5. Converse and Charm++ Libraries
5.1. Introduction
This manual describes Charm++ and Converse libraries. This is a work in progress towards a standard library for parallel programming on top of the Converse and Charm++ system. All of these libraries are included in the source and binary distributions of Charm++/Converse.
5.2. liveViz Library
5.2.1. Introduction
If array elements compute a small piece of a large 2D image, then these image chunks can be combined across processors to form one large image using the liveViz library. In other words, liveViz provides a way to reduce 2D-image data, which combines small chunks of images deposited by chares into one large image.
This visualization library follows the client server model. The server, a parallel Charm++ program, does all image assembly, and opens a network (CCS) socket which clients use to request and download images. The client is a small Java program. A typical use of this is:
cd charm/examples/charm++/wave2d
./charmrun ./wave2d +p2 ++server ++server-port 1234
~/ccs_tools/bin/liveViz localhost 1234
Use git to obtain a copy of ccs_tools (prior to using liveViz) and build it by:
cd ccs_tools;
5.2.2. How to use liveViz with Charm++ program
The liveViz routines are in the Charm++ header “liveViz.h”.
A typical program provides a chare array with one entry method with the following prototype:
entry void functionName(liveVizRequestMsg *m);
This entry method is supposed to deposit its (array element’s) chunk of the image. This entry method has following structure:
void myArray::functionName (liveVizRequestMsg *m)
// prepare image chunk
liveVizDeposit (m, startX, startY, width, height, imageBuff, this);
// delete image buffer if it was dynamically allocated
Here, “width” and “height” are the size, in pixels, of this array element’s portion of the image, contributed in “imageBuff” (described below). This will show up on the client’s assembled image at 0-based pixel (startX,startY). The client’s display width and height are stored in m->req.wid and m->req.ht.
By default, liveViz combines image chunks by doing a saturating sum of overlapping pixel values. If you want liveViz to combine image chunks by using max (i.e. for overlapping pixels in deposited image chunks, final image will have the pixel with highest intensity or in other words largest value), you need to pass one more parameter (liveVizCombine_t) to the “liveVizDeposit” function:
liveVizDeposit (m, startX, startY, width, height, imageBuff, this,
You can also reduce floating-point image data using sum_float_image_data or max_float_image_data.
5.2.3. Format of deposit image
“imageBuff” is run of bytes representing a rectangular portion of the image. This buffer represents image using a row-major format, so 0-based pixel (x,y) (x increasing to the right, y increasing downward in typical graphics fashion) is stored at array offset “x+y*width”.
If the image is gray-scale (as determined by liveVizConfig, below), each pixel is represented by one byte. If the image is color, each pixel is represented by 3 consecutive bytes representing red, green, and blue intensity.
If the image is floating-point, each pixel is represented by a single ‘float’, and after assembly colorized by calling the user-provided routine below. This routine converts fully assembled ‘float’ pixels to RGB 3-byte pixels, and is called only on processor 0 after each client request.
extern "C"
void liveVizFloatToRGB(liveVizRequest &req,
const float *floatSrc, unsigned char *destRgb,
int nPixels);
5.2.4. liveViz Initialization
liveViz library needs to be initialized before it can be used for visualization. For initialization follow the following steps from your main chare:
Create your chare array (array proxy object ’a’) with the entry method ’functionName’ (described above). You must create the chare array using a CkArrayOptions ’opts’ parameter. For instance,
CkArrayOptions opts(rows, cols); array = CProxy_Type::ckNew(opts);
Create a CkCallback object (’c’), specifying ’functionName’ as the callback function. This callback will be invoked whenever the client requests a new image.
Create a liveVizConfig object (’cfg’). LiveVizConfig takes a number of parameters, as described below.
Call liveVizInit (cfg, a, c, opts).
The liveVizConfig parameters are:
The first parameter is the pixel type to be reduced:
“false” or liveVizConfig::pix_greyscale means a greyscale image (1 byte per pixel).
“true” or liveVizConfig::pix_color means a color image (3 RGB bytes per pixel).
liveVizConfig::pix_float means a floating-point color image (1 float per pixel, can only be used with sum_float_image_data or max_float_image_data).
