be contiguous.

If using insert to create all the elements of the array, you must call CProxy_Array::doneInserting() before using the array.

// In the .C file:
int x,y,z;
CProxy_A1 a1=CProxy_A1::ckNew(); // Creates a new, empty 1D array
for (x=...) {
   a1[x  ].insert(parameters); // Bracket syntax
   a1(x+1).insert(parameters); // or equivalent parenthesis syntax

CProxy_A2 a2=CProxy_A2::ckNew(); // Creates 2D array
for (x=...) for (y=...)
   a2(x,y).insert(parameters); // Can't use brackets!

CProxy_A3 a3=CProxy_A3::ckNew(); // Creates 3D array
for (x=...) for (y=...) for (z=...)

CProxy_AF aF=CProxy_AF::ckNew(); // Creates user-defined index array
for (...) {
   aF[CkArrayIndexFoo(...)].insert(parameters); // Use brackets...
   aF(CkArrayIndexFoo(...)).insert(parameters); // ...or parenthesis

The doneInserting() call starts the reduction manager (see “Array Reductions”) and load balancer (see Since these objects need to know about all the array’s elements, they must be started after the initial elements are inserted. If this is the first wave of insertions, and an initialization callback was set on CkArrayOptions it will be invoked once these initial elements have all been created. You may call doneInserting() multiple times, but only the first call actually does anything. You may even insert or destroy elements after a call to doneInserting(), with different semantics - see the reduction manager. For AtSync load balancing, subsequent dynamic insertion or deletion sessions should begin with a call to CProxy_Array::beginInserting() and end with a call to doneInserting(). beginInserting() is also idempotent and can be called multiple times with only the first having any effect until doneInserting() is called on the same array proxy on the same PE.

If you do not specify one, the system will choose a processor to create an array element on based on the current map object.

A demonstration of dynamic insertion is available: examples/charm++/hello/fancyarray Demand Creation

Demand Creation is a specialized form of dynamic insertion. Normally, invoking an entry method on a nonexistent array element is an error. But if you add the attribute [createhere] or [createhome] to an entry method, the array manager will “demand create” a new element to handle the message.

With [createhome], the new element will be created on the home processor, which is most efficient when messages for the element may arrive from anywhere in the machine. With [createhere], the new element is created on the sending processor, which is most efficient if when messages will often be sent from that same processor.

The new element is created by calling its default (taking no parameters) constructor, which must exist and be listed in the .ci file. A single array can have a mix of demand-creation and classic entry methods; and demand-created and normally created elements.

A simple example of demand creation tests/charm++/demand_creation. Asynchronous Array Creation

Normally, CProxy_Array::ckNew call must always be made from PE 0. However, asynchronous array creation can be used to lift this restriction and let the array creation be made from any PE. To do this, CkCallback must be given as an argument for ckNew to provide the created chare array’s CkArrayID to the callback function.

CProxy_SomeProxy::ckNew(parameters, nElements, CkCallback(CkIndex_MyClass::someFunction(NULL), thisProxy));

void someFunction(CkArrayCreatedMsg *m) {
    CProxy_AnotherProxy(m->aid)[index].myFunction(); // m->aid is CkArrayID
    delete m;

Similar to the standard array creation method, arguments to the array element constructor calls are taken first, followed by the dimensions of the array. Note that the parameters field can be optional, if the default constructor is expected to be used.

Alternatively, CkArrayOptions can be used in place of nElements to further configure array characteristics.

// Creating a 3-dimensional chare array with 2 parameters
CkArrayOptions options(dimX, dimY, dimZ);
CProxy_AnotherProxy::ckNew(param1, param2, options, CkCallback(CkIndex_SomeClass::anotherFunction(NULL), thisProxy));

A demonstration of asynchronous array creation can be found in examples/charm++/hello/darray. User-defined Array Indices

Charm++ array indices are arbitrary collections of integers. To define a new array index type, you create an ordinary C++ class which inherits from CkArrayIndex, allocates custom data in the space it has set aside for index data, and sets the “nInts” member to the length, in integers, of the custom index data.

For example, if you have a structure or class named “Foo”, you can use a Foo object as an array index by defining the class:

// Include to inherit from CkArrayIndex
#include <charm++.h>

class CkArrayIndexFoo : public CkArrayIndex {
  Foo* f;
  CkArrayIndexFoo(const Foo &in) {
    f = new (index) Foo(in);
    nInts = sizeof(Foo)/sizeof(int);

Note that Foo must be allocated using placement new pointing to the “index” member of CkArrayIndex. Furthermore, its size must be an integral number of integers- you must pad it with zero bytes if this is not the case. Also, Foo must be a simple class- it cannot contain pointers, have virtual functions, or require a destructor. Finally, there is a Charm++ configuration-time option called CK_ARRAYINDEX_MAXLEN which is the largest allowable number of integers in an array index. The default is 3; but you may override this to any value by passing “-DCK_ARRAYINDEX_MAXLEN=n” to the Charm++ build script as well as all user code. Larger values will increase the size of each message.

You can then declare an array indexed by Foo objects with

// in the .ci file:
array [Foo] AF { entry AF(); ... }

// in the .h file:
class AF : public CBase_AF
{ public: AF() {} ... }

// in the .C file:
Foo f;
CProxy_AF a=CProxy_AF::ckNew();

Note that since our CkArrayIndexFoo constructor is not declared with the explicit keyword, we can equivalently write the last line as:


The array index (an object of type Foo) is then accessible as “thisIndex”. For example:

// in the .C file:
AF::AF() {
  Foo myF=thisIndex;

A demonstration of user defined indices can be seen in examples/charm++/hello/fancyarray.

2.3.5. Sections: Subsets of a Chare Array/Group

Charm++ supports defining and communicating with subsets of a chare array or group. This entity is called a chare array section or a group section (section). Section elements are addressed via a section proxy. Charm++ also supports sections which are a subset of elements of multiple chare arrays/groups of the same type (see

Multicast operations (a broadcast to all members of a section) are directly supported by the section proxy. For array sections, multicast operations by default use optimized spanning trees via the CkMulticast library in Charm++. For group sections, multicast operations by default use an unoptimized direct-sending implementation. To optimize messaging, group sections need to be manually delegated to CkMulticast (see Reductions are also supported for both arrays and group sections via the CkMulticast library.

Array and group sections work in mostly the same way. Check examples/charm++/groupsection for a group section example and examples/charm++/arraysection for an array section example. Section Creation Array sections

For each chare array “A” declared in a ci file, a section proxy of type “CProxySection_A” is automatically generated in the decl and def header files. You can create an array section in your application by invoking ckNew() function of the CProxySection. The user will need to provide array indexes of all the array section members through either explicit enumeration, or an index range expression. For example, for a 3D array:

std::vector<CkArrayIndex3D> elems;  // add array indices
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
  for (int j=0; j<20; j+=2)
    for (int k=0; k<30; k+=2)
       elems.emplace_back(i, j, k);
CProxySection_Hello proxy = CProxySection_Hello::ckNew(helloArrayID, elems);

Alternatively, one can do the same thing by providing the index range [lbound:ubound:stride] for each dimension:

CProxySection_Hello proxy = CProxySection_Hello::ckNew(helloArrayID, 0, 9, 1, 0, 19, 2, 0, 29, 2);

The above code creates a section proxy that contains array elements [0:9, 0:19:2, 0:29:2].

For user-defined array index other than CkArrayIndex1D to CkArrayIndex6D, one needs to use the generic array index type: CkArrayIndex.

std::vector<CkArrayIndex> elems;  // add array indices
CProxySection_Hello proxy = CProxySection_Hello::ckNew(helloArrayID, elems); Group sections

Group sections are created in the same way as array sections. A group “A” will have an associated “CProxySection_A” type which is used to create a section and obtain a proxy. In this case, ckNew() will receive the list of PE IDs which will form the section. See examples/charm++/groupsection for an example.


It is important to note that Charm++ does not automatically delegate group sections to the internal CkMulticast library, and instead defaults to a point-to-point implementation of multicasts. To use CkMulticast with group sections, the user must manually delegate after invoking group creation. See for information on how to do this. Creation order restrictions


Array sections should be created in post-constructor entry methods to avoid race conditions.

If the user wants to invoke section creation from a group, special care must be taken that the collection for which we are creating a section (array or group) already exists.

For example, suppose a user wants to create a section of array “A” from an entry method in group “G”. Because groups are created before arrays in Charm++, and there is no guarantee of creation order of groups, there is a risk that array A’s internal structures have not been initialized yet on every PE, causing section creation to fail. As such, the application must ensure that A has been created before attempting to create a section.

If the section is created from inside an array element there is no such risk. Section Multicasts

Once the proxy is obtained at section creation time, the user can broadcast to all the section members, like this:

CProxySection_Hello proxy;
proxy.someEntry(...); // section broadcast

See examples/charm++/arraysection for examples on how sections are used.

You can send the section proxy in a message to another processor, and still safely invoke the entry functions on the section proxy. Optimized multicast via CkMulticast

Charm++ has a built-in CkMulticast library that optimizes section communications. By default, the Charm++ runtime system will use this library for array and cross-array sections. For group sections, the user must manually delegate the section proxy to CkMulticast (see

By default, CkMulticast builds a spanning tree for multicast/reduction with a factor of 2 (binary tree). One can specify a different branching factor when creating the section.

CProxySection_Hello sectProxy = CProxySection_Hello::ckNew(..., 3); // factor is 3

Note that, to use CkMulticast library, all multicast messages must inherit from CkMcastBaseMsg, as the following example shows.

class HiMsg : public CkMcastBaseMsg, public CMessage_HiMsg
  int *data;


CkMcastBaseMsg must come first, this is important for CkMulticast library to retrieve section information from the message.

Due to this restriction, when using CkMulticast you must define messages explicitly for multicast entry functions and no parameter marshalling can be used. Section Reductions

Reductions over the elements of a section are supported through the CkMulticast library. As such, to perform reductions, the section must have been delegated to CkMulticast, either automatically (which is the default case for array sections), or manually for group sections.

Since an array element can be a member of multiple array sections, it is necessary to disambiguate between which array section reduction it is participating in each time it contributes to one. For this purpose, a data structure called CkSectionInfo is created by CkMulticast library for each array section that the array element belongs to. During a section reduction, the array element must pass the CkSectionInfo as a parameter in the contribute(). The CkSectionInfo for a section can be retrieved from a message in a multicast entry point using function call CkGetSectionInfo():

CkSectionInfo cookie;

void SayHi(HiMsg *msg)
  CkGetSectionInfo(cookie, msg); // update section cookie every time
  int data = thisIndex;
  CProxySection_Hello::contribute(sizeof(int), &data, CkReduction::sum_int, cookie, cb);

Note that the cookie cannot be used as a one-time local variable in the function, the same cookie is needed for the next contribute. This is because the cookie includes some context-sensitive information (e.g., the reduction counter). Subsequent invocations of CkGetSectionInfo() only updates part of the data in the cookie, rather than creating a brand new one.

Similar to array reductions, to use section-based reductions, a reduction client CkCallback object must be created. You may pass the client callback as an additional parameter to contribute. If different contribute calls to the same reduction operation pass different callbacks, some (unspecified, unreliable) callback will be chosen for use.

See the following example:

CkCallback cb(CkIndex_myArrayType::myReductionEntry(NULL),thisProxy);
CProxySection_Hello::contribute(sizeof(int), &data, CkReduction::sum_int, cookie, cb);

As in an array reduction, users can use built-in reduction types (Section or define his/her own reducer functions (Section Section Operations with Migrating Elements

When using a section reduction, you don’t need to worry about migrations of array elements. When migration happens, an array element in the array section can still use the CkSectionInfo it stored previously for doing a reduction. Reduction messages will be correctly delivered but may not be as efficient until a new multicast spanning tree is rebuilt internally in the CkMulticast library. When a new spanning tree is rebuilt, an updated CkSectionInfo is passed along with a multicast message, so it is recommended that CkGetSectionInfo() function is always called when a multicast message arrives (as shown in the above SayHi example).

In the case where a multicast root migrates, the library must reconstruct the spanning tree to get optimal performance. One will get the following warning message if this is not done: “Warning: Multicast not optimized after multicast root migrated.” In the current implementation, the user needs to initiate the rebuilding process using resetSection.

void Foo::pup(PUP::er & p) {
    // if I am multicast root and it is unpacking
   if (ismcastroot && p.isUnpacking()) {
      CProxySection_Foo fooProxy; // proxy for the section

      // you may want to reset reduction client to root
      CkCallback *cb = new CkCallback(...);
} Cross Array Sections

Cross array sections contain elements from multiple arrays. Construction and use of cross array sections is similar to normal array sections with the following restrictions.

  • Arrays in a section must all be of the same type.

  • Each array must be enumerated by array ID.

  • The elements within each array must be enumerated explicitly.

Note: cross section logic also works for groups with analogous characteristics.

Given three arrays declared thusly:

std::vector<CkArrayID> aidArr(3);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
  CProxy_multisectiontest_array1d Aproxy = CProxy_multisectiontest_array1d::ckNew(masterproxy.ckGetGroupID(), ArraySize);
  aidArr[i] = Aproxy.ckGetArrayID();

One can make a section including the lower half elements of all three arrays as follows:

int aboundary = ArraySize/2;
int afloor = aboundary;
int aceiling = ArraySize-1;
int asectionSize = aceiling-afloor+1;
// cross section lower half of each array
std::vector<std::vector<CkArrayIndex> > aelems(3);
for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
  for (int i=afloor,j=0; i<=aceiling; i++,j++)
    aelems[k][j] = CkArrayIndex1D(i);
CProxySection_multisectiontest_array1d arrayLowProxy(aidArr, aelems);

The resulting cross section proxy, as in the example arrayLowProxy, can then be used for multicasts in the same way as a normal array section.

Note: For simplicity the above example has all arrays and sections of uniform size. The size of each array and the number of elements in each array within a section can all be set independently. For a more concrete example on how to use cross array section reduction, please refer to: examples/charm++/hello/xarraySection. Manual Delegation

By default Charm++ uses the CkMulticast library for optimized broadcasts and reductions on array sections, but advanced Charm++ users can choose to delegate [13] sections to custom libraries (called delegation managers). Note that group sections are not automatically delegated to CkMulticast and hence must be manually delegated to this library to benefit from the optimized multicast tree implementation. This is explained here, and see examples/charm++/groupsection for an example.

While creating a chare array one can set the auto delegation flag to false in CkArrayOptions and the runtime system will not use the default CkMulticast library. A CkMulticastMgr (or any other delegation manager) group can then be created by the user, and any section delegated to it.

One only needs to create one delegation manager group, and it can serve all multicast/reduction delegations for different array/group sections in an application. In the following we show a manual delegation example using CkMulticast (the same can be applied to custom delegation managers):

CkArrayOptions opts(...);
opts.setSectionAutoDelegate(false); // manual delegation
CProxy_Hello arrayProxy = CProxy_Hello::ckNew(opts,...);
CProxySection_Hello sectProxy = CProxySection_Hello::ckNew(...);
CkGroupID mCastGrpId = CProxy_CkMulticastMgr::ckNew();
CkMulticastMgr *mCastGrp = CProxy_CkMulticastMgr(mCastGrpId).ckLocalBranch();

sectProxy.ckSectionDelegate(mCastGrp); // initialize section proxy

sectProxy.someEntry(...); // multicast via delegation library as before

One can also set the default branching factor when creating a CkMulticastMgr group. Sections created via this manager will use the specified branching factor for their multicast tree. For example:

CkGroupID mCastGrpId = CProxy_CkMulticastMgr::ckNew(3); // factor is 3

Contributing using a custom CkMulticastMgr group:

CkSectionInfo cookie;

void SayHi(HiMsg *msg)
  CkGetSectionInfo(cookie, msg); // update section cookie every time
  int data = thisIndex;
  CkCallback cb(CkIndex_myArrayType::myReductionEntry(NULL),thisProxy);
  mcastGrp->contribute(sizeof(int), &data, CkReduction::sum_int, cookie, cb);

Setting default reduction client for a section when using manual delegation:

CProxySection_Hello sectProxy;
CkMulticastMgr *mcastGrp = CProxy_CkMulticastMgr(mCastGrpId).ckLocalBranch();
mcastGrp->setReductionClient(sectProxy, new CkCallback(...));

Writing the pup method:

void Foo::pup(PUP::er & p) {
  // if I am multicast root and it is unpacking
  if (ismcastroot && p.isUnpacking()) {
    CProxySection_Foo fooProxy; // proxy for the section
    CkMulticastMgr *mg = CProxy_CkMulticastMgr(mCastGrpId).ckLocalBranch();

    // you may want to reset reduction client to root
    CkCallback *cb = new CkCallback(...);
    mg->setReductionClient(mcp, cb);

2.3.6. Chare and Message Inheritance

Charm++ supports C++ like inheritance among Charm++ objects such as chares, groups, and messages, making it easier to keep applications modular and allowing reuse of code. Chare Inheritance

Chare inheritance makes it possible to remotely invoke methods of a base chare from a proxy of a derived chare. Suppose a base chare is of type BaseChare, then the derived chare of type DerivedChare needs to be declared in the Charm++ interface file to be explicitly derived from BaseChare. Thus, the constructs in the .ci file should look like:

chare BaseChare {
  entry BaseChare(someMessage *);
  entry void baseMethod(void);
chare DerivedChare : BaseChare {
  entry DerivedChare(otherMessage *);
  entry void derivedMethod(void);

Note that the access specifier public is omitted, because Charm++ interface translator only needs to know about the public inheritance, and thus public is implicit. A Chare can inherit privately from other classes too, but the Charm++ interface translator does not need to know about it, because it generates support classes (proxies) to remotely invoke only public methods.

The class definitions of these chares should look like:

class BaseChare : public CBase_BaseChare {
  // private or protected data
    BaseChare(someMessage *);
    void baseMethod(void);
class DerivedChare : public CBase_DerivedChare {
  // private or protected data
    DerivedChare(otherMessage *);
    void derivedMethod(void);

It is possible to create a derived chare, and invoke methods of base chare from it, or to assign a derived chare proxy to a base chare proxy as shown below:

otherMessage *msg = new otherMessage();
CProxy_DerivedChare pd = CProxy_DerivedChare::ckNew(msg);
pd.baseMethod();     // OK
pd.derivedMethod();  // OK
CProxy_BaseChare pb = pd;
pb.baseMethod();    // OK
pb.derivedMethod(); // COMPILE ERROR

To pass constructor arguments from DerivedChare::DerivedChare(someMessage*) to BaseChare::BaseChare(someMessage*), they can be forwarded through the CBase type constructor as follows:

DerivedChare::DerivedChare(someMessage *msg)
: CBase_DerivedChare(msg) // Will forward all arguments to BaseChare::BaseChare
{ }

If no arguments are provided, the generated C++ code for the CBase_DerivedChare constructor calls the default constructor of the base class BaseChare.