The second parameter is the flag “serverPush”, which is passed to the client application. If set to true, the client will repeatedly request for images. When set to false the client will only request for images when its window is resized and needs to be updated.
The third parameter is an optional 3D bounding box (type CkBbox3d). If present, this puts the client into a 3D visualization mode.
A typical 2D, RGB, non-push call to liveVizConfig looks like this:
liveVizConfig cfg(true,false);
5.2.5. Compilation
A Charm++ program that uses liveViz must be linked with ’-module liveViz’.
Before compiling a liveViz program, the liveViz library may need to be compiled. To compile the liveViz library:
go to …/charm/tmp/libs/ck-libs/liveViz
5.2.6. Poll Mode
In some cases you may want a server to deposit images only when it is ready to do so. For this case the server will not register a callback function that triggers image generation, but rather the server will deposit an image at its convenience. For example a server may want to create a movie or series of images corresponding to some timesteps in a simulation. The server will have a timestep loop in which an array computes some data for a timestep. At the end of each iteration the server will deposit the image. The use of LiveViz’s Poll Mode supports this type of server generation of images.
Poll Mode contains a few significant differences to the standard mode. First we describe the use of Poll Mode, and then we will describe the differences. liveVizPoll must get control during the creation of your array, so you call liveVizPollInit with no parameters.
CkArrayOptions opts(nChares);
arr = CProxy_lvServer::ckNew(opts);
To deposit an image, the server just calls liveVizPollDeposit. The server must take care not to generate too many images, before a client requests them. Each server generated image is buffered until the client can get the image. The buffered images will be stored in memory on processor 0.
startX,startY, // Location of local piece
localSizeX,localSizeY, // Dimensions of the piece I'm depositing
globalSizeX,globalSizeY, // Dimensions of the entire image
img, // Image byte array
sum_image_data, // Desired image combiner
3 // Bytes/pixel
The last two parameters are optional. By default they are set to sum_image_data and 3 bytes per pixel.
A sample liveVizPoll server and client are available at:
This example server uses a PythonCCS command to cause an image to be generated by the server. The client also then gets the image.
LiveViz provides multiple image combiner types. Any supported type can be used as a parameter to liveVizPollDeposit. Valid combiners include: sum_float_image_data, max_float_image_data, sum_image_data, and max_image_data.
The differences in Poll Mode may be apparent. There is no callback function which causes the server to generate and deposit an image. Furthermore, a server may generate an image before or after a client has sent a request. The deposit function, therefore is more complicated, as the server will specify information about the image that it is generating. The client will no longer specify the desired size or other configuration options, since the server may generate the image before the client request is available to the server. The liveVizPollInit call takes no parameters.
The server should call Deposit with the same global size and combiner type on all of the array elements which correspond to the “this” parameter.
The latest version of liveVizPoll is not backwards compatable with older versions. The old version had some fundamental problems which would occur if a server generated an image before a client requested it. Thus the new version buffers server generated images until requested by a client. Furthermore the client requests are also buffered if they arrive before the server generates the images. Problems could also occur during migration with the old version.
5.2.7. Caveats
If you use the old version of “liveVizInit” method that only receives 3 parameters, you will find a known bug caused by how “liveVizDeposit” internally uses a reduction to build the image.
Using that version of the “liveVizInit” method, its contribute call is handled as if it were the chare calling “liveVizDeposit” that actually contributed to the liveViz reduction. If there is any other reduction going on elsewhere in this chare, some liveViz contribute calls might be issued before the corresponding non-liveViz contribute is reached. This would imply that image data would be treated as if were part of the non-liveViz reduction, leading to unexpected behavior potentially anywhere in the non-liveViz code.
5.4. 3D FFT Library
The previous 3D FFT library has been deprecated and replaced with this new 3D FFT library. The new 3D FFT library source can be downloaded with following command: git clone https://charm.cs.illinois.edu/gerrit/libs/fft
5.4.1. Introduction and Motivation
The 3D Charm-FFT library provides an interface to do parallel 3D FFT computation in a scalable fashion.
The parallelization is achieved by splitting the 3D transform into three phases, using 2D decomposition. First, 1D FFTs are computed over the pencils; then a ’transform’ is performed and 1D FFTs are done over second dimension; again a ’transform’ is performed and FFTs are computed over the last dimension. So this approach takes three computation phases and two ’transform’ phases.
This library allows users to create multiple instances of the library and perform concurrent FFTs using them. Each of the FFT instances run in background as other parts of user code execute, and a callback is invoked when FFT is complete.
5.4.2. Features
Charm-FFT library provides the following features:
2D-decomposition: Users can define fine-grained 2D-decomposition that increases the amount of available parallelism and improves network utilization.
Cutoff-based smaller grid: The data grid may have a cut off. Charm-FFT improves performance by avoiding communication and computation of the data beyond the cutoff.
User-defined mapping of library objects: The placement of objects that constitute the library instance can be defined by the user based on the application’s other concurrent communication and placement of other objects.
Overlap with other computational work: Given the callback-based interface and Charm++’s asynchrony, the FFTs are performed in the background while other application work can be done in parallel.
5.4.3. Compilation and Execution
To install the FFT library, you will need to have charm++ installed in you system. You can follow the Charm++ manual to do that. Then, ensure that FFTW3 is installed. FFTW3 can be downloaded from http://www.fftw.org. The Charm-FFT library source can be downloaded with following command: git clone https://charm.cs.illinois.edu/gerrit/libs/fft
Inside of Charm-FFT directory, you will find Makefile.default. Copy this file to Makefile.common, change the copy’s variable FFT3_HOME to point your FFTW3 installation and CHARM_DIR to point your Charm++ installation then run make. To use Charm-FFT library in an application, add the line extern module fft_Charm; to it charm interface (.ci) file and include fft_charm.h and fftw3.h in relevant C files. Finally to compile the program, pass -lfft_charm and -lfftw3 as arguments to charmc.
5.4.4. Library Interface
To use Charm-FFT interface, the user must start by calling Charm_createFFT with following parameters.
Charm_createFFT(N_x, N_y, N_z, z_x, z_y, y_x, y_z, x_yz, cutoff, hmati, fft_type, CkCallback);
int N_x : X dimension of FFT calculation
int N_y : Y dimension of FFT calculation
int N_z : Z dimension of FFT calculation
int z_x : X dimension of Z pencil chare array
int z_y : Y dimension of Z pencil chare array
int y_x : X dimension of Y pencil chare array
int y_z : Z dimension of Y pencil chare array
int x_yz: A dimension of X pencil chare array
double cutoff: Cutoff of FFT grid
double *hmati: Hamiltonian matrix representing cutoff
FFT_TYPE: Type of FFT to perform. Either CC for complex-to-complex or RC for real-complex
CkCallback: A Charm++ entry method for callback upon the completion of library initialization
This creates necessary proxies (Z,Y,X etc) for performing FFT of size \(N_x \times N_y * N_z\) using 2D chare arrays (pencils) of size \(n_y \times n_x\) (ZPencils), \(n_z \times n_x\) (YPencils), and \(n_x \times n_y\) (XPencils). When done, calls \(myCallback\) which should receive \(CProxy\_fft2d\ id\) as a unique identifier for the newly created set of proxies.
An example of Charm-FFT initialization using Charm_createFFT:
// .ci
extern module fft_charm;
mainchare Main {
entry Main(CkArgMsg *m);
group Driver {
entry Driver(FFT_Type fft_type);
entry void proxyCreated(idMsg *msg);
entry void fftDone();
// .C
Main::Main(CkArgMsg *m) {
/* Assume FFT of size N_x, N_y, N_z */
FFT_Type fft_type = CC
Charm_createFFT(N_x, N_y, N_z, z_x, z_y, y_x, y_z, x_yz, cutoff, hmati,
fft_type, CkCallback(CkIndex_Driver::proxyCreated(NULL), driverProxy));
Driver::proxyCreated(idMsg *msg) {
CProxy_fft2d fftProxy = msg->id;
delete msg;
In this example, an entry method Driver::proxyCreated will be called when an FFT instance has been created.