Entry methods are inherited in the same manner as methods of sequential C++ objects. To make an entry method virtual, just add the keyword virtual to the corresponding chare method declaration in the class header- no change is needed in the interface file. Pure virtual entry methods also require no special description in the interface file. Inheritance for Messages

Messages cannot inherit from other messages. A message can, however, inherit from a regular C++ class. For example:

// In the .ci file:
message BaseMessage1;
message BaseMessage2;

// In the .h file:
class Base {
  // ...
class BaseMessage1 : public Base, public CMessage_BaseMessage1 {
  // ...
class BaseMessage2 : public Base, public CMessage_BaseMessage2 {
  // ...

Messages cannot contain virtual methods or virtual base classes unless you use a packed message. Parameter marshalling has complete support for inheritance, virtual methods, and virtual base classes via the PUP::able framework.

2.3.7. Generic and Meta Programming with Templates

Templates are a mechanism provided by the C++ language to parametrize code over various types and constants with compile-time code specialization for each instance. Charm++ allows developers to implement various entities using C++ templates to gain their advantages in abstraction, flexibility, and performance. Because the Charm++ runtime system requires some generated code for each entity type that is used in a program, template entities must each have a declaration in a .ci file, a definition in a C++ header, and declarations of their instantiations in one or more .ci files.

The first step to implementing a templated Charm++ entity is declaring it as such in a .ci file. This declaration takes the same form as any C++ template: the template keyword, a list of template parameters surrounded by angle brackets, and the normal declaration of the entity with possible reference to the template parameters. The Charm++ interface translator will generate corresponding templated code for the entity, similar to what it would generate for a non-templated entity of the same kind. Differences in how one uses this generated code are described below.

A message template might be declared as follows:

module A {
  template <class DType, int N=3>
  message TMessage;

Note that default template parameters are supported.

If one wished to include variable-length arrays in a message template, those can be accomodated as well:

module B {
  template <class DType>
  message TVarMessage {
    DType payload[];

Similarly, chare class templates (for various kinds of chares) would be written:

module C {
  template <typename T>
  chare TChare {
    entry TChare();
    entry void doStuff(T t);

  template <typename U>
  group TGroup {
    entry TGroup();
    entry void doSomethingElse(U u, int n);

  template <typename V, int s>
  array [2D] TArray {
    entry TArray(V v);

  template <typename W>
  nodegroup TNodeGroup {
    entry TNodeGroup();
    entry void doAnotherThing(W w);

Entry method templates are declared like so:

module D {
    array [1D] libArray {
        entry libArray(int _dataSize);
        template <typename T>
        entry void doSomething(T t, CkCallback redCB);

The definition of templated Charm++ entities works almost identically to the definition of non-template entities, with the addition of the expected template signature:

// A.h
#include "A.decl.h"

template <class DType, int N=3>
struct TMessage : public CMessage_TMessage<DType, N> {
  DType d[N];

#include "A.def.h"

The distinguishing change is the additional requirement to include parts of the generated .def.h file that relate to the templates being defined. This exposes the generated code that provides registration and other supporting routines to client code that will need to instantiate it. As with C++ template code in general, the entire definition of the templated entity must be visible to the code that eventually references it to allow instantiation. In circumstances where module A contains only template code, some source file including A.def.h without the template macro will still have to be compiled and linked to incorporate module-level generated code.

Code that references particular templated entities needs to ask the interface translator to instantiate registration and delivery code for those entities. This is accomplished by a declaration in a .ci file that names the entity and the actual template arguments for which an instantiation is desired.

For the message and chare templates described above, a few instantiations might look like

module D {
  extern module A;
  message TMessage<float, 7>;
  message TMessage<double>;
  message TMessage<int, 1>;

  extern module C;
  array [2D] TArray<std::string, 4>;
  group TGroup<char>;

Instantiations of entry method templates are slightly more complex, because they must specify the chare class containing them. The template arguments are also specified directly in the method’s parameters, rather than as distinct template arguments.

module E {
  extern module D;

  // syntax: extern entry void chareClassName templateEntryMethodName(list, of, actual, arguments);
  extern entry void libArray doSomething(int&, CkCallback redCB);

To enable generic programming using Charm++ entities, we define a number of type trait utilities. These can be used to determine at compile-time if a type is a certain kind of Charm++ type:

#include "charm++_type_traits.h"

// Is T a chare array proxy?
using result = charmxx::is_array_proxy<T>;

// Is T a group proxy?
using result = charmxx::is_group_proxy<T>;

// Is T a node group proxy?
using result = charmxx::is_node_group_proxy<T>;

// Is T a chare proxy?
using result = charmxx::is_chare_proxy<T>;

// Is T a bound array?
using result = charmxx::is_bound_array<T>;

// Does T have a PUP routine defined for it?
using result = charmxx::is_pupable<T>;

2.3.8. Collectives Reduction Clients

After the data is reduced, it is passed to you via a callback object, as described in section 2.3.2. The message passed to the callback is of type CkReductionMsg. Unlike typed reductions briefed in Section, here we discuss callbacks that take CkReductionMsg* argument. The important members of CkReductionMsg are getSize(), which returns the number of bytes of reduction data; and getData(), which returns a “void *” to the actual reduced data.

The callback to be invoked when the reduction is complete is specified as an additional parameter to contribute. It is an error for chare array elements to specify different callbacks to the same reduction contribution.

double forces[2]=get_my_forces();
// When done, broadcast the CkReductionMsg to "myReductionEntry"
CkCallback cb(CkIndex_myArrayType::myReductionEntry(NULL), thisProxy);
contribute(2*sizeof(double), forces,CkReduction::sum_double, cb);

In the case of the reduced version used for synchronization purposes, the callback parameter will be the only input parameter:

CkCallback cb(CkIndex_myArrayType::myReductionEntry(NULL), thisProxy);

and the corresponding callback function:

void myReductionEntry(CkReductionMsg *msg)
  int reducedArrSize=msg->getSize() / sizeof(double);
  double *output=(double *) msg->getData();
  for(int i=0 ; i<reducedArrSize ; i++)
   // Do something with the reduction results in each output[i] array element
  delete msg;

(See examples/charm++/reductions/simple_reduction for a complete example).

If the target of a reduction is an entry method defined by a when clause in SDAG (Section 2.2.4), one may wish to set a reference number (or tag) that SDAG can use to match the resulting reduction message. To set the tag on a reduction message, call the CkCallback::setRefNum(CMK_REFNUM_TYPE refnum) method on the callback passed to the contribute() call. Defining a New Reduction Type

It is possible to define a new type of reduction, performing a user-defined operation on user-defined data. This is done by creating a reduction function, which combines separate contributions into a single combined value.

The input to a reduction function is a list of CkReductionMsgs. A CkReductionMsg is a thin wrapper around a buffer of untyped data to be reduced. The output of a reduction function is a single CkReductionMsg containing the reduced data, which you should create using the CkReductionMsg::buildNew(int nBytes,const void *data) method.

Thus every reduction function has the prototype:

CkReductionMsg *reductionFn(int nMsg,CkReductionMsg **msgs);

For example, a reduction function to add up contributions consisting of two machine short ints would be:

CkReductionMsg *sumTwoShorts(int nMsg,CkReductionMsg **msgs)
  // Sum starts off at zero
  short ret[2]={0,0};
  for (int i=0;i<nMsg;i++) {
    // Sanity check:
    // Extract this message's data
    short *m=(short *)msgs[i]->getData();
  return CkReductionMsg::buildNew(2*sizeof(short),ret);

The reduction function must be registered with Charm++ using CkReduction::addReducer(reducerFn fn=NULL, bool streamable=false, const char* name=NULL) from an initnode routine (see section for details on the initnode mechanism). It takes a required parameter, reducerFn fn, a function pointer to the reduction function, and an optional parameter bool streamable, which indicates if the function is streamable or not (see section for more information). CkReduction::addReducer returns a CkReduction::reducerType which you can later pass to contribute. Since initnode routines are executed once on every node, you can safely store the CkReduction::reducerType in a global or class-static variable. For the example above, the reduction function is registered and used in the following manner:

// In the .ci file:
initnode void registerSumTwoShorts(void);

// In some .C file:
/*global*/ CkReduction::reducerType sumTwoShortsType;
/*initnode*/ void registerSumTwoShorts(void)

// In some member function, contribute data to the customized reduction:
short data[2]=...;
Note that typed reductions briefed in Section can also be used for custom reductions. The target reduction client can be declared as in Section but the reduction functions will be defined as explained above.
Note that you cannot call CkReduction::addReducer from anywhere but an initnode routine.
(See Reduction.cpp of Barnes-Hut MiniApp for a complete example). Streamable Reductions

For custom reductions over fixed sized messages, it is often desirable that the runtime process each contribution in a streaming fashion, i.e. as soon as a contribution is received from a chare array element, that data should be combined with the current aggregation of other contributions on that PE. This results in a smaller memory footprint because contributions are immediately combined as they come in rather than waiting for all contributions to be received. Users can write their own custom streamable reducers by reusing the message memory of the zeroth message in their reducer function by passing it as the last argument to CkReduction::buildNew:

CkReductionMsg *sumTwoShorts(int nMsg,CkReductionMsg **msgs)
  // reuse msgs[0]'s memory:
  short *retData = (short*)msgs[0]->getData();
  for (int i=1;i<nMsg;i++) {
    // Sanity check:
    // Extract this message's data
    short *m=(short *)msgs[i]->getData();
  return CkReductionMsg::buildNew(2*sizeof(short), retData, sumTwoShortsReducer, msgs[0]);

Note that only message zero is allowed to be reused. For reducer functions that do not operate on fixed sized messages, such as set and concat, streaming would result in quadratic memory allocation and so is not desirable. Users can specify that a custom reducer is streamable when calling CkReduction::addReducer by specifying an optional boolean parameter (default is false). They can also provide a name string for their reducer to aid in debugging (default is NULL).

static void initNodeFn(void) {
    sumTwoShorts = CkReduction::addReducer(sumTwoShorts, /* streamable = */ true, /* name = */ "sumTwoShorts");

2.3.9. Serializing Complex Types

This section describes advanced functionality in the PUP framework. The first subsections describe features supporting complex objects, with multiple levels of inheritance, or with dynamic changes in heap usage. The latter subsections describe additional language bindings, and features supporting PUP modes which can be used to copy object state from and to long-term storage for checkpointing, or other application level purposes. Dynamic Allocation

If your class has fields that are dynamically allocated, when unpacking, these need to be allocated in the usual way before you pup them. Deallocation should be left to the class destructor as usual. No allocation

The simplest case is when there is no dynamic allocation. Example:

class keepsFoo : public mySuperclass {
    foo f; /* simple foo object */
    keepsFoo(void) { }
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|f; // pup f's fields (calls f.pup(p);)
    ~keepsFoo() { }
}; Allocation outside pup

The next simplest case is when we contain a class that is always allocated during our constructor, and deallocated during our destructor. Then no allocation is needed within the pup routine.

class keepsHeapFoo : public mySuperclass {
    foo *f; /* Heap-allocated foo object */
    keepsHeapFoo(void) {
      f=new foo;
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|*f; // pup f's fields (calls f->pup(p))
    ~keepsHeapFoo() { delete f; }
}; Allocation during pup

If we need values obtained during the pup routine before we can allocate the class, we must allocate the class inside the pup routine. Be sure to protect the allocation with if (p.isUnpacking()).

class keepsOneFoo : public mySuperclass {
    foo *f; /* Heap-allocated foo object */
    keepsOneFoo(...) { f=new foo(...); }
    keepsOneFoo() { f=NULL; } /* pup constructor */
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      // ...
      if (p.isUnpacking()) /* must allocate foo now */
         f=new foo(...);
      p|*f; // pup f's fields
    ~keepsOneFoo() { delete f; }
}; Allocatable array

For example, if we keep an array of doubles, we need to know how many doubles there are before we can allocate the array. Hence we must first pup the array length, do our allocation, and then pup the array data. We could allocate memory using malloc/free or other allocators in exactly the same way.

class keepsDoubles : public mySuperclass {
    int n;
    double *arr; /* new'd array of n doubles */
    keepsDoubles(int n_) {
      arr=new double[n];
    keepsDoubles() { }

    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|n; // pup the array length n
      if (p.isUnpacking()) arr=new double[n];
      PUParray(p,arr,n); // pup data in the array

    ~keepsDoubles() { delete[] arr; }
}; NULL object pointer

If our allocated object may be NULL, our allocation becomes much more complicated. We must first check and pup a flag to indicate whether the object exists, then depending on the flag, pup the object.

class keepsNullFoo : public mySuperclass {
    foo *f; /*Heap-allocated foo object, or NULL*/
    keepsNullFoo(...) { if (...) f=new foo(...); }
    keepsNullFoo() { f=NULL; }
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      int has_f = (f!=NULL);
      if (has_f) {
        if (p.isUnpacking()) f=new foo;
      } else {
    ~keepsNullFoo() { delete f; }

This sort of code is normally much longer and more error-prone if split into the various packing/unpacking cases. Array of classes

An array of actual classes can be treated exactly the same way as an array of basic types. PUParray will pup each element of the array properly, calling the appropriate operator|.

class keepsFoos : public mySuperclass {
    int n;
    foo *arr; /* new'd array of n foos */
    keepsFoos(int n_) {
      arr=new foo[n];
    keepsFoos() { arr=NULL; }

    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|n; // pup the array length n
      if (p.isUnpacking())  arr=new foo[n];
      PUParray(p,arr,n); // pup each foo in the array

    ~keepsFoos() { delete[] arr; }
}; Array of pointers to classes

An array of pointers to classes must handle each element separately, since the PUParray routine does not work with pointers. An “allocate” routine to set up the array could simplify this code. More ambitious is to construct a “smart pointer” class that includes a pup routine.

class keepsFooPtrs : public mySuperclass {
    int n;
    foo **arr; /* new'd array of n pointer-to-foos */
    keepsFooPtrs(int n_) {
      arr=new foo*[n]; // allocate array
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) arr[i]=new foo(...); // allocate i'th foo
    keepsFooPtrs() { arr=NULL; }

    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
      p|n; // pup the array length n
      if (p.isUnpacking()) arr=new foo*[n]; // allocate array
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (p.isUnpacking()) arr[i]=new foo(...); // allocate i'th foo
        p|*arr[i];  // pup the i'th foo

    ~keepsFooPtrs() {
       for (int i=0; i<n; i++) delete arr[i];
       delete[] arr;

Note that this will not properly handle the case where some elements of the array are actually subclasses of foo, with virtual methods. The PUP::able framework described in the next section can be helpful in this case. Subclass allocation via PUP::able

If the class foo above might have been a subclass, instead of simply using new foo above we would have had to allocate an object of the appropriate subclass. Since determining the proper subclass and calling the appropriate constructor yourself can be difficult, the PUP framework provides a scheme for automatically determining and dynamically allocating subobjects of the appropriate type.

Your superclass must inherit from PUP::able, which provides the basic machinery used to move the class. A concrete superclass and all its concrete subclasses require these four features:

  • A line declaring PUPable className; in the .ci file. This registers the class’ constructor. If className is a templated class, each concrete instantiation should have its own fully specified PUPable declaration in the .ci file.

  • A call to the macro PUPable_decl(className) in the class’ declaration, in the header file. This adds a virtual method to your class to allow PUP::able to determine your class’ type. If className is a templated class, instead use PUPable_decl_base_template(baseClassName, className), where baseClassName is the name of the base class. Both class names should include template specifications if necessary.

  • A migration constructor — a constructor that takes CkMigrateMessage *. This is used to create the new object on the receive side, immediately before calling the new object’s pup routine. Users should not free the CkMigrateMessage.

  • A working, virtual pup method. You can omit this if your class has no data that needs to be packed.

As an added note for PUP::able classes which are templated: just as with templated chares, you will also need to include the .def.h surrounded by CK_TEMPLATES_ONLY preprocessor guards in an appropriate location, as described in Section 2.3.7.

An abstract superclass — a superclass that will never actually be packed — only needs to inherit from PUP::able and include a PUPable_abstract(className) macro in their body. For these abstract classes, the .ci file, PUPable_decl macro, and constructor are not needed.

For example, if parent is a concrete superclass, and child and tchild are its subclasses:

// --------- In the .ci file ---------
PUPable parent;
PUPable child; // Could also have said `PUPable parent, child;`
// One PUPable declaration per concrete intantiantion of tchild
PUPable tchild<int, double>;
PUPable tchild<char, Foo>;

// --------- In the .h file ---------
class parent : public PUP::able {
    // ... data members ...
    // ... other methods ...
    parent() {...}

    // PUP::able support: decl, migration constructor, and pup
    parent(CkMigrateMessage *m) : PUP::able(m) {}
    virtual void pup(PUP::er &p) {
        PUP::able::pup(p); // Call base class
        // ... pup data members as usual ...

class child : public parent {
    // ... more data members ...
    // ... more methods, possibly virtual ...
    child() {...}

    // PUP::able support: decl, migration constructor, and pup
    child(CkMigrateMessage *m) : parent(m) {}
    virtual void pup(PUP::er &p) {
        parent::pup(p); // Call base class
        // ... pup child's data members as usual ...

template <typename T1, typename T2>
class tchild : public parent {
    // ... more data members ...
    // ... more methods, possibly virtual ...
    tchild() { ... }

    // PUP::able support for templated classes
    // If parent were templated, we'd also include template args for parent
    PUPable_decl_base_template(parent, tchild<T1,T2>);
    tchild(CkMigrateMessage* m) : parent(m) {}
    virtual void pup(PUP::er &p) {
        parent::pup(p); // Call base class
        // ... pup tchild's data memebers as usual ...

// Because tchild is a templated class with PUPable decls in the .ci file ...
#include "module_name.def.h"

With these declarations, we can automatically allocate and pup a pointer to a parent or child using the vertical bar PUP::er syntax, which on the receive side will create a new object of the appropriate type:

class keepsParent {
    parent *obj; // May actually point to a child class (or be NULL)
    // ...
    ~keepsParent() {
        delete obj;
    void pup(PUP::er &p)

This will properly pack, allocate, and unpack obj whether it is actually a parent or child object. The child class can use all the usual C++ features, such as virtual functions and extra private data.

If obj is NULL when packed, it will be restored to NULL when unpacked. For example, if the nodes of a binary tree are PUP::able, one may write a recursive pup routine for the tree quite easily:

// --------- In the .ci file ---------
PUPable treeNode;

// --------- In the .h file ---------
class treeNode : public PUP::able {
    treeNode *left; // Left subtree
    treeNode *right; // Right subtree
    // ... other fields ...
    treeNode(treeNode *l=NULL, treeNode *r=NULL);
    ~treeNode() { delete left; delete right; }

    // The usual PUP::able support:
    treeNode(CkMigrateMessage *m) : PUP::able(m) { left = right = NULL; }
    void pup(PUP::er &p) {
        PUP::able::pup(p); // Call base class
        // ... pup other fields as usual ...

This same implementation will also work properly even if the tree’s internal nodes are actually subclasses of treeNode.

You may prefer to use the macros PUPable_def(className) and PUPable_reg(className) rather than using PUPable in the .ci file. PUPable_def provides routine definitions used by the PUP::able machinery, and should be included in exactly one source file at file scope. PUPable_reg registers this class with the runtime system, and should be executed exactly once per node during program startup.

Finally, a PUP::able superclass like parent above must normally be passed around via a pointer or reference, because the object might actually be some subclass like child. Because pointers and references cannot be passed across processors, for parameter marshalling you must use the special templated smart pointer classes CkPointer and CkReference, which only need to be listed in the .ci file.

A CkReference is a read-only reference to a PUP::able object — it is only valid for the duration of the method call. A CkPointer transfers ownership of the unmarshalled PUP::able to the method, so the pointer can be kept and the object used indefinitely.

For example, if the entry method bar needs a PUP::able parent object for in-call processing, you would use a CkReference like this:

// --------- In the .ci file ---------
entry void barRef(int x, CkReference<parent> p);

// --------- In the .h file ---------
void barRef(int x, parent &p) {
  // can use p here, but only during this method invocation

If the entry method needs to keep its parameter, use a CkPointer like this:

// --------- In the .ci file ---------
entry void barPtr(int x, CkPointer<parent> p);

// --------- In the .h file ---------
void barPtr(int x, parent *p) {
  // can keep this pointer indefinitely, but must eventually delete it

Both CkReference and CkPointer are read-only from the send side — unlike messages, which are consumed when sent, the same object can be passed to several parameter marshalled entry methods. In the example above, we could do:

parent *p = new child;
someProxy.barRef(x, *p);
someProxy.barPtr(x, p); // Makes a copy of p
delete p; // We allocated p, so we destroy it. C and Fortran bindings

C and Fortran programmers can use a limited subset of the PUP::er capability. The routines all take a handle named pup_er. The routines have the prototype:

void pup_type(pup_er p, type *val);
void pup_types(pup_er p, type *vals, int nVals);

The first call is for use with a single element; the second call is for use with an array. The supported types are char, short, int, long, uchar, ushort, uint, ulong, float, and double, which all have the usual C meanings.

A byte-packing routine

void pup_bytes(pup_er p, void *data, int nBytes);

is also provided, but its use is discouraged for cross-platform puping.

pup_isSizing, pup_isPacking, pup_isUnpacking, and pup_isDeleting calls are also available. Since C and Fortran have no destructors, you should actually deallocate all data when passed a deleting pup_er.

C and Fortran users cannot use PUP::able objects, seeking, or write custom PUP::ers. Using the C++ interface is recommended. Common PUP::ers

The most common PUP::ers used are PUP::sizer, PUP::toMem, and PUP::fromMem. These are sizing, packing, and unpacking PUP::ers, respectively.

PUP::sizer simply sums up the sizes of the native binary representation of the objects it is passed. PUP::toMem copies the binary representation of the objects passed into a preallocated contiguous memory buffer. PUP::fromMem copies binary data from a contiguous memory buffer into the objects passed. All three support the size method, which returns the number of bytes used by the objects seen so far.

Other common PUP::ers are PUP::toDisk, PUP::fromDisk, and PUP::xlater. The first two are simple filesystem variants of the PUP::toMem and PUP::fromMem classes; PUP::xlater translates binary data from an unpacking PUP::er into the machine’s native binary format, based on a machineInfo structure that describes the format used by the source machine.

An example of PUP::toDisk is available in examples/charm++/PUP/pupDisk. PUP::seekBlock

It may rarely occur that you require items to be unpacked in a different order than they are packed. That is, you want a seek capability. PUP::ers support a limited form of seeking.

To begin a seek block, create a PUP::seekBlock object with your current PUP::er and the number of “sections” to create. Seek to a (0-based) section number with the seek method, and end the seeking with the endBlock method. For example, if we have two objects A and B, where A’s pup depends on and affects some object B, we can pup the two with:

void pupAB(PUP::er &p)
  // ... other fields ...
  PUP::seekBlock s(p,2); // 2 seek sections
  if (p.isUnpacking())
  { // In this case, pup B first

  if (!p.isUnpacking())
  { // In this case, pup B last
  s.endBlock(); // End of seeking block
  // ... other fields ...

Note that without the seek block, A’s fields would be unpacked over B’s memory, with disastrous consequences. The packing or sizing path must traverse the seek sections in numerical order; the unpack path may traverse them in any order. There is currently a small fixed limit of 3 on the maximum number of seek sections. Writing a PUP::er

System-level programmers may occasionally find it useful to define their own PUP::er objects. The system PUP::er class is an abstract base class that funnels all incoming pup requests to a single subroutine:

virtual void bytes(void *p, int n, size_t itemSize, dataType t);

The parameters are, in order, the field address, the number of items, the size of each item, and the type of the items. The PUP::er is allowed to use these fields in any way. However, an isSizing or isPacking PUP::er may not modify the referenced user data; while an isUnpacking PUP::er may not read the original values of the user data. If your PUP::er is not clearly packing (saving values to some format) or unpacking (restoring values), declare it as sizing PUP::er.

2.3.10. Querying Network Topology

The following calls provide information about the machine upon which the parallel program is executed. A processing element (PE) is a unit of mapping and scheduling, which takes the form of an OS thread in SMP mode and an OS process in non-SMP mode. A node (specifically, a logical node) refers to an OS process: a set of one or more PEs that share memory (i.e. an address space). PEs and nodes are ranked separately starting from zero: PEs are ranked from 0 to CmiNumPes(), and nodes are ranked from 0 to CmiNumNodes().

Charm++ provides a unified abstraction for querying topology information of Cray’s XE6. The TopoManager singleton object, which can be used by including TopoManager.h, contains the following methods:

getDimNX(), getDimNY(), getDimNZ():

Returns the length of X, Y and Z dimensions.


Returns the length of T dimension. TopoManager uses the T dimension to represent different cores that reside within a physical node.

rankToCoordinates(int pe, int &x, int &y, int &z, int &t):

Get the coordinates of PE with rank pe.

coordinatesToRank(int x, int y, int z, int t):

Returns the rank of PE with given coordinates.

getHopsBetweenRanks(int pe1, int pe2):

Returns the distance between the given PEs in terms of the hops count on the network between the two PEs.

printAllocation(FILE *fp):

Outputs the allocation for a particular execution to the given file.

For example, one can obtain the rank of a processor, whose coordinates are known, on Cray XE6 using the following code:

TopoManager *tmgr = TopoManager::getTopoManager();
int rank, x, y, z, t;
x = y = z = t = 2;
rank = tmgr->coordinatesToRank(x, y, z, t);

For more examples, please refer to examples/charm++/topology.

2.3.11. Physical Node API

The following calls provide information about the division and mapping of physical hardware in Charm++. A processing element (PE) is a unit of mapping and scheduling, which takes the form of an OS thread in SMP mode and an OS process in non-SMP mode. A logical node (often shortened to node) refers to an OS process: a set of one or more PEs that share memory (i.e. an address space). A physical node refers to an individual hardware machine (or, more precisely, an operating system instance on which Charm++ processes execute, or, in networking terminology, a host).

Communication between PEs on the same logical node is faster than communication between different logical nodes because OS threads share the same address space and can directly interact through shared memory. Communication between PEs on the same physical node may also be faster than between different physical nodes depending on the availability of OS features such as POSIX shared memory and Cross Memory Attach, the abilities of the network interconnect in use, and the speed of network loopback.

PEs are ranked in the range 0 to CmiNumPes(). Likewise, logical nodes are ranked from 0 to CmiNumNodes(), and physical nodes are ranked from 0 to CmiNumPhysicalNodes().

Charm++ provides a set of functions for querying information about the mapping of PE’s to physical nodes. The cputopology.C module, contains the following globally accessible functions:

int CmiPeOnSamePhysicalNode(int pe1, int pe2)

Returns 1 if PEs pe1 and pe2 are on the same physical node and 0 otherwise.

int CmiNumPhysicalNodes()

Returns the number of physical nodes that the program is running on.

int CmiNumPesOnPhysicalNode(int node)

Returns the number of PEs that reside within a physical node.

void CmiGetPesOnPhysicalNode(int node, int **pelist, int *num)

After execution pelist will point to a list of all PEs that reside within a physical node and num will point to the length of the list. One should be careful to not free or alter pelist since it points to reserved memory.

int CmiPhysicalRank(int pe)

Returns the rank of a PE among all PEs running on the same physical node.

int CmiPhysicalNodeID(int pe)

Returns the node ID of the physical node in which a PE resides.

int CmiGetFirstPeOnPhysicalNode(int node)

Returns the lowest numbered processor on a physical node.

2.3.12. Checkpoint/Restart-Based Fault Tolerance

Charm++ offers two checkpoint/restart mechanisms. Each of these targets a specific need in parallel programming. However, both of them are based on the same infrastructure.

Traditional chare-array-based Charm++ applications, including AMPI applications, can be checkpointed to storage buffers (either files or memory regions) and be restarted later from those buffers. The basic idea behind this is straightforward: checkpointing an application is like migrating its parallel objects from the processors onto buffers, and restarting is the reverse. Thanks to the migration utilities like PUP methods (Section 2.2.5), users can decide what data to save in checkpoints and how to save them. However, unlike migration (where certain objects do not need a PUP method), checkpoint requires all the objects to implement the PUP method.

The two checkpoint/restart schemes implemented are:

  • Shared filesystem: provides support for split execution, where the execution of an application is interrupted and later resumed.

  • Double local-storage: offers an online fault tolerance mechanism for applications running on unreliable machines. Split Execution

There are several reasons for having to split the execution of an application. These include protection against job failure, a single execution needing to run beyond a machine’s job time limit, and resuming execution from an intermediate point with different parameters. All of these scenarios are supported by a mechanism to record execution state, and resume execution from it later.

Parallel machines are assembled from many complicated components, each of which can potentially fail and interrupt execution unexpectedly. Thus, parallel applications that take long enough to run from start to completion need to protect themselves from losing work and having to start over. They can achieve this by periodically taking a checkpoint of their execution state from which they can later resume.

Another use of checkpoint/restart is where the total execution time of the application exceeds the maximum allocation time for a job in a supercomputer. For that case, an application may checkpoint before the allocation time expires and then restart from the checkpoint in a subsequent allocation.

A third reason for having a split execution is when an application consists of phases and each phase may be run a different number of times with varying parameters. Consider, for instance, an application with two phases where the first phase only has a possible configuration (it is run only once). The second phase may have several configuration (for testing various algorithms). In that case, once the first phase is complete, the application checkpoints the result. Further executions of the second phase may just resume from that checkpoint.

An example of Charm++’s support for split execution can be seen in tests/charm++/chkpt/hello. Checkpointing

The API to checkpoint the application is:

void CkStartCheckpoint(char* dirname, const CkCallback& cb, bool
requestStatus = false, int writersPerNode = 0);

The string dirname is the destination directory where the checkpoint files will be stored, and cb is the callback function which will be invoked after the checkpoint is done, as well as when the restart is complete. If CkStartCheckpoint is called again before cb has been called, the new request may be silently dropped. When the optional parameter requestStatus is true, the callback cb is sent a message of type CkCheckpointStatusMsg which includes an int status field of value CK_CHECKPOINT_SUCCESS or CK_CHECKPOINT_FAILURE indicating the success of the checkpointing operation. writersPerNode is an optional parameter that controls the number of PEs per logical node simultaneously allowed to write checkpoints. By default, it allows all PEs on a node to write at once, but should be tuned for large runs to avoid overloading the filesystem. Once set, this value persists for future calls to CkStartCheckpoint, so it does not need to be provided on every invocation (specifying 0 also leaves it at its current value).

Here is an example of a typical use:

/* ... */ CkCallback cb(CkIndex_Hello::SayHi(), helloProxy);
CkStartCheckpoint("log", cb);

A chare array usually has a PUP routine for the sake of migration. The PUP routine is also used in the checkpointing and restarting process. Therefore, it is up to the programmer what to save and restore for the application. One illustration of this flexibility is a complicated scientific computation application with 9 matrices, 8 of which hold intermediate results and 1 that holds the final results of each timestep. To save resources, the PUP routine can well omit the 8 intermediate matrices and checkpoint the matrix with the final results of each timestep.

Group, nodegroup (Section, and singleton chare objects are normally not meant to be migrated. In order to checkpoint them, however, the user has to write PUP routines for the groups and chare and declare them as [migratable] in the .ci file. Some programs use mainchares to hold key control data like global object counts, and thus mainchares need to be checkpointed too. To do this, the programmer should write a PUP routine for the mainchares and declare them as [migratable] in the .ci file, just as in the case of group and nodegroup.

Variables marked as readonly are automatically checkpointed and restored by the runtime system, so user PUP routines do not need to explicitly handle them.

Checkpointing variables of type CProxy_* is completely valid. After the restart callback is invoked, the original chare structures will have been reconstructed and all proxy variables will be valid references to the restarted versions of whatever they originally referred to. The only caveat to this is when the application is restarted on a different number of processors than it was checkpointed on, in which case non-location invariant chares have special behavior: singleton chares are not created or restored at all and group/nodegroup chares are created per PE/node, but each group/nodegroup element is restored from the checkpoint corresponding to the element originally on PE/node 0. This does not effect mainchares, which are always restarted on PE 0.

The checkpoint must be recorded at a synchronization point in the application, to ensure a consistent state upon restart. One easy way to achieve this is to synchronize through a reduction to a single chare (such as the mainchare used at startup) and have that chare make the call to initiate the checkpoint.

After CkStartCheckpoint is executed, a directory of the designated name is created and a collection of checkpoint files are written into it.


Note that checkpoints are written to and read from several automatically created subdirectories of the specified directory in order to avoid creating too many files in the same directory, which can stress the file system. Restarting

The user can choose to run the Charm++ application in restart mode, i.e., restarting execution from a previously-created checkpoint. The command line option +restart DIRNAME is required to invoke this mode. For example:

$ ./charmrun hello +p4 +restart log

Restarting is the reverse process of checkpointing. Charm++ allows restarting the old checkpoint on a different number of physical processors. This provides the flexibility to expand or shrink your application when the availability of computing resources changes.

When restarting, the runtime system recreates the state of the application based on the recorded log files, first restoring readonly variables, then mainchares, then singleton chares (only when the number of PEs in the restart matches the original number of PEs), then groups, then nodegroups, then chare arrays. Dependencies in group creation are implicitly respected since groups are recreated in the same order as they were originally created in on every PE (the same holds for nodegroups). Finally, when the state has been restored, the callback specified when the checkpoint was created is executed, restarting the application.

Note that on restart, if an array or group reduction client was set to a static function, the function pointer might be lost and the user needs to register it again. A better alternative is to always use an entry method of a chare object. Since all the entry methods are registered inside Charm++ system, in the restart phase, the reduction client will be automatically restored.

After a failure, the system may contain fewer or more processors. Once the failed components have been repaired, some processors may become available again. Therefore, the user may need the flexibility to restart on a different number of processors than in the checkpointing phase. This is allowable by giving a different +pN option at runtime. One thing to note is that the new load distribution might differ from the previous one at checkpoint time, so running a load balancer (see Section 2.2.6) after restart is suggested.

If restart is not done on the same number of processors, the processor-specific data in a group/nodegroup branch cannot (and usually should not) be restored individually. A copy from processor 0 will be propagated to all the processors. Additionally, singleton chares will not be restored at all in this case, so they must be specially handled when restarting on a different number of processors. One can, for example, explicitly test for a new number of PEs when unpacking and reconstruct singleton objects in that case. Choosing What to Save

In your programs, you may use chare groups for different types of purposes. For example, groups holding read-only data can avoid excessive data copying, while groups maintaining processor-specific information are used as a local manager of the processor. In the latter situation, the data is sometimes too complicated to save and restore but easy to re-compute. For the read-only data, you want to save and restore it in the PUP’er routine and leave empty the migration constructor, via which the new object is created during restart. For the easy-to-recompute type of data, we just omit the PUP’er routine and do the data reconstruction in the group’s migration constructor.

A similar example is the program mentioned above, where there are two types of chare arrays, one maintaining intermediate results while the other type holds the final result for each timestep. The programmer can take advantage of the flexibility by leaving PUP’er routine empty for intermediate objects, and do save/restore only for the important objects. Online Fault Tolerance

As supercomputers grow in size, their reliability decreases correspondingly. This is due to the fact that the ability to assemble components in a machine surpasses the increase in reliability per component. What we can expect in the future is that applications will run on unreliable hardware.

The previous disk-based checkpoint/restart can be used as a fault tolerance scheme. However, it would be a very basic scheme in that when a failure occurs, the whole program gets killed and the user has to manually restart the application from the checkpoint files. The double local-storage checkpoint/restart protocol described in this subsection provides an automatic fault tolerance solution. When a failure occurs, the program can automatically detect the failure and restart from the checkpoint. Further, this fault-tolerance protocol does not rely on any reliable external storage (as needed in the previous method). Instead, it stores two copies of checkpoint data to two different locations (can be memory or local disk). This double checkpointing ensures the availability of one checkpoint in case the other is lost. The double in-memory checkpoint/restart scheme is useful and efficient for applications with small memory footprint at the checkpoint state. The double in-disk variant stores checkpoints into local disk, thus can be useful for applications with large memory footprint. Checkpointing

The function that application developers can call to record a checkpoint in a chare-array-based application is:

void CkStartMemCheckpoint(CkCallback &cb)

where cb has the same meaning as in section Just like the above disk checkpoint described, it is up to the programmer to decide what to save. The programmer is responsible for choosing when to activate checkpointing so that the size of a global checkpoint state, and consequently the time to record it, is minimized.