Using the newly received proxy, the user can identify whether a local PE has XPencils and/or ZPencils.
void Driver::proxyCreated(idMsg *msg) {
CProxy_fft2d fftProxy = msg->id;
delete msg;
bool hasX = Charm_isOutputPE(fftProxy),
hasZ = Charm_isInputPE(fftProxy);
Then, the grid’s dimensions on a PE can be acquired by using Charm_getOutputExtents and Charm_getInputExtents.
if (hasX) {
Charm_getOutputExtents(gridStart[MY_X], gridEnd[MY_X],
gridStart[MY_Y], gridEnd[MY_Y],
gridStart[MY_Z], gridEnd[MY_Z],
if (hasZ) {
Charm_getInputExtents(gridStart[MY_X], gridEnd[MY_X],
gridStart[MY_Y], gridEnd[MY_Y],
gridStart[MY_Z], gridEnd[MY_Z],
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
gridLength[i] = gridEnd[i] - gridStart[i];
With the grid’s dimension, the user must allocate and set the input and output buffers. In most cases, this is simply the product of the three dimensions, but for real-to-complex FFT calcaultion, FFTW-style storage for the input buffers is used (as shown below).
dataSize = gridLength[MY_X] * gridLength[MY_Y] * gridLength[MY_Z];
if (hasX) {
dataOut = (complex*) fftw_malloc(dataSize * sizeof(complex));
Charm_setOutputMemory((void*) dataOut, fftProxy);
if (hasZ) {
if (fftType == RC) {
// FFTW style storage
dataSize = gridLength[MY_X] * gridLength[MY_Y] * (gridLength[MY_Z]/2 + 1);
dataIn = (complex*) fftw_malloc(dataSize * sizeof(complex));
Charm_setInputMemory((void*) dataIn, fftProxy);
Then, from PE0, start the forward or backward FFT, setting the entry method fftDone as the callback function that will be called when the FFT operation is complete.
For forward FFT
if (CkMyPe() == 0) {
Charm_doForwardFFT(CkCallback(CkIndex_Driver::fftDone(), thisProxy), fftProxy);
For backward FFT
if (CkMyPe() == 0) {
Charm_doBackwardFFT(CkCallback(CkIndex_Driver::fftDone(), thisProxy), fftProxy);
The sample program to run a backward FFT can be found in Your_Charm_FFT_Path/tests/simple_tests
5.5. TRAM
5.5.1. Overview
Topological Routing and Aggregation Module is a library for optimization of many-to-many and all-to-all collective communication patterns in Charm++ applications. The library performs topological routing and aggregation of network communication in the context of a virtual grid topology comprising the Charm++ Processing Elements (PEs) in the parallel run. The number of dimensions and their sizes within this topology are specified by the user when initializing an instance of the library.
TRAM is implemented as a Charm++ group, so an instance of TRAM has one object on every PE used in the run. We use the term local instance to denote a member of the TRAM group on a particular PE.
Most collective communication patterns involve sending linear arrays of a single data type. In order to more efficiently aggregate and process data, TRAM restricts the data sent using the library to a single data type specified by the user through a template parameter when initializing an instance of the library. We use the term data item to denote a single object of this datatype submitted to the library for sending. While the library is active (i.e. after initialization and before termination), an arbitrary number of data items can be submitted to the library at each PE.
On systems with an underlying grid or torus network topology, it can be beneficial to configure the virtual topology for TRAM to match the physical topology of the network. This can easily be accomplished using the Charm++ Topology Manager.
The next two sections explain the routing and aggregation techniques used in the library. Routing
Let the variables \(j\) and \(k\) denote PEs within an N-dimensional virtual topology of PEs and \(x\) denote a dimension of the grid. We represent the coordinates of \(j\) and \(k\) within the grid as \(\left (j_0, j_1, \ldots, j_{N-1} \right)\) and \(\left (k_0, k_1, \ldots, k_{N-1} \right)\). Also, let
\(j\) and \(k\) are peers if
When using TRAM, PEs communicate directly only with their peers. Sending to a PE which is not a peer is handled inside the library by routing the data through one or more intermediate destinations along the route to the final destination.