In AMPI applications, the user just needs to create an MPI_Info object with the key "ampi_checkpoint" and a value of either "in_memory" (for a double in-memory checkpoint) or "to_file=file_name" (to checkpoint to disk), and pass that object to the function AMPI_Migrate() as in the following:

// Setup
MPI_Info in_memory, to_file;

MPI_Info_set(in_memory, "ampi_checkpoint", "in_memory");

MPI_Info_set(to_file, "ampi_checkpoint", "to_file=chkpt_dir");


// Main time-stepping loop
for (int iter=0; iter < max_iters; iter++) {

  // Time step work ...

  if (iter % chkpt_freq == 0)
} Restarting

When a processor crashes, the restart protocol will be automatically invoked to recover all objects using the last checkpoints. The program will continue to run on the surviving processors. This is based on the assumption that there are no extra processors to replace the crashed ones.

However, if there are a pool of extra processors to replace the crashed ones, the fault-tolerance protocol can also take advantage of this to grab one free processor and let the program run on the same number of processors as before the crash. In order to achieve this, Charm++ needs to be compiled with the macro option CK_NO_PROC_POOL turned on. Double in-disk checkpoint/restart

A variant of double memory checkpoint/restart, double in-disk checkpoint/restart, can be applied to applications with large memory footprint. In this scheme, instead of storing checkpoints in the memory, it stores them in the local disk. The checkpoint files are named ckpt[CkMyPe]-[idx]-XXXXX and are stored under the /tmp directory.

Users can pass the runtime option +ftc_disk to activate this mode. For example:

./charmrun hello +p8 +ftc_disk Building Instructions

In order to have the double local-storage checkpoint/restart functionality available, the parameter syncft must be provided at build time:

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 syncft

At present, only a few of the machine layers underlying the Charm++ runtime system support resilient execution. These include the TCP-based net builds on Linux and Mac OS X. For clusters overbearing job-schedulers that kill a job if a node goes down, the way to demonstrate the killing of a process is show in Section . Charm++ runtime system can automatically detect failures and restart from checkpoint. Failure Injection

To test that your application is able to successfully recover from failures using the double local-storage mechanism, we provide a failure injection mechanism that lets you specify which PEs will fail at what point in time. You must create a text file with two columns. The first colum will store the PEs that will fail. The second column will store the time at which the corresponding PE will fail. Make sure all the failures occur after the first checkpoint. The runtime parameter kill_file has to be added to the command line along with the file name:

$ ./charmrun hello +p8 +kill_file <file>

An example of this usage can be found in the syncfttest targets in tests/charm++/jacobi3d. Failure Demonstration

For HPC clusters, the job-schedulers usually kills a job if a node goes down. To demonstrate restarting after failures on such clusters, CkDieNow() function can be used. You just need to place it at any place in the code. When it is called by a processor, the processor will hang and stop responding to any communication. A spare processor will replace the crashed processor and continue execution after getting the checkpoint of the crashed processor. To make it work, you need to add the command line option +wp, the number following that option is the working processors and the remaining are the spare processors in the system.

2.3.13. Support for Loop-level Parallelism

To better utilize the multicore chip, it has become increasingly popular to adopt shared-memory multithreading programming methods to exploit parallelism on a node. For example, in hybrid MPI programs, OpenMP is the most popular choice. When launching such hybrid programs, users have to make sure there are spare physical cores allocated to the shared-memory multithreading runtime. Otherwise, the runtime that handles distributed-memory programming may interfere with resource contention because the two independent runtime systems are not coordinated. If spare cores are allocated, in the same way of launching a MPI+OpenMP hybrid program, Charm++ will work perfectly with any shared-memory parallel programming languages (e.g. OpenMP). As with ordinary OpenMP applications, the number of threads used in the OpenMP parts of the program can be controlled with the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. See Section for details on how to propagate such environment variables.

If there are no spare cores allocated, to avoid resource contention, a unified runtime is needed to support both intra-node shared-memory multithreading parallelism and inter-node distributed-memory message-passing parallelism. Additionally, considering that a parallel application may have only a small fraction of its critical computation be suitable for porting to shared-memory parallelism (the savings on critical computation may also reduce the communication cost, thus leading to more performance improvement), dedicating physical cores on every node to the shared-memory multithreading runtime will waste computational power because those dedicated cores are not utilized at all during most of the application’s execution time. This case indicates the necessity of a unified runtime supporting both types of parallelism. Stealable Tasks for within-node load balancing

Converse, the underlying scheduling-and-communication system for Charm++, supports a work-stealing task queue (steal queue for bervity) as a build time option, which can be used to create tasks so that they can be executed by any PE within a logical node (i.e. a process), in SMP mode. To use this feature, you need an option –enable-task-queue while building Charm++ initially. Tasks are fired with the call CsdTaskEnqueue(m) where m is a pointer to a Converse message, which is different (and simpler and shorter) than a Charm++ message. It is simply a struct with an initial set of bytes (CmiMsgHeaderSizeBytes bytes) reserved for system information. You must also write a handler that has the code to execute the task and register with the system using CmiRegisterHandler called during system initialization. (use initproc or moduleinit methods). Typically, it is also necessary to have a synchronization object that can take action (such as a callback) when all the tasks arising recursively from a set of fired objects, so you know when they are all done.

An example program illustrating this feature is in https://github.com/charmplusplus/pgms/tree/main/charm%2B%2B/tasksWithRing, which illustrates concurrent execution of tasks with regular Charm++ messages. Another example that illustrates the utility of tasks for within-node load balancing is in pgms/testTasks.

The task queue implementation itself is a Cilk-style (specifically the so called “THE”) steal queue, which aims to minimize inter-PE interactions. Each PE has its own task queue, and the Converse scheduler polls its own queue regularly. But only when the PE is completely idle (no tasks and no other messages to process) does it steal tasks from queues of other PE’s within the same process. This limits the overhead of checking other PE’s queues. Efficiency of this method requires that you try to divide the tasks recursively. (E.g. if you are processing a large array A[0:N], you may want to fire tasks each responsible for range A[x:y] and each subdividing that range further (and enqueuing 2 tasks) until some minimal tasks size is reached, when the handler will just do the work instead of firing subtasks. This method is preferred to firing many small subtasks at once, because it minimizes the number of steals, and therefore associated synchronization overheads. CkLoop library

The CkLoop library is an add-on to the Charm++ runtime to achieve such a unified runtime. The library implements a simple OpenMP-like shared-memory multithreading runtime that reuses Charm++ PEs to perform tasks spawned by the multithreading runtime. This library targets the SMP mode of Charm++.

The CkLoop library is built in $CHARM_DIR/$MACH_LAYER/tmp/libs/ck-libs/ckloop by executing make. To use it for user applications, one has to include CkLoopAPI.h in the source code. The interface functions of this library are as follows:

  • CProxy_FuncCkLoop CkLoop_Init(int numThreads=0): This function initializes the CkLoop library, and it only needs to be called once on a single PE during the initialization phase of the application. The argument numThreads is only used in non-SMP mode, specifying the number of threads to be created for the single-node shared-memory parallelism. It will be ignored in SMP mode.

  • void CkLoop_SetSchedPolicy(CkLoop_sched schedPolicy=CKLOOP_NODE_QUEUE) : This function sets the scheduling policy of CkLoop work, three options available: CKLOOP_NODE_QUEUE, CKLOOP_TREE and CKLOOP_LIST. The default policy, CKLOOP_NODE_QUEUE on supported environments is to use node_queue message so that master or another idle PE delievers the CkLoop work to all other PEs. CKLOOP_TREE policy is set by default for builds not supporting a node queue. This policy delivers CkLoop messages on the implicit tree. CKLOOP_LIST uses list to deliver the messages.

  • void CkLoop_Exit(CProxy_FuncCkLoop ckLoop): This function is intended to be used in non-SMP mode, as it frees the resources (e.g. terminating the spawned threads) used by the CkLoop library. It should be called on just one PE.

  • void CkLoop_Parallelize(
    HelperFn func, /* the function that finishes partial work on another thread */
    int paramNum, /* the number of parameters for func */
    void * param, /* the input parameters for the above func */
    int numChunks, /* number of chunks to be partitioned */
    int lowerRange, /* lower range of the loop-like parallelization [lowerRange, upperRange] */
    int upperRange, /* upper range of the loop-like parallelization [lowerRange, upperRange] */
    int sync=1, /* toggle implicit barrier after each parallelized loop */
    void *redResult=NULL, /* the reduction result, ONLY SUPPORT SINGLE VAR of TYPE int/float/double */
    REDUCTION_TYPE type=CKLOOP_NONE /* type of the reduction result */
    CallerFn cfunc=NULL, /* caller PE will call this function before ckloop is done and before starting to work on its chunks */
    int cparamNum=0, void *cparam=NULL /* the input parameters to the above function */
    The “HelperFn” is defined as “typedef void (*HelperFn)(int first,int last, void *result, int paramNum, void *param);” and the “result” is the buffer for reduction result on a single simple-type variable. The “CallerFn” is defined as “typedef void (*CallerFn)(int paramNum, void *param);”

Lambda syntax for CkLoop is also supported. The interface for using lambda syntax is as follows:

void CkLoop_Parallelize(
int numChunks, int lowerRange, int upperRange,
    [=](int first, int last, void *result) {
    for (int i = first; i <= last; ++i ) {
      // work to parallelize goes here
  }, void *redResult=NULL, REDUCTION_TYPE type=CKLOOP_NONE,
  std::function<void()> cfunc=NULL

Examples using this library can be found in examples/charm++/ckloop and the widely used molecular dynamics simulation application NAMD [14]. The CkLoop Hybrid library

The CkLoop_Hybrid library is a mode of CkLoop that incorporates specific adaptive scheduling strategies aimed at providing a tradeoff between dynamic load balance and spatial locality. It is used in a build of Charm++ where all chares are placed on core 0 of each node (called the drone-mode, or all-drones-mode). It incorporates a strategy called staggered static-dynamic scheduling (from dissertation work of Vivek Kale). The iteration space is first tentatively divided approximately equally to all available PEs. Each PE’s share of the iteration space is divided into a static portion, specified by the staticFraction parameter below, and the remaining dynamic portion. The dynamic portion of a PE is divided into chunks of specified chunksize, and enqueued in the task-queue associated with that PE. Each PE works on its static portion, and then on its own task queue (thus preserving spatial locality, as well as persistence of allocations across outer iterations), and after finishing that, steals work from other PE’s task queues.

CkLoopHybrid support requires the SMP mode of Charm++ and the additional flags -enable-drone-mode and -enable-task-queue to be passed as build options when Charm++ is built.

The changes to the CkLoop API call are the following:

  • CkLoop_Init does not need to be called

  • CkLoop_SetSchedPolicy is not supported

  • CkLoop_Exit does not need to be called

  • CkLoop_Parallelize call is similar to CkLoop but has an additional variable that provides the fraction of iterations that are statically scheduled:

    void CkLoop_ParallelizeHybrid(
    float staticFraction,
    HelperFn func, /* the function that finishes partial work on another thread */
    int paramNum, /* the number of parameters for func */
    void * param, /* the input parameters for the above func */
    int numChunks, /* number of chunks to be partitioned */
    int lowerRange, /* lower range of the loop-like parallelization [lowerRange, upperRange] */
    int upperRange, /* upper range of the loop-like parallelization [lowerRange, upperRange] */
    int sync=1, /* toggle implicit barrier after each parallelized loop */
    void *redResult=NULL, /* the reduction result, ONLY SUPPORT SINGLE VAR of TYPE int/float/double */
    REDUCTION_TYPE type=CKLOOP_NONE /* type of the reduction result */
    CallerFn cfunc=NULL, /* caller PE will call this function before ckloop is done and before starting to work on its chunks */
    int cparamNum=0, void *cparam=NULL /* the input parameters to the above function */

Reduction is supported for type CKLOOP_INT_SUM, CKLOOP_FLOAT_SUM, CKLOOP_DOUBLE_SUM. It is recommended to use this mode without reduction. Charm++/Converse Runtime Scheduler Integrated OpenMP

The compiler-provided OpenMP runtime library can work with Charm++ but it creates its own thread pool so that Charm++ and OpenMP can have oversubscription problem. The integrated OpenMP runtime library parallelizes OpenMP regions in each chare and runs on the Charm++ runtime without oversubscription. The integrated runtime creates OpenMP user-level threads, which can migrate among PEs within a node. This fine-grained parallelism by the integrated runtime helps resolve load imbalance within a node easily. When PEs become idle, they help other busy PEs within a node via work-stealing. Instructions to build and use the integrated OpenMP library Instructions to build

The OpenMP library can be built with omp keyword on any smp version of Charm++ including multicore build when you build Charm++ or AMPI, for example:

$ $CHARM_DIR/build charm++ multicore-linux-x86_64 omp
$ $CHARM_DIR/build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 smp omp

This library is based on the LLVM OpenMP runtime library. So it supports the ABI used by clang, intel and gcc compilers. The following is the list of compilers which are verified to support this integrated library on Linux.

  • GCC: 4.8 or newer

  • ICC: 15.0 or newer

  • Clang: 3.7 or newer

On Linux, the OpenMP supported version of clang has been installed in default recently. For example, Ubuntu has been released with clang higher than 3.7 since 15.10. Depending on which version of clang is installed in your working environments, you should follow additional instructions to use this integrated OpenMP with Clang. The following is the instruction to use clang on Ubuntu where the default clang is older than 3.7. If you want to use clang on other Linux distributions, you can use package managers on those Linux distributions to install clang and OpenMP library. This installation of clang will add headers for OpenMP environmental routines and allow you to parse the OpenMP directives. However, on Ubuntu, the installation of clang doesn’t come with its OpenMP runtime library so it results in an error message saying that it fails to link the compiler provided OpenMP library. This library is not needed to use the integrated OpenMP runtime but you need to avoid this error to succeed compiling your codes. The following are the instructions to avoid the error:

# When you want to compile Integrated OpenMP on Ubuntu where the pre-installed clang
# is older than 3.7, you can use integrated openmp with the following instructions.
# e.g.) Ubuntu 14.04, the version of default clang is 3.4.
$ sudo apt-get install clang-3.8 //you can use any version of clang higher than 3.8
$ sudo ln -svT /usr/bin/clang-3.8 /usr/bin/clang
$ sudo ln -svT /usr/bin/clang++-3.8 /usr/bin/clang

$ $CHARM_DIR/build charm++ multicore-linux-x86_64 clang omp --with-production -j8
$ echo '!<arch>' > $(CHARM_DIR)/lib/libomp.a  # Dummy library. This will make you avoid the error message.

On Mac, the Apple-provided clang installed in default doesn’t have OpenMP feature. We’re working on the support of this library on Mac with OpenMP enabled clang which can be downloaded and installed through Homebrew or MacPorts. Currently, this integrated library is built and compiled on Mac with the normal GCC which can be downloaded and installed via Homebrew and MacPorts. If installed globally, GCC will be accessible by appending the major version number and adding it to the invocation of the Charm++ build script. For example:

$ $CHARM_DIR/build charm++ multicore-linux-x86_64 omp gcc-7
$ $CHARM_DIR/build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 smp omp gcc-7

If this does not work, you should set environment variables so that the Charm++ build script uses the normal gcc installed from Homebrew or MacPorts. The following is an example using Homebrew on Mac OS X 10.12.5:

# Install Homebrew from https://brew.sh
# Install gcc using 'brew' */
$ brew install gcc

# gcc, g++ and other binaries are installed at /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/<version>/bin
# You need to make symbolic links to the gcc binaries at /usr/local/bin
# In this example, gcc 7.1.0 is installed at the directory.
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.1.0/bin/gcc-7 gcc
$ ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.1.0/bin/g++-7 g++
$ ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.1.0/bin/gcc-nm-7 gcc-nm
$ ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.1.0/bin/gcc-ranlib-7 gcc-ranlib
$ ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.1.0/bin/gcc-ar-7 gcc-ar

# Finally, you should set PATH variable so that these binaries are accessed first in the build script.
$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

In addition, this library will be supported on Windows in the next release of Charm++. How to use the integrated OpenMP on Charm++

To use this library on your applications, you have to add -module OmpCharm in compile flags to link this library instead of the compiler-provided library in compilers. Without -module OmpCharm, your application will use the compiler-provided OpenMP library which running on its own separate runtime (you don’t need to add -fopenmp or -openmp with gcc and icc. These flags are included in the predefined compile options when you build Charm++ with omp).

This integrated OpenMP adjusts the number of OpenMP instances on each chare so the number of OpenMP instances can be changed for each OpenMP region over execution. If your code shares some data structures among OpenMP instances in a parallel region, you can set the size of the data structures before the start of the OpenMP region with omp_get_max_threads() and use the data structure within each OpenMP instance with omp_get_thread_num(). After the OpenMP region, you can iterate over the data structure to combine partial results with CmiGetCurKnownOmpThreads(). CmiGetCurKnownOmpThreads() returns the number of OpenMP threads for the latest OpenMP region on the PE where a chare is running. The following is an example to describe how you can use shared data structures for OpenMP regions on the integrated OpenMP with Charm++:

/* Maximum possible number of OpenMP threads in the upcoming OpenMP region.
   Users can restrict this number with 'omp_set_num_threads()' for each chare
   and the environmental variable, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' for all chares.
   By default, omp_get_max_threads() returns the number of PEs for each logical node.
int maxAvailableThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
int *partialResult = new int[maxAvailableThreads]{0};

/* Partial sum for subsets of iterations assigned to each OpenMP thread.
   The integrated OpenMP runtime decides how many OpenMP threads to create
   with some heuristics internally.
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
  partialResult[omp_get_thread_num()] +=i;
/* We can know how many OpenMP threads are created in the latest OpenMP region
   by CmiCurKnownOmpthreads().
   You can get partial results each OpenMP thread generated */
for (int j = 0; j < CmiCurKnownOmpThreads(); j++)
  CkPrintf("partial sum of thread %d: %d \n", j, partialResult[j]); The list of supported pragmas

This library is forked from LLVM OpenMP Library supporting OpenMP 4.0. Among many number of directives specified in OpenMP 4.0, limited set of directives are supported. The following list of supported pragmas is verified from the OpenMP conformance test suite which forked from LLVM OpenMP library and ported to Charm++ program running multiple OpenMP instances on chares. The test suite can be found in tests/converse/openmp_test.

/* omp_<directive>_<clauses> */

/* the following directives means they work within omp parallel region */


/* the following directives means the combination of 'omp parallel and omp for/section' works */


The other directives in OpenMP standard will be supported in the next version.

A simple example using this library can be found in examples/charm++/openmp. You can compare CkLoop and the integrated OpenMP with this example. You can see that the total execution time of this example with enough big size of problem is faster with OpenMP than CkLoop thanks to load balancing through work-stealing between threads within a node while the execution time of each chare can be slower on OpenMP because idle PEs helping busy PEs. API to control which PEs participating in CkLoop/OpenMP work

User may want certain PE not to be involved in other PE’s loop-level parallelization for some cases because it may add latency to works in the PE by helping other PEs. User can enable or disable each PE to participate in the loop-level parallelization through the following API:

void CkSetPeHelpsOtherThreads (int value)

value can be 0 or 1, 0 means this API disable the current PE to help other PEs. value 1 or others can enable the current PE for loop-level parallelization. By default, all the PEs are enabled for the loop-level parallelization by CkLoop and OpenMP. User should explicitly enable the PE again by calling this API with value 1 after they disable it during certain procedure so that the PE can help others after that. The following example shows how this API can be used.


/* codes which can run without the current PE
interuppted by loop-level work from other PEs */


2.3.14. GPU Support Overview

GPUs are throughput-oriented devices with peak computational capabilities that greatly surpass equivalent-generation CPUs but with limited control logic. This currently constrains them to be used as accelerator devices controlled by code on the CPU. Traditionally, programmers have had to either (a) halt the execution of work on the CPU whenever issuing GPU work to simplify synchronization or (b) issue GPU work asynchronously and carefully manage and synchronize concurrent GPU work in order to ensure progress and good performance. The latter becomes significantly more difficult with overdecomposition as in Charm++, where numerous concurrent objects launch computational kernels and initiate data transfers on the GPU.

The support for GPUs in the Charm++ runtime system consist of the GPU Manager module and Hybrid API (HAPI). HAPI exposes the core functionalities of GPU Manager to the Charm++ user. Currently only NVIDIA GPUs (and CUDA) are supported, although we are actively working on providing support for AMD and Intel GPUs as well. CUDA code can be integrated in Charm++ just like any C/C++ program to offload computational kernels, but when used naively, performance will most likely be far from ideal. This is because overdecomposition, a core concept of Charm++, creates relatively fine-grained objects and tasks that needs support from the runtime to be executed efficiently.

We strongly recommend using CUDA Streams to assign one more streams to each chare, so that multiple GPU operations initiated by different chares can be executed concurrently when possible. Concurrent Kernel Execution in CUDA allows kernels in different streams to execute concurrently on the device unless a single kernel uses all of the available GPU resources. It should be noted that concurrent data transfers (even when they are in different streams) are limited by the number of DMA engines on the GPU, and most current GPUs have only one engine per direction (host-to-device, device-to-host).

In addition to using CUDA Streams to maximize concurrency, another important consideration is avoiding synchronization calls such as cudaStreamSynchronize or cudaDeviceSynchronize. This is because the chare that has just enqueued some work to the GPU should yield the PE, in order to allow other chares waiting on the same PE to execute. Because of the message-driven execution pattern in Charm++, it is infeasible for the user to asynchronously detect when a GPU operation completes, either by manually polling the GPU or adding a CUDA Callback to the stream. One of the core functionalities of GPU Manager is supporting this asynchronous detection, which allows a Charm++ callback to be invoked when all previous operations in a specified CUDA stream complete. This is exposed to the user via a HAPI call, which is demonstrated in the usage section below. Enabling GPU Support

GPU support via GPU Manager and HAPI is not included by default when building Charm++. Use build with the cuda option to build Charm++ with GPU support (or configure CMake with -D CUDA=ON), e.g.

$ ./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 cuda -j8 --with-production

Building with GPU support requires an installation of the CUDA Toolkit on the system, which is automatically found by the build script. If the script fails to find it, provide the path as one of CUDATOOLKIT_HOME, CUDA_DIR, or CUDA_HOME environment variables. Using GPU Support through HAPI

As explained in the Overview section, use of CUDA streams is strongly recommended. This provides the opportunity for kernels offloaded by chares to execute concurrently on the GPU.

In a typical Charm++ application using CUDA, the .C and .ci files would contain the Charm++ code, whereas a .cu file would contain the definition of CUDA kernels and functions that serve as entry points from the Charm++ application to use GPU capabilities. Calls to CUDA and/or HAPI to invoke kernels, perform data transfers, or enqueue detection for GPU work completion would be placed inside this file, although they could also be put in the .C file provided that the right header files are included (<cuda_runtime.h> and/or "hapi.h"). The user should make sure that the CUDA kernels are compiled by nvcc, however.

After the necessary GPU operations are enqueued in the appropriate CUDA stream, the user would call hapiAddCallback to have a Charm++ callback to be invoked when all previous operations in the stream complete. For example, hapiAddCallback can be called after a kernel invocation and a device-to-host data transfer to asynchronously ‘enqueue’ a Charm++ callback that prints out the data computed by the GPU to stdout. The GPU Manager module ensures that the Charm++ callback will only be invoked once the GPU kernel and device-to-host data transfer complete.

The following is a list of HAPI functions:

void hapiAddCallback(cudaStream_t stream, CkCallback* callback);

void hapiCreateStreams();
cudaStream_t hapiGetStream();

void* hapiPoolMalloc(int size);
void hapiPoolFree(void* ptr);


hapiCreateStreams creates as many streams as the maximum number of concurrent kernels supported by the GPU device. hapiGetStream hands out a stream created by the runtime in a round-robin fashion. hapiPool functions provides memory pool functionalities which are used to obtain/free device memory without interrupting the GPU. hapiCheck is used to check if the input code block executes without errors. The provided code should return cudaError_t for it to work.

Examples using CUDA and HAPI can be found under examples/charm++/cuda. Codes under #ifdef USE_WR use the hapiWorkRequest scheme, which is now deprecated. Direct GPU Messaging

Inspired by CUDA-aware MPI, the direct GPU messaging feature in Charm++ attempts to reduce the latency and increase the bandwidth for inter-GPU data transfers by bypassing host memory. In Charm++, however, some metadata exchanges between the sender and receiver are required as the destination buffer is not known by the sender. Thus our approach is based on the Zero Copy Entry Method Post API (section, where the sender sends a metadata message containing the address of the source buffer on the GPU and the receiver posts an Rget from the source buffer to the destination buffer (also on the GPU).

There are currently two implementations for direct GPU messaging: (1) CUDA memcpy and IPC based mechanism for intra-node communication (inter-node communication reverts back to a host-staging mechanism), and (2) UCX-based mechanism that supports both intra-node and inter-node communication. When Charm++ is built with the UCX machine layer and CUDA support (e.g., ucx-linux-x86_64-cuda), it will automatically use the UCX-based mechanism with the direct GPU messaging API. Other CUDA-enabled builds will only support the first mechanism and limit the use of direct GPU-GPU transfers within a single physical node. For inter-node messages, the runtime system will revert back to a host-staging mechanism where the GPU buffer is moved to host memory before being sent. The user APIs for both implementations remain the same, however, as detailed in the following.

To send a GPU buffer with the direct GPU messaging feature, add a nocopydevice specifier to the corresponding parameter of the receiver’s entry method in the .ci file:

entry void foo(int size, nocopydevice double arr[size]);

This entry method should be invoked on the sender by wrapping the source buffer with CkDeviceBuffer, whose constructor takes a pointer to the source buffer, a Charm++ callback to be invoked once the transfer completes (optional), and a CUDA stream associated with the transfer (which is only used internally in the CUDA memcpy and IPC based implementation and is also optional):

// Constructors of CkDeviceBuffer
CkDeviceBuffer(const void* ptr);
CkDeviceBuffer(const void* ptr, const CkCallback& cb);
CkDeviceBuffer(const void* ptr, cudaStream_t stream);
CkDeviceBuffer(const void* ptr, const CkCallback& cb, cudaStream_t stream);

// Call on sender
someProxy.foo(size, CkDeviceBuffer(buf, cb, stream));

As with the Zero Copy Entry Method Post API, both the post entry method and regular entry method must be defined. In the post entry method, the user must specify the location of the destination GPU buffer, and the CkDeviceBufferPost parameter can be used to specify the CUDA stream where the CUDA data transfer will be enqueued (only used in the CUDA memcpy and IPC based mechanism):

// Post entry method
void foo(int& size, double*& arr, CkDeviceBufferPost* post) {
  arr = dest_buffer; // Inform the location of the destination buffer to the runtime
  post[0].cuda_stream = stream; // Perform the data transfer in the specified CUDA stream

// Regular entry method
void foo(int size, double* arr) {
  // Data has arrived in the destination GPU buffer

As with the host-side Zero Copy API, the regular entry method is executed by the runtime system after the GPU buffer has arrived at the destination.

For non-UCX builds, a more optimized mechanism for inter-process communication using CUDA IPC, POSIX shared memory, and pre-allocated GPU communication buffers are available through runtime flags. This significantly reduces the overhead from creating and opening CUDA IPC handles, especially for small messages. +gpushm enables this optimization feature, +gpucommbuffer [size] specifies the size of the communication buffer allocated on each GPU (default is 64MB), and +gpuipceventpool determines the number of CUDA IPC events per PE (default is 16).

Examples and benchmarks of the direct GPU messaging feature can be found in examples/charm++/cuda/gpudirect and benchmarks/charm++/cuda/gpudirect. Intra-node Persistent GPU Communication

Persistent GPU communication is a feature designed to take advantage of the fact that the address and size of the source/destination buffers do not change in persistent communication. Such patterns are found in many applications, including iterative applications that exchange the same set of buffers between neighbors/peers at every iteration. This allows us to reduce the overheads involved with with direct GPU messaging, including the nature of the multi-hop mechanism and CUDA IPC setup, and directly issue cudaMemcpy calls at the message send sites (for a put type operation; a get type operation is also supported). In inter-process communication, CUDA IPC handles are created, exchanged and opened only once (this setup step can be performed again if the buffer addresses or sizes involved in the persistent communication change). Note that this feature is currently supported only for intra-node communication.

Setup and communication routines are supported through CkDevicePersistent:

struct CkDevicePersistent {
  // Constructors
  CkDevicePersistent(const void* ptr, size_t size);
  CkDevicePersistent(const void* ptr, size_t size, const CkCallback& cb);
  CkDevicePersistent(const void* ptr, size_t size, cudaStream_t stream);
  CkDevicePersistent(const void* ptr, size_t size, const CkCallback& cb, cudaStream_t stream);

  void open(); // Creates an IPC handle for inter-process communication
  void closes(); // Closes an opened IPC handle
  void set_msg(void* msg); // Ties a Charm++ message to the stored callback
  void get(CkDevicePersistent& src); // Initiates transfer from the specified source buffer
  void put(CkDevicePersistent& dst); // Initiates transfer to the specified destination buffer

CkDevicePersistent objects should be created on both the sender and receiver chares, with the respective source and destination buffer addresses and sizes. The optional Charm++ callback object will be invoked once the communication using that persistent buffer is complete. For instance, if both sender and receiver CkDevicePersistent objects have callbacks associated with them, the sender’s callback will be invoked once the send operation is complete and when the user can reuse/free the associated buffer, and the receiver’s callback will be invoked once the received data is available. The associated CUDA stream will be used in the cudaMemcpyAsync calls to asynchronously invoke the underlying data transfers, which are tracked to invoke the subsequent callbacks, if any. The open and close calls are required for CUDA IPC setup and teardown. open should be called after the creation of the CkDevicePersistent object and before sending it to a communication peer, and close should be called when the persistent object will no longer be used or before migration.

Once the CkDevicePersistent objects are created and open ed, they should be exchanged between the communication peers. After this setup stage, the objects’ get and put methods can be invoked freely to perform the desired communication.

Examples using the intra-node persistent GPU communication can be found in examples/charm++/cuda/gpudirect/persitent and examples/charm++/cuda/gpudirect/jacobi3d.

2.3.15. Charm-MPI Interoperation

Codes and libraries written in Charm++ and MPI can also be used in an interoperable manner. Currently, this functionality is supported only if Charm++ is built using MPI, PAMILRTS, or GNI as the network layer (e.g. mpi-linux-x86_64 build). An example program to demonstrate the interoperation is available in examples/charm++/mpi-coexist. In the following text, we will refer to this example program for the ease of understanding. Control Flow and Memory Structure

The control flow and memory structure of a Charm++-MPI interoperable program is similar to that of a pure MPI program that uses external MPI libraries. The execution of program begins with pure MPI code’s main. At some point after MPI_Init() has been invoked, the following function call should be made to initialize Charm++:

void CharmLibInit(MPI_Comm newComm, int argc, char **argv)

If Charm++ is build on top of MPI, newComm is the MPI communicator that Charm++ will use for the setup and communication. All the MPI ranks that belong to newComm should call this function collectively. A collection of MPI ranks that make the CharmLibInit call defines a new Charm++ instance. Different MPI ranks that belong to different communicators can make this call independently, and separate Charm++ instances that are not aware of each other will be created. This results in a space division. As of now, a particular MPI rank can only be part of one unique Charm++ instance. For PAMILRTS and GNI, the newComm argument is ignored. These layers do not support the space division of given processors, but require all processors to make the CharmLibInit call. The mode of interoperating here is called time division, and can be used with MPI-based Charm++ also if the size of newComm is same as MPI_COMM_WORLD. Arguments argc and argv should contain the information required by Charm++ such as the load balancing strategy, etc.

During initialization, control is transferred from MPI to the Charm++ RTS on the MPI ranks that made the call. Along with basic setup, the Charm++ RTS also invokes the constructors of all mainchares during initialization. Once the initial set up is done, control is transferred back to MPI as if returning from a function call. Since Charm++ initialization is made via a function call from the pure MPI program, Charm++ resides in the same memory space as the pure MPI program. This makes transfer of data to/from MPI from/to Charm++ convenient (using pointers). Writing Interoperable Charm++ Libraries

Minor modifications are required to make a Charm++ program interoperable with a pure MPI program:

  • If the interoperable Charm++ library does not contain a main module, the Charm++ RTS provides a main module and the control is returned back to MPI after the initialization is complete. In the other case, the library should explicitly call CkExit to mark the end of initialization and the user should provide -nomain-module link time flag when building the final executable.

  • CkExit should be used the same way a return statement is used for returning back from a function call. CkExit should be called only once from one of the processors. This unique call marks the transfer of control from Charm++ RTS to MPI.

  • Include mpi-interoperate.h - if not included in the files that call CkExit, invoking CkExit will result in unspecified behavior.

  • Since the CharmLibInit call invokes the constructors of mainchares, the constructors of mainchares should only perform basic set up such as creation of chare arrays etc, i.e. the set up should not result in invocation of actual work, which should be done using interface functions (when desired from the pure MPI program). However, if the main module is provided by the library, CharmLibInit behaves like a regular Charm++ startup and execution which is stopped when CkExit is explicitly called by the library. One can also avoid use of mainchares, and perform the necessary initializations in an interface function as demonstrated in the interoperable library examples/charm++/mpi-coexist/libs/hello.

  • Interface functions - Every library needs to define interface function(s) that can be invoked from pure MPI programs, and transfers the control to the Charm++ RTS. The interface functions are simple functions whose task is to start work for the Charm++ libraries. Here is an example interface function for the hello library.

    void HelloStart(int elems)
      if(CkMyPe() == 0) {
        CkPrintf("HelloStart - Starting lib by calling constructor of MainHello\n");
        CProxy_MainHello mainhello = CProxy_MainHello::ckNew(elems);

    This function creates a new chare (mainHello) defined in the hello library which subsequently results in work being done in hello library. More examples of such interface functions can be found in hi (HiStart) and kNeighbor (kNeighbor) directories in examples/charm++/mpi-coexist/libs. Note that a scheduler call StartCharmScheduler() should be made from the interface functions to start the message reception by Charm++ RTS. Writing Interoperable MPI Programs

An MPI program that invokes Charm++ libraries should include mpi-interoperate.h. As mentioned earlier, an initialization call, CharmLibInit is required after invoking MPI_Init to perform the initial set up of Charm++. It is advisable to call an MPI_Barrier after a control transfer between Charm++ and MPI to avoid any side effects. Thereafter, a Charm++ library can be invoked at any point using the interface functions. One may look at examples/charm++/mpi-coexist/multirun.cpp for a working example. Based on the way interfaces are defined, a library can be invoked multiple times. In the end, one should call CharmLibExit to free resources reserved by Charm++. Compilation and Execution

An interoperable Charm++ library can be compiled as usual using charmc. Instead of producing an executable in the end, one should create a library (*.a) as shown in examples/charm++/mpi-coexist/libs/hi/Makefile. The compilation process of the MPI program, however, needs modification. One has to include the charm directory (-I$(CHARMDIR)/include) to help the compiler find the location of included mpi-interoperate.h. The linking step to create the executable should be done using charmc, which in turn uses the compiler used to build charm. In the linking step, it is required to pass -mpi as an argument because of which charmc performs the linking for interoperation. The charm libraries, which one wants to be linked, should be passed using -module option. Refer to examples/charm++/mpi-coexist/Makefile to view a working example. User Driven Mode

In addition to the above technique for interoperation, one can also interoperate with Charm++ in user driven mode. User driven mode is intended for cases where the developer has direct control over the both the Charm++ code and the non-Charm++ code, and would like a more tightly coupled relation between the two. When executing in user driven mode, main is called on every rank as in the above example. To initialize the Charm++ runtime, a call to CharmInit should be called on every rank:

void CharmInit(int argc, char **argv)

CharmInit starts the Charm++ runtime in user driven mode, and executes the constructor of any main chares, and sends out messages for readonly variables and group creation. Control returns to user code after this initialization completes. Once control is returned, user code can do other work as needed, including creating chares, and invoking entry methods on proxies. Any messages created by the user code will be sent/received the next time the user calls StartCharmScheduler. Calls to StartCharmScheduler allow the Charm++ runtime to resume sending and processing messages, and control returns to user code when CkExit is called. The Charm++ scheduler can be started and stopped in this fashion as many times as necessary. CharmLibExit should be called by the user code at the end of execution to exit the entire application.