Suppose a data item destined for PE \(k\) is submitted to the library at PE \(j\). If \(k\) is a peer of \(j\), the data item will be sent directly to \(k\), possibly along with other data items for which \(k\) is the final or intermediate destination. If \(k\) is not a peer of \(j\), the data item will be sent to an intermediate destination \(m\) along the route to \(k\) whose index is \(\left (j_0, j_1, \ldots, j_{i-1}, k_i, j_{i+1}, \ldots, j_{N-1} \right)\), where \(i\) is the greatest value of \(x\) for which \(f(x, j, k) = 1\).
Note that in obtaining the coordinates of \(m\) from \(j\), exactly one of the coordinates of \(j\) which differs from the coordinates of \(k\) is made to agree with \(k\). It follows that m is a peer of \(j\), and that using this routing process at \(m\) and every subsequent intermediate destination along the route eventually leads to the data item being received at \(k\). Consequently, the number of messages \(F(j, k)\) that will carry the data item to the destination is Aggregation
Communicating over the network of a parallel machine involves per message bandwidth and processing overhead. TRAM amortizes this overhead by aggregating data items at the source and every intermediate destination along the route to the final destination.
Every local instance of the TRAM group buffers the data items that have been submitted locally or received from another PE for forwarding. Because only peers communicate directly in the virtual grid, it suffices to have a single buffer per PE for every peer. Given a dimension d within the virtual topology, let \(s_d\) denote its size, or the number of distinct values a coordinate for dimension d can take. Consequently, each local instance allocates up to \(s_d - 1\) buffers per dimension, for a total of \(\sum_{d=0}^{N-1} (s_d - 1)\) buffers. Note that this is normally significantly less than the total number of PEs specified by the virtual topology, which is equal to \(\prod_{d=0}^{N-1} {s_d}\).
Sending with TRAM is done by submitting a data item and a destination identifier, either PE or array index, using a function call to the local instance. If the index belongs to a peer, the library places the data item in the buffer for the peer’s PE. Otherwise, the library calculates the index of the intermediate destination using the previously described algorithm, and places the data item in the buffer for the resulting PE, which by design is always a peer of the local PE. Buffers are sent out immediately when they become full. When a message is received at an intermediate destination, the data items comprising it are distributed into the appropriate buffers for subsequent sending. In the process, if a data item is determined to have reached its final destination, it is immediately delivered.
The total buffering capacity specified by the user may be reached even when no single buffer is completely filled up. In that case the buffer with the greatest number of buffered data items is sent. Sending to a Chare Array
For sending to a chare array, the entry method should be marked [aggregate], which can take attribute parameters:
array [1D] test {
entry [aggregate(numDimensions: 2, bufferSize: 2048, thresholdFractionNumer : 1,
thresholdFractionDenom : 2, cutoffFractionNumer : 1,
cutoffFractionDenom : 2)] void ping(vector<int> data);
Description of parameters:
maxNumDataItemsBuffered: maximum number of items that the library is allowed to buffer per PE
numDimensions: number of dimensions in grid of PEs
bufferSize: size of the buffer for each peer, in terms of number of data items
thresholdFractionNumer: numerator of the fraction of the buffer that data items
thresholdFractionDenom: size of the buffer for each peer, in terms of number of data items
cutoffFractionNumer: size of the buffer for each peer, in terms of number of data items
cutoffFractionDenom: size of the buffer for each peer, in terms of number of data items Sending
Sending with TRAM is done through calls to the entry method marked as [aggregate]. Termination
Flushing and termination mechanisms are used in TRAM to prevent deadlock due to indefinite buffering of items. Flushing works by sending out all buffers in a local instance if no items have been submitted or received since the last progress check. Meanwhile, termination detection support is necessary for certain applications.
Currently, the only termination detection method supported is quiescence detection.
When using quiescence detection, no end callback is used, and no done calls are required. Instead, termination of a communication step is achieved using the quiescence detection framework in Charm++, which supports passing a callback as parameter. TRAM is set up such that quiescence will not be detected until all items sent in the current communication step have been delivered to their final destinations.