Applications which wish to use readonlies, and/or create groups before the rest of the application runs without using a mainchare can do a split initialization. CharmBeginInit initializes the runtime system and immediately returns control to the user after any mainchares are created. At this point, user code can create groups, and set readonly variables on PE 0. Then, a call to CharmFinishInit does the rest of the initialization by sending out messages from PE 0 to the rest of the PEs for creating groups and setting readonlies. CharmInit is just a shortcut for calling these two functions one after another.

void CharmBeginInit(int argc, char **argv) void CharmFinishInit()

A small example of user driven interoperation can be found in examples/charm++/user-driven-interop.

2.3.16. Interoperation with Kokkos

Kokkos is a shared-memory parallel programming model in C++ developed by Sandia National Laboratories (https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos). It aims to provide ‘performance portability’ to HPC applications through abstractions for parallel execution and data management. For execution in distributed memory environments, however, other frameworks such as MPI must be used in conjunction, to enable multiple Kokkos processes running on potentially different physical nodes to communicate with each other.

In this section, we explore the basic interoperability of Kokkos with Charm++. Currently there is no sophisticated integration scheme, Charm++ only manages the communication between different Kokkos instances with each instance individually managing the parallel execution underneath. Example programs can be found in examples/charm++/shared_runtimes/kokkos/hello and examples/charm++/shared_runtimes/kokkos/vecadd. Compiling the Kokkos Library

Kokkos supports multiple backends for parallel execution. We recommend OpenMP for multicore CPUs and CUDA for machines with GPUs. Because Kokkos can be built with more than one backend, it is preferrable to build both OpenMP and CUDA backends on GPU machines.

To build Kokkos with the OpenMP backend, run the following commands from the Kokkos source folder:

$ mkdir build-omp
$ cd build-omp
$ ../generate_makefile.bash --prefix=<absolute path to build-omp> --with-openmp
                            --arch=<CPU architecture>
$ make -j kokkoslib
$ make install

To build Kokkos with both OpenMP and CUDA backends (required for vecadd example), use the following commands:

$ mkdir build-cuda
$ cd build-cuda
$ generate_makefile.bash --prefix=<absolute path to build-cuda>
                         --with-cuda=<path to CUDA toolkit>
                         --with-openmp --arch=<CPU arch>,<GPU arch>
                         --compiler=<path to included NVCC wrapper>
$ make -j kokkoslib
$ make install

For more compilation options, please refer to https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos/wiki/Compiling. Program Structure and Flow

The basic programming pattern using Kokkos and Charm++ together for parallel execution in distributed memory environments is the following. We use a Charm++ nodegroup (which corresponds to a OS process) to encapsulate a Kokkos instance that will manage the parallel execution underneath. We initialize Kokkos using Kokkos::initialize() in the constructor of the nodegroup, and finalize it using Kokkos::finalize(). Calls to the Kokkos parallel API such as Kokkos::parallel_for() can be made between these calls. Communication between the different Kokkos instances can be done via messages and entry method invocation among the nodegroup chares as in regular Charm++.

2.3.17. Interoperation with RAJA

RAJA is a shared-memory parallel programming model in C++ developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (https://github.com/LLNL/RAJA). RAJA shares similar goals and concepts with Kokkos (Section 2.3.16).

In this section, we explore the basic interoperability of RAJA with Charm++. Currently there is no sophisticated integration scheme, Charm++ only manages the communication between different RAJA instances with each instance individually managing the parallel execution underneath. Example programs can be found in examples/charm++/shared_runtimes/raja/hello and examples/charm++/shared_runtimes/raja/vecadd. Compiling the RAJA Library

RAJA supports multiple backends for parallel execution. We recommend OpenMP for multicore CPUs and CUDA for machines with GPUs. Because RAJA can be built with more than one backend, it is preferable to build both OpenMP and CUDA backends on GPU machines.

To build RAJA with both OpenMP and CUDA backends (required for vecadd example), use the following commands:

$ mkdir build && install
$ cd build
$ cmake -DENABLE_CUDA=On -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path to RAJA install folder> ../
$ make -j
$ make install

For more compilation options and assistance, please refer to the RAJA User Guide. Program Structure and Flow

The basic programming pattern using RAJA and Charm++ together for parallel execution in distributed memory environments is the following. We use a Charm++ nodegroup (which corresponds to a OS process) to encapsulate a RAJA instance that will manage the parallel execution underneath. Calls to the RAJA parallel API such as RAJA::forall() can be made in a method of the nodegroup to perform parallel computation in shared memory. Communication between the different RAJA instances can be performed via messages and entry method invocation among the nodegroup chares as in regular Charm++.

2.3.18. Partitioning in Charm++

Starting with the 6.5.0 release, Charm++ was augmented with support for partitioning. The key idea is to divide the allocated set of nodes into subsets that run independent Charm++ instances. These Charm++ instances (called partitions from now on) have a unique identifier, can be programmed to do different tasks, and can interact with each other. Addition of the partitioning scheme does not affect the existing code base or codes that do not want to use partitioning. Some of the use cases of partitioning are replicated NAMD, replica-based fault tolerance, studying mapping performance etc. In some aspects, partitioning is similar to disjoint communicator creation in MPI. Overview

The Charm++ stack has three components - Charm++, Converse and a machine layer. In general, machine layer handles the exchange of messages among nodes, and interacts with the next layer in the stack - Converse. Converse is responsible for scheduling of tasks (including user code) and is used by Charm++ to execute the user application. Charm++ is the top-most level in which the applications are written. During partitioning, Charm++ and machine layers are unaware of the partitioning. Charm++ assumes its partition to be the entire world, whereas machine layer considers the whole set of allocated nodes as one partition. During start up, converse divides the allocated set of nodes into partitions, in each of which Charm++ instances are run. It performs the necessary translations as interactions happen with Charm++ and the machine layer. The partitions can communicate with each other using the Converse API described later. Ranking

The Charm++ stack assigns a rank to every processing element (PE). In the non-partitioned version, a rank assigned to a PE is the same at all three layers of the Charm++ stack. This rank also generally coincides with the rank provided to processors/cores by the underlying job scheduler. The importance of these ranks derive from the fact that they are used for multiple purposes. Partitioning leads to segregation of the notion of ranks at different levels of Charm++ stack. What used to be the PE is now a local rank within a partition running a Charm++ instance. Existing methods such as CkMyPe(), CkMyNode(), CmiMyPe(), etc. continue to provide these local ranks. Hence, existing codes do not require any change as long as inter-partition interaction is not required.

On the other hand, machine layer is provided with the target ranks that are globally unique. These ranks can be obtained using functions with the Global suffix such as CmiNumNodesGlobal(), CmiMyNodeGlobal(), CmiMyPeGlobal() etc.

Converse, which operates at a layer between Charm++ and machine layer, performs the required transitions. It maintains relevant information for any conversion. Information related to partitions can be obtained using Converse level functions such as CmiMyPartition(), CmiNumPartitions(), etc. If required, one can also obtain the mapping of a local rank to a global rank using functions such as CmiGetPeGlobal(int perank, int partition) and CmiGetNodeGlobal(int noderank, int partition). These functions take two arguments - the local rank and the partition number. For example, CmiGetNodeGlobal(5, 2) will return the global rank of the node that belongs to partition 2 and has a local rank of 5 in partition 2. The inverse translation, from global rank to local rank, is not supported. Startup and Partitioning

A number of compile time and runtime parameters are available for users who want to run multiple partitions in one single job.

  • Runtime parameter: +partitions <part_number> or +replicas <replica_number> - number of partitions to be created. If no further options are provided, allocated cores/nodes are divided equally among partitions. Only this option is supported from the 6.5.0 release; remaining options are supported starting 6.6.0.

  • Runtime parameter: +master_partition - assign one core/node as the master partition (partition 0), and divide the remaining cores/nodes equally among remaining partitions.

  • Runtime parameter: +partition_sizes L[-U[:S[.R]]]#W[,...] - defines the size of partitions. A single number identifies a particular partition. Two numbers separated by a dash identify an inclusive range (lower bound and upper bound). If they are followed by a colon and another number (a stride), that range will be stepped through in increments of the additional number. Within each stride, a dot followed by a run will indicate how many partitions to use from that starting point. Finally, a compulsory number sign (#) followed by a width defines the size of each of the partitions identified so far. For example, the sequence 0-4:2#10,1#5,3#15 states that partitions 0, 2, 4 should be of size 10, partition 1 of size 5 and partition 3 of size 15. In SMP mode, these sizes are in terms of nodes. All workers threads associated with a node are assigned to the partition of the node. This option conflicts with +assign_master.

  • Runtime parameter: +partition_topology - use a default topology aware scheme to partition the allocated nodes.

  • Runtime parameter: +partition_topology_scheme <scheme> - use the given scheme to partition the allocated nodes. Currently, two generalized schemes are supported that should be useful on torus networks. If scheme is set to 1, allocated nodes are traversed plane by plane during partitioning. A hilbert curve based traversal is used with scheme 2.

  • Compilation parameter: -custom-part, runtime parameter: +use_custom_partition - enables use of user defined partitioning. In order to implement a new partitioning scheme, a user must link an object exporting a C function with following prototype:

    extern "C" void createCustomPartitions(int numparts, int *partitionSize, int *nodeMap);
    numparts (input) - number of partitions to be created.
    partitionSize (input) - an array that contains the size of each partition.
    nodeMap (output, preallocated) - a preallocated array of length CmiNumNodesGlobal(). Entry i in this array specifies the new global node rank of a node with default node rank i. The entries in this array are block-wise divided to create partitions, i.e. entries 0 to partitionSize[0]-1 belong to partition 1, partitionSize[0] to partitionSize[0]+partitionSize[1]-1 to partition 2 and so on.
    When this function is invoked to create partitions, TopoManager is configured to view all the allocated nodes as one partition. Partition based API is yet to be initialized, and should not be used. A link time parameter -custom-part is required to be passed to charmc for successful compilation. Redirecting output from individual partitions

Output to standard output (stdout) from various partitions can be directed to separate files by passing the target path as a command line option. The run time parameter +stdout <path> is to be used for this purpose. The <path> may contain the C format specifier %d, which will be replaced by the partition number. In case, %d is specified multiple times, only the first three instances from the left will be replaced by the partition number (other or additional format specifiers will result in undefined behavior). If a format specifier is not specified, the partition number will be appended as a suffix to the specified path. Example usage:

  • +stdout out/%d/log will write to out/0/log, out/1/log, out/2/log, \(\cdots\).

  • +stdout log will write to log.0, log.1, log.2, \(\cdots\).

  • +stdout out/%d/log%d will write to out/0/log0, out/1/log1, out/2/log2, \(\cdots\). Inter-partition Communication

A new API was added to Converse to enable sending messages from one replica to another. Currently, the following functions are available:

  • CmiInterSyncSend(local_rank, partition, size, message)

  • CmiInterSyncSendAndFree(local_rank, partition, size, message)

  • CmiInterSyncNodeSend(local_node, partition, size, message)

  • CmiInterSyncNodeSendAndFree(local_node, partition, size, message)

Users who have coded in Converse will find these functions to be very similar to basic Converse functions for send - CmiSyncSend and CmiSyncSendAndFree. Given the local rank of a PE and the partition it belongs to, these two functions will pass the message to the machine layer. CmiInterSyncSend does not return until message is ready for reuse. CmiInterSyncSendAndFree passes the ownership of message to the Charm++ RTS, which will free the message when the send is complete. Each converse message contains a message header, which makes those messages active - they contain information about their handlers. These handlers can be registered using existing API in Charm++ - CmiRegisterHandler. CmiInterNodeSend and CmiInterNodeSendAndFree are counterparts to these functions that allow sending of a message to a node (in SMP mode).

2.4. Expert-Level Functionality

2.4.1. Tuning and Developing Load Balancers Load Balancing Simulation

The simulation feature of the load balancing framework allows the users to collect information about the compute WALL/CPU time and communication of the chares during a particular run of the program and use this information later to test the different load balancing strategies to see which one is suitable for the program behavior. Currently, this feature is supported only for the centralized load balancing strategies. For this, the load balancing framework accepts the following command line options:

  1. +LBDump StepStart
    This will dump the compute and the communication data collected by the load balancing framework starting from the load balancing step StepStart into a file on the disk. The name of the file is given by the +LBDumpFile option. The load balancing step in the program is numbered starting from 0. Negative value for StepStart will be converted to 0.
  2. +LBDumpSteps StepsNo
    This option specifies the number of load balancing steps for which data will be dumped to disk. If omitted, its default value is 1. The program will exit after StepsNo files are created.
  3. +LBDumpFile FileName
    This option specifies the base name of the file created with the load balancing data. If this option is not specified, the framework uses the default file lbdata.dat. Since multiple steps are allowed, a number corresponding to the step number is appended to the filename in the form Filename.#; this applies to both dump and simulation.
  4. +LBSim StepStart
    This option instructs the framework to do the simulation starting from StepStart step. When this option is specified, the load balancing data along with the step number will be read from the file specified in the +LBDumpFile option. The program will print the results of the balancing for a number of steps given by the +LBSimSteps option, and then will exit.
  5. +LBSimSteps StepsNo
    This option is applicable only to the simulation mode. It specifies the number of load balancing steps for which the data will be dumped. The default value is 1.
  6. +LBSimProcs
    With this option, the user can change the number of processors specified to the load balancing strategy. It may be used to test the strategy in the cases where some processor crashes or a new processor becomes available. If this number is not changed since the original run, starting from the second step file, the program will print other additional information about how the simulated load differs from the real load during the run (considering all strategies that were applied while running). This may be used to test the validity of a load balancer prediction over the reality. If the strategies used during run and simulation differ, the additional data printed may not be useful.

Here is an example which collects the data for a 1000 processor run of a program

$ ./charmrun pgm +p1000 +balancer RandCentLB +LBDump 2 +LBDumpSteps 4 +LBDumpFile lbsim.dat

This will collect data on files lbsim.dat.2,3,4,5. We can use this data to analyze the performance of various centralized strategies using:

$ ./charmrun pgm +balancer <Strategy to test> +LBSim 2 +LBSimSteps 4 +LBDumpFile lbsim.dat
[+LBSimProcs 900]

Please note that this does not invoke the real application. In fact, “pgm” can be replaced with any generic application which calls centralized load balancer. An example can be found in tests/charm++/load_balancing/lb_test. Future load predictor

When objects do not follow the assumption that the future workload will be the same as the past, the load balancer might not have the right information to do a good rebalancing job. To prevent this, the user can provide a transition function to the load balancer to predict what will be the future workload, given the past instrumented one. For this, the user can provide a specific class which inherits from LBPredictorFunction and implement the appropriate functions. Here is the abstract class:

class LBPredictorFunction {
  int num_params;

  virtual void initialize_params(double *x);

  virtual double predict(double x, double *params) =0;
  virtual void print(double *params) {PredictorPrintf("LB: unknown model");};
  virtual void function(double x, double *param, double &y, double *dyda) =0;
  • initialize_params by default initializes the parameters randomly. If the user knows how they should be, this function can be re-implemented.

  • predict is the function that predicts the future load based on the function parameters. An example for the predict function is given below.

    double predict(double x, double *param) {return (param[0]*x + param[1]);}
  • print is useful for debugging and it can be re-implemented to have a meaningful print of the learned model

  • function is a function internally needed to learn the parameters, x and param are input, y and dyda are output (the computed function and all its derivatives with respect to the parameters, respectively). For the function in the example should look like:

    void function(double x, double *param, double &y, double *dyda) {
      y = predict(x, param);
      dyda[0] = x;
      dyda[1] = 1;

Other than these functions, the user should provide a constructor which must initialize num_params to the number of parameters the model has to learn. This number is the dimension of param and dyda in the previous functions. For the given example, the constructor is {num_params = 2;}.

If the model for computation is not known, the user can leave the system to use the default function.

As seen, the function can have several parameters which will be learned during the execution of the program. For this, user can be add the following command line arguments to specify the learning behavior:

  1. +LBPredictorWindow size
    This parameter specifies the number of statistics steps the load balancer will store. The greater this number is, the better the approximation of the workload will be, but more memory is required to store the intermediate information. The default is 20.
  2. +LBPredictorDelay steps
    This will tell how many load balancer steps to wait before considering the function parameters learned and starting to use the mode. The load balancer will collect statistics for a +LBPredictorWindow steps, but it will start using the model as soon as +LBPredictorDelay information are collected. The default is 10.
Moreover, another flag can be set to enable the predictor from command line: +LBPredictor.
Other than the command line options, there are some methods which can be called from the user program to modify the predictor. These methods are:
  • void PredictorOn(LBPredictorFunction *model);

  • void PredictorOn(LBPredictorFunction *model,int window);

  • void PredictorOff();

  • void ChangePredictor(LBPredictorFunction *model);

An example can be found in tests/charm++/load_balancing/lb_test/predictor. Control CPU Load Statistics

Charm++ programmers can modify the CPU load data in the load balancing database before a load balancing phase starts (which is the time when load balancing database is collected and used by load balancing strategies).

In an array element, the following function can be invoked to overwrite the CPU load that is measured by the load balancing framework.

double newTiming;

setObjTime() is defined as a method of class CkMigratable, which is the superclass of all array elements.

The users can also retrieve the current timing that the load balancing runtime has measured for the current array element using getObjTime().

double measuredTiming;
measuredTiming = getObjTime();

This is useful when the users want to derive a new CPU load based on the existing one. Model-based Load Balancing

The user can choose to feed load balancer with their own CPU timing for each Chare based on certain computational model of the applications.

To do so, in the array element’s constructor, the user first needs to turn off automatic CPU load measurement completely by setting

usesAutoMeasure = false;

The user must also implement the following function to the chare array classes:

virtual void CkMigratable::UserSetLBLoad();      // defined in base class

This function serves as a callback that is called on each chare object when AtSync() is called and ready to do load balancing. The implementation of UserSetLBLoad() is simply to set the current chare object’s CPU load in load balancing framework. setObjTime() described above can be used for this. Writing a new load balancing strategy

Charm++ programmers can choose an existing load balancing strategy from Charm++’s built-in strategies(see for the best performance based on the characteristics of their applications. However, they can also choose to write their own load balancing strategies.

Users are recommended to use the TreeLB structure to write new custom strategies if possible (see Currently, TreeLB may not be suitable for distributed strategies, if communication graph information is needed, or when working with legacy strategies.

The Charm++ load balancing framework provides a simple scheme to incorporate new load balancing strategies. The programmer needs to write their strategy for load balancing based on the instrumented ProcArray and ObjGraph provided by the load balancing framework. This strategy is implemented within this function:

void FooLB::work(LDStats *stats) {
  /** ========================== INITIALIZATION ============================= */
  ProcArray *parr = new ProcArray(stats);
  ObjGraph *ogr = new ObjGraph(stats);

  /** ============================= STRATEGY ================================ */
  /// The strategy goes here
  /// The strategy goes here
  /// The strategy goes here
  /// The strategy goes here
  /// The strategy goes here

  /** ============================== CLEANUP ================================ */

Figure 2 explains the two data structures available to the strategy: ProcArray and ObjGraph. Using them, the strategy should assign objects to new processors where it wants to be migrated through the setNewPe() method. src/ck-ldb/GreedyLB.C can be referred.


2 ProcArray and ObjGraph data structures to be used when writing a load balancing strategy Use your own load balancer

Compile it in the form of a library and name it libmoduleFooLB.a where FooLB is the new load balancer. Add the path to the library and link the load balancer into an application using -module FooLB.

You can create a library in the following way. This will create libmoduleFooLB.a.

$ bin/charmc -o libmoduleFooLB.a FooLB.C

To include this balancer in your application, the application’s Makefile can be changed in the following way:

  $(CHARMC) -o $(TARGET) -L/path-to-the-lib $(OBJS) -module FooLB

Incorporating this strategy into the Charm++ build framework is explained in the next section. Adding a load balancer to Charm++

Let us assume that we are writing a new centralized load balancer called FooLB. The next few steps explain the steps of adding the load balancer to the Charm++ build system:

  1. Create files named FooLB.ci, FooLB.h and FooLB.C in directory of src/ck-ldb. One can choose to copy and rename the files GraphPartLB.* and rename the class name in those files.

  2. Implement the strategy in the FooLB class method — FooLB::work(LDStats* stats) as described in the previous section.

  3. Build charm for your platform (This will create the required links in the tmp directory).

  4. To compile the strategy files, first add FooLB in the ALL_LDBS list in charm/tmp/Makefile_lb.sh. Also comment out the line containing UNCOMMON_LDBS in Makefile_lb.sh. If FooLB will require some libraries at link time, you also need to create the dependency file called libmoduleFooLB.dep. Run the script in charm/tmp, which creates the new Makefile named “Make.lb”.

  5. Run make depends to update dependence rule of Charm++ files. And run make charm++ to compile Charm++ which includes the new load balancing strategy files. Writing a new load balancing strategy with TreeLB

Writing a load balancing strategy with TreeLB is very simple. It involves implementing a class inheriting from the abstract Strategy class defined in the TreeStrategyBase.h header file. Specifically, the load balancing strategy needs to be implemented in the solve method, which receives objects and processors as vectors. The solution needs to be stored in the solution object using its assign(O object, P pe) instance method and is used by the load balancing framework to perform object migrations accordingly. The bool objSorted argument specifies whether the incoming vector of objects is sorted by load values or not. This new strategy can be written in a header file and must be included in the TreeStrategyFactory.h header file along with the mapping of the strategy name and class to be invoked for the newly implemented strategy. It can then be used by linking a program with TreeLB and specifying the newly created strategy in the configuration file.

namespace TreeStrategy
template <typename O, typename P, typename S>
class FooLB : public Strategy<O, P, S>
  void solve(std::vector<O>& objs, std::vector<P>& procs, S& solution, bool objsSorted)
    // The strategy goes here.
    // This is a simple example strategy that round-robin assigns objects to processors.
    int index = 0;
    for (const auto& o : objs)
      P p = procs[index];
      solution.assign(o, p); // update solution object
      index = (index + 1) % procs.size();
}  // namespace TreeStrategy Understand Load Balancing Database Data Structure

To write a load balancing strategy, you need to know what information is measured during the runtime and how it is represented in the load balancing database data structure.

There are mainly 3 categories of information: a) processor information including processor speed, background load; b) object information including per object CPU/WallClock compute time and c) communication information .

The database data structure named LDStats is defined in CentralLB.h:

struct ProcStats {  // per processor
  LBRealType total_walltime;
  LBRealType total_cputime;
  LBRealType idletime;
  LBRealType bg_walltime;
  LBRealType bg_cputime;
  int pe_speed;
  double utilization;
  bool available;
  int   n_objs;

struct LDStats { // load balancing database
  ProcStats  *procs;
  int count;

  int   n_objs;
  int   n_migrateobjs;
  LDObjData* objData;

  int   n_comm;
  LDCommData* commData;

  int  *from_proc, *to_proc;
  1. LBRealType is the data type for load balancer measured time. It is “double” by default. User can specify the type to float at Charm++ compile time if want. For example, ./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 –with-lbtime-type=float;

  2. procs array defines processor attributes and usage data for each processor;

  3. objData array records per object information, LDObjData is defined in lbdb.h;

  4. commData array records per communication information. LDCommData is defined in lbdb.h.

2.4.2. Dynamic Code Injection

The Python scripting language in Charm++ allows the user to dynamically execute pieces of code inside a running application, without the need to recompile. This is performed through the CCS (Converse Client Server) framework (see Converse Client-Server Interface for more information about this). The user specifies which elements of the system will be accessible through the interface, as we will see later, and then run a client which connects to the server.

In order to exploit this functionality, Python interpreter needs to be installed into the system, and Charm++ LIBS need to be built with: ./build LIBS <arch> <options>

The interface provides three different types of requests:


requests to execute a code, it will contain the code to be executed on the server, together with the instructions on how to handle the environment;


asks the server to send back all the strings which have been printed by the script until now;


asks the server if the current script has finished or it is still running.

There are three modes to run code on the server, ordered here by increase of functionality, and decrease of dynamic flexibility:

  • simple read/write By implementing the read and write methods of the object exposed to python, in this way single variables may be exposed, and the code will have the possibility to modify them individually as desired. (see section

  • iteration By implementing the iterator functions in the server (see, the user can upload the code of a Python function and a user-defined iterator structure, and the system will apply the specified function to all the objects reflected by the iterator structure.

  • high level By implementing python entry methods, the Python code uploaded can access them and activate complex, parallel operations that will be performed by the Charm++ application. (see section

This documentation will describe the client API first, and then the server API. Client API

In order to facilitate the interface between the client and the server, some classes are available to the user to include into the client. Currently C++ and java interfaces are provided.

C++ programs need to include PythonCCS-client.h into their code. This file is among the Charm++ include files. For java, the package charm.ccs needs to be imported. This is located under the java directory on the Charm++ distribution, and it provides both the Python and CCS interface classes.

There are three main classes provided: PythonExecute, PythonPrint, and PythonFinished which are used for the three different types of request.

All of them have two common methods to enable communication across different platforms:

int size();

Returns the size of the class, as number of bytes that will be transmitted through the network (this includes the code and other dynamic variables in the case of PythonExecute).

char *pack();

Returns a new memory location containing the data to be sent to the server, this is the data which has to be passed to the CcsSendRequest function. The original class will be unmodified and can be reused in subsequent calls.

A typical invocation to send a request from the client to the server has the following format:

CcsSendRequest (&server, "pyCode", 0, request.size(), request.pack()); PythonExecute

To execute a Python script on a running server, the client has to create an instance of PythonExecute, the two constructors have the following signature (java has a corresponding functionality):

PythonExecute(char *code, bool persistent=false, bool highlevel=false, CmiUInt4 interpreter=0);
PythonExecute(char *code, char *method, PythonIterator *info, bool persistent=false,
              bool highlevel=false, CmiUInt4 interpreter=0);

The second one is used for iterative requests (see The only required argument is the code, a null terminated string, which will not be modified by the system. All the other parameters are optional. They refer to the possible variants for an execution request. In particular, this is a list of all the options:


If the request is a single code (false) or if it represents a function over which to iterate (true) (see for more details).


It is possible to store information on the server which will be retained across different client calls (from simple data all the way up to complete libraries). True means that the information will be retained on the server, false means that the information will be deleted when the script terminates. In order to properly release the memory, when the last call is made (and the data is no longer required), this flag should be set to false. To reuse persistent data, the interpreter field of the request should be set to handle returned by a previous persistent call (see later in this subsection).

high level

In order to have the ability to call high level Charm++ functions (available through the keyword python) this flag must be set to true. If it is false, the entire module “charm” will not be present, but the startup of the script will be faster.

print retain

When the requested action triggers printed output for the client, this data can be retrieved with a PythonPrint request. If the output is not desired, this flag can be set to false, and the output will be discarded. If it is set to true the output will be buffered pending retrieval by the client. The data will survive also after the termination of the Python script, and if not retrieved will bloat memory usage on the server.

busy waiting

Instead of returning a handle immediately to the client, that can be used to retrieve prints and check if the script has finished, the server will answer to the client only when the script has terminated to run (and it will effectively work as a PythonFinished request).

These flags can be set and checked with the following routines (CmiUInt4 represent a 4 byte unsigned integer):

void setCode(char *set);
void setPersistent(bool set);
void setIterate(bool set);
void setHighLevel(bool set);
void setKeepPrint(bool set);
void setWait(bool set);
void setInterpreter(CmiUInt4 i);

bool isPersistent();
bool isIterate();
bool isHighLevel();
bool isKeepPrint();
bool isWait();
CmiUInt4 getInterpreter();

From a PythonExecute request, the server will answer with a 4 byte integer value, which is a handle for the interpreter that is running. It can be used to request for prints, check if the script has finished, and for reusing the same interpreter (if it was persistent).

A value of 0 means that there was an error and the script didn’t run. This is typically due to a request to reuse an existing interpreter which is not available, either because it was not persistent or because another script is still running on that interpreter. Auto-imported modules

When a Python script is run inside a Charm++ application, two Python modules are made available by the system. One is ck, the other is charm. The first one is always present and it represent basic functions, the second is related to high level scripting and it is present only when this is enabled (see for how to enable it, and for a description on how to implement charm functions).

The methods present in the ck module are the following:


It accepts a string as parameter. It will write into the server stdout that string using the CkPrintf function call.


It accepts a string as parameter. It will forward the string back to the client when it issues a PythonPrint request. It will buffer the strings until requested by PythonPrint if the KeepPrint option is true, otherwise it will discard them.


Requires no parameters, and will return an integer representing the current processor where the code is executing. It is equivalent to the Charm++ function CkMyPe().


Requires no parameters, and will return an integer representing the total number of processors that the application is using. It is equivalent to the Charm++ function CkNumPes().


Requires no parameters, and will return the index of the current element inside the array, if the object under which Python is running is an array, or None if it is running under a Chare, a Group or a Nodegroup. The index will be a tuple containing as many numbers as the dimension of the array.


It accepts one object parameter, and it will perform a read request to the Charm++ object connected to the Python script, and return an object containing the data read (see for a description of this functionality). An example of a call can be: value = ck.read((number, param, var2, var3)) where the double parenthesis are needed to create a single tuple object containing four values passed as a single paramter, instead of four different parameters.


It accepts two object parameters, and it will perform a write request to the Charm++ object connected to the Python script. For a description of this method, see Again, only two objects need to be passed, so extra parenthesis may be needed to create tuples from individual values. Iterate mode

Sometimes some operations need to be iterated over all the elements in the system. This “iterative” functionality provides a shortcut for the client user to do this. As an example, suppose we have a system which contains particles, with their position, velocity and mass. If we implement read and write routines which allow us to access single particle attributes, we may upload a script which doubles the mass of the particles with velocity greater than 1:

size = ck.read(("numparticles", 0));
for i in range(0, size):
    vel = ck.read(("velocity", i));
    mass = ck.read(("mass", i));
    mass = mass * 2;
    if (vel > 1): ck.write(("mass", i), mass);

Instead of all these read and writes, it will be better to be able to write:

def increase(p):
    if (p.velocity > 1): p.mass = p.mass * 2;

This is what the “iterative” functionality provides. In order for this to work, the server has to implement two additional functions (see, and the client has to pass some more information together with the code. This information is the name of the function that has to be called (which can be defined in the “code” or was previously uploaded to a persistent interpreter), and a user defined structure which specifies over what data the function should be invoked. These values can be specified either while constructing the PythonExecute variable (see the second constructor in section, or with the following methods:

void setMethodName(char *name);
void setIterator(PythonIterator *iter);

The PythonIterator object must be defined by the user, and the user must insure that the same definition is present inside both the client and the server. The Charm++ system will simply pass this structure as a void pointer. This structure must inherit from PythonIterator. In the simple case (highly recommended), wherein no pointers or dynamic allocation are used inside this class, nothing else needs to be done because it is trivial to serialize such objects.

If instead pointers or dynamic memory allocation are used, the following methods have to be reimplemented to support correct serialization:

int size();
char * pack();
void unpack();

The first returns the size of the class/structure after being packed. The second returns a pointer to a newly allocated memory containing all the packed data, the returned memory must be compatible with the class itself, since later on this same memory a call to unpack will be performed. Finally, the third will do the work opposite to pack and fix all the pointers. This method will not return anything and is supposed to fix the pointers “inline”. PythonPrint

In order to receive the output printed by the Python script, the client needs to send a PythonPrint request to the server. The constructor is:

PythonPrint(CmiUInt4 interpreter, bool Wait=true, bool Kill=false);

The interpreter for which the request is made is mandatory. The other parameters are optional. The wait parameter represents whether a reply will be sent back immediately to the client even if there is no output (false), or if the answer will be delayed until there is an output (true). The kill option set to true means that this is not a normal request, but a signal to unblock the latest print request which was blocking.

The returned data will be a non null-terminated string if some data is present (or if the request is blocking), or a 4 byte zero data if nothing is present. This zero reply can happen in different situations:

  • If the request is non blocking and no data is available on the server;

  • If a kill request is sent, the previous blocking request is squashed;

  • If the Python code ends without any output and it is not persistent;

  • If another print request arrives, the previous one is squashed and the second one is kept.

As for a print kill request, no data is expected to come back, so it is safe to call CcsNoResponse(server).

The two options can also be dynamically set with the following methods:

void setWait(bool set);
bool isWait();

void setKill(bool set);
bool isKill(); PythonFinished

In order to know when a Python code has finished executing, especially when using persistent interpreters, and a serialization of the scripts is needed, a PythonFinished request is available. The constructor is the following:

PythonFinished(CmiUInt4 interpreter, bool Wait=true);

The interpreter corresponds to the handle for which the request was sent, while the wait option refers to a blocking call (true), or immediate return (false).

The wait option can be dynamically modified with the two methods:

void setWait(bool set);
bool isWait();

This request will return a 4 byte integer containing the same interpreter value if the Python script has already finished, or zero if the script is still running. Server API

In order for a Charm++ object (chare, array, node, or nodegroup) to receive python requests, it is necessary to define it as python-compliant. This is done through the keyword python placed in square brackets before the object name in the .ci file. Some examples follow:

mainchare [python] main {...}
array [1D] [python] myArray {...}
group [python] myGroup {...}

In order to register a newly created object to receive Python scripts, the method registerPython of the proxy should be called. As an example, the following code creates a 10 element array myArray, and then registers it to receive scripts directed to “pycode”. The argument of registerPython is the string that CCS will use to address the Python scripting capability of the object.

Cproxy_myArray localVar = CProxy_myArray::ckNew(10);
localVar.registerPython("pycode"); Server read and write functions

As explained previously in subsection, some functions are automatically made available to the scripting code through the ck module. Two of these, read and write are only available if redefined by the object. The signatures of the two methods to redefine are:

PyObject* read(PyObject* where);
void write(PyObject* where, PyObject* what);

The read function receives as a parameter an object specifying from where the data will be read, and returns an object with the information required. The write function will receive two parameters: where the data will be written and what data, and will perform the update. All these PyObjects are generic, and need to be coherent with the protocol specified by the application. In order to parse the parameters, and create the value of the read, please refer to the manual Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter, and in particular to the functions PyArg_ParseTuple and Py_BuildValue. Server iterator functions

In order to use the iterative mode as explained in subsection, it is necessary to implement two functions which will be called by the system. These two functions have the following signatures:

int buildIterator(PyObject*, void*);
int nextIteratorUpdate(PyObject*, PyObject*, void*);

The first one is called once before the first execution of the Python code, and receives two parameters. The first is a pointer to an empty PyObject to be filled with the data needed by the Python code. In order to manage this object, some utility functions are provided. They are explained in subsection

The second is a void pointer containing information of what the iteration should run over. This parameter may contain any data structure, and an agreement between the client and the user object is necessary. The system treats it as a void pointer since it has no information about what user defined data it contains.

The second function (nextIteratorUpdate) has three parameters. The first parameter contains the object to be filled (similar to buildIterator), but the second object contains the PyObject which was provided for the last iteration, potentially modified by the Python function. Its content can be read with the provided routines, used to retrieve the next logical element in the iterator (with which to update the parameter itself), and possibly update the content of the data inside the Charm++ object. The second parameter is the object returned by the last call to the Python function, and the third parameter is the same data structure passed to buildIterator.

Both functions return an integer which will be interpreted by the system as follows:

  • a new iterator in the first parameter has been provided, and the Python function should be called with it;

  • there are no more elements to iterate. Server utility functions

These are inherited when declaring an object as Python-compliant, and therefore they are available inside the object code. All of them accept a PyObject pointer where to read/write the data, a string with the name of a field, and one or two values containing the data to be read/written (note that to read the data from the PyObject, a pointer needs to be passed). The strings used to identify the fields will be the same strings that the Python script will use to access the data inside the object.