Periodic flushing is an auxiliary mechanism which checks at a regular interval whether any sends have taken place since the last time the check was performed. If not, the mechanism sends out all the data items buffered per local instance of the library. A typical use case for periodic flushing is when the submission of a data item B to TRAM happens as a result of the delivery of another data item A sent using the same TRAM instance. If A is buffered inside the library and insufficient data items are submitted to cause the buffer holding A to be sent out, a deadlock could arise. With the periodic flushing mechanism, the buffer holding A is guaranteed to be sent out eventually, and deadlock is prevented. Opting into Fixed-Size Message Handling
Variable-sized message handling in TRAM includes storing and sending additional data that is irrelevant in the case of fixed-size messages. To opt into the faster fixed-size codepath, the is_PUPbytes type trait should be explicitly defined for the message type:
array [1D] test {
entry [aggregate(numDimensions: 2, bufferSize: 2048, thresholdFractionNumer : 1,
thresholdFractionDenom : 2, cutoffFractionNumer : 1,
cutoffFractionDenom : 2)] void ping(int data);
template <>
struct is_PUPbytes<int> {
static const bool value = true;
5.5.2. Example
For example code showing how to use TRAM, see examples/charm++/TRAM
in the Charm++ repository.
5.6. CkIO
5.6.1. Overview
CkIO is a library for parallel I/O in Charm++. It supports both reading and writing via two independent library components which both involve aggregation. The CkIO abstraction helps get the best performance out of the parallel file system and avoid contention on I/O nodes, while supporting any user-level chare decomposition.
5.6.2. CkIO Output
The CkIO output library improves the performance of write operations by aggregating data at intermediate nodes and batching writes to align with the stripe size of the underlying parallel file system (such as Lustre). This helps avoid contention on the I/O nodes by using fewer messages to communicate with them and preventing small or non-contiguous disk operations.
Under the hood, when a write is issued, the associated data is sent to the PE(s) corresponding to the stripe of the file the write is destined for. The data is then kept on that PE until enough contiguous data is collected, after which the entire stripe is actually written to the filesystem all in one fell swoop. The size and layout of stripes and the number and organization of aggregating PEs are available as options for the user to customize.
5.6.3. CkIO Input
The CkIO input library similarly aggregates read requests for a single file via an intermediate layer of chares, called “Buffer Chares.” The number of Buffer Chares should be chosen to read from the file system with optimal granularity. Currently, the choice of the number of Buffer Chares must be made by the user (via the Options parameter, discussed below), considering factors such as file size, number of PEs, and number of nodes.
5.6.4. Using CkIO
CkIO is designed as a session-oriented, callback-centric library. The steps to using the library are different for input and output, but follow the same basic structure:
Open a file via
. Note that at the lowest level CkIO uses POSIX seek, read, and write (or the Microsoft equivalent for Windows) and therefore must only be used on seek-able file types.Create a session for writing to the file via
or create a session for reading from a file viaCk::IO::startReadSession
.Write or read via
. Note that these function take a session token that is passed into the callback, which should refer to the current session.In the case of a read session, the session must be closed manually when the read is complete via
When the specified amount of data for the session has been written or a read session has been closed, a completion callback is invoked, from which one may start another session or close the file via
(same call for writing or reading). Parallel Output API
The following functions comprise the interface to the library for parallel file output:
Opening a file:
void Ck::IO::open(std::string path, CkCallback opened, Ck::IO::Options opts)
Open the given file with the options specified in
, and send aFileReadyMsg
(wraps aCk::IO::File file
) to theopened
callback when the system is ready to accept session requests on that file. If the specified file does not exist, it will be created. Should only be called from a single PE, once per file.Ck::IO::Options
is a struct with the following output-relevant fields:writeStripe
- Amount of contiguous data (in bytes) to gather before writing to the file (default: file system stripe size if using Lustre and API provides it, otherwise 4 MB)peStripe
- Amount of contiguous data to assign to each active PE (default:4 * writeStripe
- Number of PEs to use for I/O (default: min(32, number of PEs))basePE
- Index of first participating PE (default: 0)skipPEs
- Gap between participating PEs (default :CkMyNodeSize()
Starting a write session:
Note there are two variants of the
function, a regular one and one that writes a user specified chunk of data to the file at the end of a session.void Ck::IO::startSession(Ck::IO::File file, size_t size, size_t offset, CkCallback ready, CkCallback complete)
Prepare to write data into
, in the window defined bysize
(both specified in bytes). When the session is set up, aSessionReadyMsg
(wraps aCk::IO::Session session
) will be sent to theready
callback. When all of the data has been written and synced, an emptyCkReductionMsg
will be sent to thecomplete
callback. Should only be called from a single PE, once per session.void Ck::IO::startSession(Ck::IO::File file, size_t size, size_t offset, CkCallback ready, const char *commitData, size_t commitSize, size_t commitOffset, CkCallback complete)
Prepare to write data into
, in the window defined bysize
(both specified in bytes). When the session is set up, aSessionReadyMsg
(wraps aCk::IO::Session session
) will be sent to theready
callback. When all of the data has been written and synced, an additional write ofcommitData
(of sizecommitSize
) will be made to the file at the specified offset (commitOffset
) to “commit” the session’s work. When that write has completed, an emptyCkReductionMsg
will be sent to thecomplete
callback. Should only be called from a single PE, once per session.Writing data:
void Ck::IO::write(Ck::IO::Session session, const char *data, size_t bytes, size_t offset)
Write the given data into the file to which
is associated. The offset is relative to the file as a whole, not to the session’s offset. Note thatsession
is provided as a member of theSessionReadyMsg
sent to theready
callback after a session has started. Can be called multiple times from multiple PEs.Closing a file:
void Ck::IO::close(Ck::IO::File file, CkCallback closed)
Close a previously opened file. All sessions on that file must have already signaled that they are complete. Note that
is provided as a member of theFileReadyMsg
sent to theopened
callback after a file has been opened. Should only be called from a single PE, once per file. Parallel Input API
The following functions comprise the interface to the library for parallel file input:
Opening a file:
void Ck::IO::open(std::string path, CkCallback opened, Ck::IO::Options opts)
Open the given file with the options specified in
, and send aFileReadyMsg
(wraps aCk::IO::File file
) to theopened
callback when the system is ready to accept session requests on that file. If the specified file does not exist, it will be created. Should only be called from a single PE, once per file.Ck::IO::Options
is a struct with the following input-relevant fields:numReaders
- number of Buffer Chares, or aggregators. The user should chose this number to optimally decompose the read. Typically, chosing the number of Buffer Chares to be the number of PEs performs well.
Starting a read session:
Note there are two variants of the
function, a regular one and a variant which takes an additional argument allowing the user to map Buffer Chares to specified PEs in a round-robin fashion.void startReadSession(File file, size_t bytes, size_t offset, CkCallback ready)
Prepare to read data from
, in the window defined bysize
(both specified in bytes). On starting the session, the buffer chares begin eagerly reading all requested data into memory. The ready callback is invoked once these reads have been initiated (but they are not guaranteed to be complete at this point).void startReadSession(File file, size_t bytes, size_t offset, CkCallback ready, std::vector<int> pes_to_map)
This function is similar to the previous one, but the extra argument pes_to_map allows the user to specify a list of PEs to map the Buffer Chares to. This argument should contain a sequence of numbers representing pes. The Buffer Chares will be mapped to the PEs in a round-robin fashion. This can be useful when the user has a specific decomposition in mind for the read.
Reading data:
void read(Session session, size_t bytes, size_t offset, char* data, CkCallback after_read);
This method is invoked to read data asynchronously from the read session. This method returns immediately to the caller, but the read is only guaranteed complete once the callback
is called. Internally, the read request is buffered until the Buffer Chares can respond with the requested data. After the read finishes, the after_read callback is invoked taking a ReadCompleteMsg* which points to a vector<char> buffer, the offset, and the number of bytes of the read.Closing a file:
void Ck::IO::close(Ck::IO::File file, CkCallback closed)
Close a previously-opened file. All read sessions on that file must have already been closed. Note that
is provided as a member of theFileReadyMsg
sent to theopened
callback after a file has been opened. This method should only be called from a single PE, once per file.
5.6.5. Examples
For example code showing how to use CkIO for output, see tests/charm++/io/
For example code showing how to use CkIO for input, see tests/charm++/io_read/