The name of the function identifies the type of Python object stored inside the PyObject container (i.e String, Int, Long, Float, Complex), while the parameter of the functions identifies the C++ object type.

void pythonSetString(PyObject*, char*, char*);
void pythonSetString(PyObject*, char*, char*, int);
void pythonSetInt(PyObject*, char*, long);
void pythonSetLong(PyObject*, char*, long);
void pythonSetLong(PyObject*, char*, unsigned long);
void pythonSetLong(PyObject*, char*, double);
void pythonSetFloat(PyObject*, char*, double);
void pythonSetComplex(PyObject*, char*, double, double);

void pythonGetString(PyObject*, char*, char**);
void pythonGetInt(PyObject*, char*, long*);
void pythonGetLong(PyObject*, char*, long*);
void pythonGetLong(PyObject*, char*, unsigned long*);
void pythonGetLong(PyObject*, char*, double*);
void pythonGetFloat(PyObject*, char*, double*);
void pythonGetComplex(PyObject*, char*, double*, double*);

To handle more complicated structures like Dictionaries, Lists or Tuples, please refer to Python/C API Reference Manual. High level scripting

When in addition to the definition of the Charm++ object as python, an entry method is also defined as python, this entry method can be accessed directly by a Python script through the charm module. For example, the following definition will be accessible with the python call: result = charm.highMethod(var1, var2, var3) It can accept any number of parameters (even complex like tuples or dictionaries), and it can return an object as complex as needed.

The method must have the following signature:

entry [python] void highMethod(int handle);

The parameter is a handle that is passed by the system, and can be used in subsequent calls to return values to the Python code.

The arguments passed by the Python caller can be retrieved using the function:

PyObject *pythonGetArg(int handle);

which returns a PyObject. This object is a Tuple containing a vector of all parameters. It can be parsed using PyArg_ParseTuple to extract the single parameters.

When the Charm++’s entry method terminates (by means of return or termination of the function), control is returned to the waiting Python script. Since the python entry methods execute within an user-level thread, it is possible to suspend the entry method while some computation is carried on in Charm++. To start parallel computation, the entry method can send regular messages, as every other threaded entry method (see for more information on how this can be done using CkCallbackResumeThread callbacks). The only difference with other threaded entry methods is that here the callback CkCallbackPython must be used instead of CkCallbackResumeThread. The more specialized CkCallbackPython callback works exactly like the other one, except that it correctly handles Python internal locks.

At the end of the computation, the following special function will return a value to the Python script:

void pythonReturn(int handle, PyObject* result);

where the second parameter is the Python object representing the returned value. The function Py_BuildValue can be used to create this value. This function in itself does not terminate the entry method, but only sets the returning value for Python to read when the entry method terminates.

A characteristic of Python is that in a multithreaded environment (like the one provided in Charm++), the running thread needs to keep a lock to prevent other threads to access any variable. When using high level scripting, and the Python script is suspended for long periods of time while waiting for the Charm++ application to perform the required task, the Python internal locks are automatically released and re-acquired by the CkCallbackPython class when it suspends.

2.4.3. Intercepting Messages via Delegation

Delegation is a means by which a library writer can intercept messages sent via a proxy. This is typically used to construct communication libraries. A library creates a special kind of Group called a DelegationManager, which receives the messages sent via a delegated proxy.

There are two parts to the delegation interface- a very small client-side interface to enable delegation, and a more complex manager-side interface to handle the resulting redirected messages. Client Interface

All proxies (Chare, Group, Array, …) in Charm++ support the following delegation routines.

void CProxy::ckDelegate(CkGroupID delMgr); Begin delegating messages sent via this proxy to the given delegation manager. This only affects the proxy it is called on- other proxies for the same object are not changed. If the proxy is already delegated, this call changes the delegation manager.

CkGroupID CProxy::ckDelegatedIdx(void) const; Get this proxy’s current delegation manager.

void CProxy::ckUndelegate(void); Stop delegating messages sent via this proxy. This restores the proxy to normal operation.

One use of these routines might be:

CkGroupID mgr=somebodyElsesCommLib(...);
CProxy_foo p=...;
p.someEntry1(...); //Sent to foo normally
p.someEntry2(...); //Handled by mgr, not foo!
p.someEntry3(...); //Handled by mgr again
p.someEntry4(...); //Back to foo

The client interface is very simple; but it is often not called by users directly. Often the delegate manager library needs some other initialization, so a more typical use would be:

CProxy_foo p=...;
p.someEntry1(...); //Sent to foo normally
startCommLib(p,...); // Calls ckDelegate on proxy
p.someEntry2(...); //Handled by library, not foo!
p.someEntry3(...); //Handled by library again
finishCommLib(p,...); // Calls ckUndelegate on proxy
p.someEntry4(...); //Back to foo

Sync entry methods, group and nodegroup multicast messages, and messages for virtual chares that have not yet been created are never delegated. Instead, these kinds of entry methods execute as usual, even if the proxy is delegated. Manager Interface

A delegation manager is a group which inherits from CkDelegateMgr and overrides certain virtual methods. Since CkDelegateMgr does not do any communication itself, it need not be mentioned in the .ci file; you can simply declare a group as usual and inherit the C++ implementation from CkDelegateMgr.

Your delegation manager will be called by Charm++ any time a proxy delegated to it is used. Since any kind of proxy can be delegated, there are separate virtual methods for delegated Chares, Groups, NodeGroups, and Arrays.

class CkDelegateMgr : public Group {
  virtual void ChareSend(int ep,void *m,const CkChareID *c,int onPE);

  virtual void GroupSend(int ep,void *m,int onPE,CkGroupID g);
  virtual void GroupBroadcast(int ep,void *m,CkGroupID g);

  virtual void NodeGroupSend(int ep,void *m,int onNode,CkNodeGroupID g);
  virtual void NodeGroupBroadcast(int ep,void *m,CkNodeGroupID g);

  virtual void ArrayCreate(int ep,void *m,const CkArrayIndex &idx,int onPE,CkArrayID a);
  virtual void ArraySend(int ep,void *m,const CkArrayIndex &idx,CkArrayID a);
  virtual void ArrayBroadcast(int ep,void *m,CkArrayID a);
  virtual void ArraySectionSend(int ep,void *m,CkArrayID a,CkSectionID &s);

These routines are called on the send side only. They are called after parameter marshalling; but before the messages are packed. The parameters passed in have the following descriptions.

  1. ep The entry point begin called, passed as an index into the Charm++ entry table. This information is also stored in the message’s header; it is duplicated here for convenience.

  2. m The Charm++ message. This is a pointer to the start of the user data; use the system routine UsrToEnv to get the corresponding envelope. The messages are not necessarily packed; be sure to use CkPackMessage.

  3. c The destination CkChareID. This information is already stored in the message header.

  4. onPE The destination processor number. For chare messages, this indicates the processor the chare lives on. For group messages, this indicates the destination processor. For array create messages, this indicates the desired processor.

  5. g The destination CkGroupID. This is also stored in the message header.

  6. onNode The destination node.

  7. idx The destination array index. This may be looked up using the lastKnown method of the array manager, e.g., using:

    int lastPE=CProxy_CkArray(a).ckLocalBranch()->lastKnown(idx);
  8. s The destination array section.

The CkDelegateMgr superclass implements all these methods; so you only need to implement those you wish to optimize. You can also call the superclass to do the final delivery after you’ve sent your messages.

2.5. Experimental Features

2.5.1. SHMEM

Charm++ SHMEM is an experimental module that aims to add fast IPC to any machine layer. Each process opens a shared segment containing an MPSC queue and a memory pool. Processes can allocate “blocks” of memory from their peers’ pools, and “push” them onto their MPSC queue. This is mechanically similar to the PXSHM layer, but SHMEM uses “address-free” atomics for synchronization instead of memory fences and the like. The C++ standardization committee recommends that C++ atomics should be address-free, i.e., ordering is enforced no matter which virtual address is used to access a physical address; however, this is not guaranteed. In practice, most modern compilers comply with this suggestion, but please alert us if you encounter synchronization issues!

To build with SHMEM, pass --enable-shmem (to use PXSHM) or --enable-xpmem (to use XPMEM) as command-line options to a Charm++ build; only CMake builds are supported at this time. Charm++ currently has a cutoff for using SHMEM, after which it falls back to conventional messaging. This decision accommodates SHMEM’s bounded pool, and potentially more efficient IPC mechanisms exist for “large” messages (e.g., the ZeroCopy API). One can alter these behaviors with the command line options ++ipcpoolsize and ++ipccutoff, which change the size of the shared pool of memory and message size cutoff (in bytes), respectively. For example, this command will run a.out with a 128MB IPC pool size and a 256KB message cutoff: ./charmrun ++local ++auto-provision ./a.out ++ipcpoolsize $((128*1024*1024)) ++ipccutoff $((256*1024))

Note, Charm++ maintains and polls its own SHMEM IPC manager. Libraries can instantiate their own IPC manager if they require custom IPC behaviors. For details, please consult the notes in cmishmem.h.

2.5.2. Control Point Automatic Tuning

Charm++ currently includes an experimental automatic tuning framework that can dynamically adapt a program at runtime to improve its performance. The program provides a set of tunable knobs that are adjusted automatically by the tuning framework. The user program also provides information about the control points so that intelligent tuning choices can be made. This information will be used to steer the program instead of requiring the tuning framework to blindly search the possible program configurations.

Warning: this is still an experimental feature not meant for production applications Exposing Control Points in a Charm++ Program

The program should include a header file before any of its *.decl.h files:

#include <controlPoints.h>

The control point framework initializes itself, so no changes need to be made at startup in the program.

The program will request the values for each control point on PE 0. Control point values are non-negative integers:

my_var = controlPoint("any_name", 5, 10);
my_var2 = controlPoint("another_name", 100,101);

To specify information about the effects of each control point, make calls such as these once on PE 0 before accessing any control point values:


For a complete list of these functions, see cp_effects.h in charm/include.

The program, of course, has to adapt its behavior to use these new control point values. There are two ways for the control point values to change over time. The program can request that a new phase (with its own control point values) be used whenever it wants, or the control point framework can automatically advance to a new phase periodically. The structure of the program will be slightly different in these to cases. Sections and describe the additional changes to the program that should be made for each case. Control Point Framework Advances Phases

The program provides a callback to the control point framework in a manner such as this:

// Once early on in program, create a callback, and register it
CkCallback cb(CkIndex_Main::granularityChange(NULL),thisProxy);
registerCPChangeCallback(cb, true);

In the callback or after the callback has executed, the program should request the new control point values on PE 0, and adapt its behavior appropriately.

Alternatively, the program can specify that it wants to call gotoNextPhase(); itself when it is ready. Perhaps the program wishes to delay its adaptation for a while. To do this, it specifies false as the final parameter to registerCPChangeCallback as follows:

registerCPChangeCallback(cb, false); Program Advances Phases
 registerControlPointTiming(duration); // called after each program iteration on PE 0
 gotoNextPhase(); // called after some number of iterations on PE 0
// Then request new control point values Linking With The Control Point Framework

The control point tuning framework is now an integral part of the Charm++ runtime system. It does not need to be linked in to an application in any special way. It contains the framework code responsible for recording information about the running program as well as adjust the control point values. The trace module will enable measurements to be gathered including information about utilization, idle time, and memory usage. Runtime Command Line Arguments

Various following command line arguments will affect the behavior of the program when running with the control point framework. As this is an experimental framework, these are subject to change.

The scheme used for tuning can be selected at runtime by the use of one of the following options:

    +CPSchemeRandom            Randomly Select Control Point Values
+CPExhaustiveSearch            Exhaustive Search of Control Point Values
     +CPSimulAnneal            Simulated Annealing Search of Control Point Values
+CPCriticalPathPrio            Use Critical Path to adapt Control Point Values
       +CPBestKnown            Use BestKnown Timing for Control Point Values
        +CPSteering            Use Steering to adjust Control Point Values
     +CPMemoryAware            Adjust control points to approach available memory

To intelligently tune or steer an application’s performance, performance measurements ought to be used. Some of the schemes above require that memory footprint statistics and utilization statistics be gathered. All measurements are performed by a tracing module that has some overheads, so is not enabled by default. To use any type of measurement based steering scheme, it is necessary to add a runtime command line argument to the user program to enable the tracing module:


The following flags enable the gathering of the different types of available measurements.

        +CPGatherAll            Gather all types of measurements for each phase
+CPGatherMemoryUsage            Gather memory usage after each phase
+CPGatherUtilization            Gather utilization & Idle time after each phase

The control point framework will periodically adapt the control point values. The following command line flag determines the frequency at which the control point framework will attempt to adjust things.

+CPSamplePeriod     number The time between Control Point Framework samples (in seconds)

The data from one run of the program can be saved and used in subsequent runs. The following command line arguments specify that a file named controlPointData.txt should be created or loaded. This file contains measurements for each phase as well as the control point values used in each phase.

    +CPSaveData            Save Control Point timings & configurations at completion
    +CPLoadData            Load Control Point timings & configurations at startup
+CPDataFilename            Specify the data filename

It might be useful for example, to run once with +CPSimulAnneal +CPSaveData to try to find a good configuration for the program, and then use +CPBestKnown +CPLoadData for all subsequent production runs.

2.5.3. Malleability: Shrink/Expand Number of Processors

This feature enables a Charm++ application to dynamically shrink and expand the number of processors that it is running on during the execution. It internally uses three other features of Charm++: CCS (Converse Client Server) interface, load balancing, and checkpoint restart.

  • The CCS interface is used to send and receive the shrink and expand commands. These commands can be internal (i.e. application decides to shrink or expand itself) or external via a client. The runtime listens for the commands on a port specified at launch time.

  • The load balancing framework is used to evacuate the tasks before a shrink operation and distribute the load equally over the new set of processors after an expand operation.

  • The in-memory checkpoint restart mechanism is used to restart the application with the new processor count quickly and without leaving residual processes behind.

An example program with a CCS client to send shrink/expand commands can be found in examples/charm++/shrink_expand in the charm distribution.

To enable shrink expand, Charm++ needs to be built with the --enable-shrinkexpand option:

$ ./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 --enable-shrinkexpand

An example application launch command needs to include a load balancer, a nodelist file that contains all of the nodes that are going to be used, and a port number to listen the shrink/expand commands:

$ ./charmrun +p4 ./jacobi2d 200 20 +balancer GreedyLB ++nodelist ./mynodelistfile ++server ++server-port 1234

The CCS client to send shrink/expand commands needs to specify the hostname, port number, the old(current) number of processor and the new(future) number of processors:

$ ./client <hostname> <port> <oldprocs> <newprocs>
(./client valor 1234 4 8 //This will increase from 4 to 8 processors.)

To make a Charm++ application malleable, first, pup routines for all of the constructs in the application need to be written. This includes writing a pup routine for the mainchare and marking it migratable:

mainchare [migratable]  Main { ... }

Second, the AtSync() and ResumeFromSync() functions need to be implemented in the usual way of doing load balancing (See Section for more info on load balancing). Shrink/expand will happen at the next load balancing step after the receipt of the shrink/expand command.

NOTE: If you want to shrink your application, for example, from two physical nodes to one node where each node has eight cores, then you should have eight entries in the nodelist file for each node, one per processor. Otherwise, the application will shrink in a way that will use four cores from each node, whereas what you likely want is to use eight cores on only one of the physical nodes after shrinking. For example, instead of having a nodelist like this:

host a
host b

the nodelist should be like this:

host a
host a
host a
host a
host a
host a
host a
host a
host b
host b
host b
host b
host b
host b
host b
host b

Warning: this is an experimental feature and not supported in all charm builds and applications. Currently, it is tested on netlrts-{linux/darwin}-x86_64 builds. Support for other Charm++ builds and AMPI applications are under development. It is only tested with RefineLB and GreedyLB load balancing strategies; use other strategies with caution.

2.6. Appendix

2.6.1. Installing Charm++

Charm++ can be installed manually from the source code or using a precompiled binary package. We also provide a source code package for the Spack package manager. Building from the source code provides more flexibility, since one can choose the options as desired. However, a precompiled binary may be slightly easier to get running. Manual installation Downloading Charm++

Charm++ can be downloaded using one of the following methods:

  • From the Charm++ website - The current stable version (source code and binaries) can be downloaded from our website at https://charm.cs.illinois.edu/software.

  • From source archive - The latest development version of Charm++ can be downloaded from our source archive using git clone https://github.com/charmplusplus/charm.

If you download the source code from the website, you will have to unpack it using a tool capable of extracting gzip’d tar files, such as tar (on Unix) or WinZIP (under Windows). Charm++ will be extracted to a directory called charm. Installation

A typical prototype command for building Charm++ from the source code is:




is the framework one wants to build such as charm++ or AMPI.


is the machine architecture one wants to build for such as netlrts-linux-x86_64, multicore-darwin-arm8 etc.


are additional options to the build process, e.g. smp is used to build a shared memory version, -j8 is given to build in parallel etc.


Starting from version 7.0, Charm++ uses the CMake-based build system when building with the ./build command. To use the old configure-based build system, you can build with the ./buildold command with the same options. We intend to remove the old build system in Charm++ 7.1.

In Table 2, a list of build commands is provided for some of the commonly used systems. Note that, in general, options such as smp, --with-production, compiler specifiers etc can be used with all targets. It is advisable to build with --with-production to obtain the best performance. If one desires to perform trace collection (for Projections), --enable-tracing --enable-tracing-commthread should also be passed to the build command.

Details on all the available alternatives for each of the above mentioned parameters can be found by invoking ./build --help. One can also go through the build process in an interactive manner. Run ./build, and it will be followed by a few queries to select appropriate choices for the build one wants to perform.

2 Build command for some common cases


Build command

Multicore (single node, shared memory) 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ multicore-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit Linux (intel compilers)

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 icc --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit Linux (shared memory)

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 smp --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit Linux (checkpoint restart based fault tolerance)

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-x86_64 syncft --with-production -j8

Net with 32 bit Linux

./build charm++ netlrts-linux-i386 --with-production -j8

MPI with 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ mpi-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

MPI with 64 bit Linux (shared memory)

./build charm++ mpi-linux-x86_64 smp --with-production -j8

MPI with 64 bit Linux (mpicxx wrappers)

./build charm++ mpi-linux-x86_64 mpicxx --with-production -j8

IBVERBS with 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ verbs-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

OFI with 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ ofi-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

UCX with 64 bit Linux

./build charm++ ucx-linux-x86_64 --with-production -j8

UCX with 64 bit Linux (AArch64)

./build charm++ ucx-linux-arm8 --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit Windows

./build charm++ netlrts-win-x86_64 --with-production -j8

MPI with 64 bit Windows

./build charm++ mpi-win-x86_64 --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit macOS (x86_64)

./build charm++ netlrts-darwin-x86_64 --with-production -j8

Net with 64 bit macOS (ARM64)

./build charm++ netlrts-darwin-arm8 --with-production -j8

Cray XE6

./build charm++ gni-crayxe --with-production -j8

Cray XK7

./build charm++ gni-crayxe-cuda